Chapter 34

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Chapter 34:

-Kalin's POV-

My eyes opened, and the thoughts of last night came flooding back. How perfect the show was, how the meeting afterwards was just what we needed. I smiled and sat up in my bed. I swung my feet around, standing up. I took a few steps, then tripped and fell down.

"What the hell" a voice said

"Holy shit, sorry bruh. I forgot you were in here" I said to Myles while laughing

"Well now I'm awake I guess" Myles said unzipping his sleeping bag

I opened the door to my room, and we walked down the hall. We walked into my living room, and saw Carly and Jessi passed out on the two couches.

"Should we be nice and let them sleep" Myles asked

"Nah" I said laughing

I walked over to Carly, and slowly laid down next to her. I leaned closer and kissed her cheek causing her eyes to open.

"Good morning babe" she said smiling up at me

"Good morning to you too. What would you like for breakfast?" I asked

"Anything is fine" she responded

I looked over and Jessi was awake talking to Myles.

"Hey YBM, why don't we fix our ladies a nice breakfast" I suggested

"Okay, sounds good" Myles said standing up and walking with me into the kitchen

After half an hour of us debating what to make, then eventually realizing we didn't know how to make most of the things we suggested, we ended up making scrambled eggs with some cheese. I got out four plates, and served everyone some and set the table.

I walked out into the living room, and the girls were watching TV.

"Breakfast is ready" I said

"They both smiled over to me and stood up walking into the kitchen

"Those were amazing" Jessi said putting her fork down when she was finished

"Yeah you guys can definitely cook" Carly said

I stood up to take everyone's plates, but Carly stood up too.

"Babe we got the dishes. You made us breakfast so we can clean up. Thank you again, it was really good" Carly said standing up and taking Myles plate

"Are you sure" I asked

"Of course. Now go relax, I'm sure you guys are still exhausted from last night" Carly said taking my plate

I stood up again, with Myles following me. We walked into the living room and started watching tv.

"Hold up I forgot something" I said standing up

I walked back into the kitchen, and saw Carly with her back to me washing dishes in the sink, and Jessi cleaning off the table. I walked up behind Carly, and snaked my arms around her waist from behind.

"What are you doing Kalin, go relax" she said laughing

"I forgot something" I said

"And what did you forgot" she asked

"I forgot to tell you I love you" I whispered in her ear

I moved around and kissed her on the cheek, before walking out of the room leaving her blushing.

After the girls finished cleaning, Jessi has to go home. It was now just Carly, Myles, and I.

"What do you guys want to do today" I asked

"Is Tyler free, cause I'm kinda feeling we should film another video" Myles suggested

"Yeah he might still be sleeping but I'll go call him" I said standing up

I walked back into the room, and sat back down in the couch.

"He's coming over in an hour. I told him to bring all his equipment" I said

"Now what song should we make the video for" Myles asked

"Stuck in a Kodak" I said

"Are you only saying that cause I wrote that song for you" I asked laughing

"No I just would really like to see a video made for that" She said laughing

"That could work. The weather is nice outside. We could driver into SF for the day and shoot a couple scenes out there. Then mayb finish another day" Myles suggested

"That sounds good" I agreed

When Tyler showed up, we all got in the car and drove to SF. We found a good spot and started to set up Tyler's stuff.

"What should the concept be" Myles asked

"I was thinking, at the beginning we could show pictures of us together. Then show us being a couple out here" Kalin said

"Yeah I like that. I'll have to film my part with Jessi another time" Myles said

The video shoot went really well. I think this will be their best one yet. I'm excited to see what the fans will think of this one.

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