Chapter 29

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Chapter 29:

-Kalin's POV-

I walked back into the room carrying all of Jakes equipment. Jessi and Carly got really quiet, probably talking about girl stuff they don't want me to hear. I set the stuff down on the table, as Jake and Myles walked in carrying the last boxes.
"Bruh ready to rehearse?" Myles asked
"Yeah" I said
"Okay the speakers are all hooked up. Here are the mics" Jake said handing us the microphones
"Which song is on the setlist first" I asked
"Um crazy for you. And this is when we jump out of those boxes" Myles said
"Oh yeah, so Jake cut thirty seconds in the intro music for us to jump out" I said
"Okay got it" Jake said messing with the buttons

We rehearsed Crazy For You, Address, Turn, Love Robbery, Stuck in a Kodak, and now to finish this rehearsal we are doing a cover of Strip by Chris Brown.
"Are we still doing the dance" I asked Myles
"Yep" Myles said laughing knowing our girlfriends were about to see this

After the second verse there was a break in the music. This is when we do the floor work that we choreographed a while ago. When we get on our knees and body roll on the floor. We got down, and did the body roll jumping back up to finish the song. I looked over at the girls and the look on their faces were priceless. We finished the song and the girls still looked the same.
"Damn" Carly said biting her lip
"Oh my goodness" Jessi said
"We've never shown you guys that before" I said playing dumb
"Nope never" Carly said
"Well I can teach you how to do it sometime" I responded jumping off the stage and walking to her smirking
She started laughing and put her arms around my waist.
"You guys sounded amazing. This show is going to rock" Jessi said hugging Myles
"Yeah everything was working perfectly" Carly said letting go of me
"Thanks. We still have another rehearsal tomorrow with the other half of the songs" Myles said
"But now Kalin and I have to get home to start school" Carly said
"And I need to go email my teachers explaining why I'm not there today" Jessi said laughing
"Alright babe so I'll see you later" Myles said to Jessi
"Yeah I may be able to stop by your place tonight" Jessi said
Myles leaned in and kissed her, and I heard a little awww come from Carly. I chuckled and turned around grabbing her and kissed her as well. At first she didn't kissed back probably surprised but as she melted into the kiss I felt all the same energy.

-Carly's POV-

There's this feeling I've been getting around Kalin. I don't know how to describe it, but it's almost as if I never want to take my hands off of him. I don't want to seem like an overly attached girlfriend of anything, it's just the love I feel for him is so strong. That sounds so cheesy but it's true, I feel so safe around him. His touch makes me swoon, and I really cannot imagine my life without him.

Kalin and I walked out of the building getting into Myles car.
"Let's sit in the very back this time" I said to Kalin winking
He got a huge smile on his face, climbing in the car. Everyone else joined us in the car, taking their spots. Myles turned on 99.7 and Show My by Kid Ink was on. Myles started singing along, same with Jake.
"So babe I have good news" I said whispering to Kalin
"Yeah" he whispered getting closer to me, putting his arm around me
"My parents are leaving for a weekend trip with my brother on Friday" I whispered cuddling under his arm
"Really now" Kalin whispered as a smile grew on his face
"And guess who gets to come over and spend the weekend at my place" I whispered with a smirk
"Really" Kalin whispered hugging me tighter
"Yep our parents already talked. They both agreed they trust us enough to leave us alone" Carly said
"And what activities will be happening this weekend" Kalin asked with a smirk
"We can watch some movies and cuddle, we can cook different foods, oh and I have some other things in mind" I said smirking as well
"What kinda of other things" Kalin asked
"Here's a little preview" I said with a wink
I leaned in and connect our lips. Kalin moved his in sync with mine, as he slowly ran his tongue on my bottom lip. I parted my lips letting him in. We continued to kiss, until the need for air became too great that we broke apart. Getting our breath back, we leaned in again, and continued to show our affection. Kalin moved his hands to my waist, scooting me closer to him.
"Oh great they're practically having sex in the backseat" We both heard Myles say
Kalin put his hand up waving it telling him to stop, without breaking the kiss. I leaned in more to Kalin's touch, enjoying the security it brought me. I pulled back from the kiss, starting into Kalin's green eyes. In this last two months, I have gotten to know my best friend on a different level. The man I have always loved, loves me back. Thinking back on my relationship with Kalin, even before it was boyfriend and girlfriend, I had always felt an attraction towards him. Not a physical attraction, but if I do say so myself he is hot, but a want for him. A want for his touch, a want for his presence, a want for his love. Now that I have all three, there is a something I know that needs to come next. I looked deeper into his eyes, searching for his thoughts. The security I felt wrapped in his arms was indescribable. The constant love and affection I feel from him is beyond words. The man holding me in his arms is the love of my life. I've been feeling this way for a while now, and I think I'm ready..........

-Hey Everyone, just a little note here. Thank you all so much for reading my story, it means a lot. Also, please comment. I love suggestions on how I can make the story better. Lastly, a very big Happy 19th Birthday to Kalin! Thanks again ~Your Author-

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