Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

-Kalin's POV-

We have all been at Great America for a couple hours now, and it's been fun. I really need to get Carly alone for a few minutes, I have sort of been avoiding telling her something. The last thing I need is for one of the boys to say it in front of her.

"Okay guys, great stuff. Where to next" Tyler said

"How about a lunch break, I'm starving" I said

"When are you not starving"Carly said laughing

"Never" I responded

We all started walking to the huge food court. Everyone grabbed a table under the giant tent.

"Hey guys, Carly and I will be right back" I said grabbing her hand starting to walk with her away

"They're probably going to go make out in the bathroom or something" We hear Myles say as we walk away

We reached around the corner, and Carly kept looking at me worried

"Kalin what's up" she asked

"Nothing just come with me" I said continuing to walk with her

We kept waking until we saw a wire dome, covered with vines and flowers. There were benches inside, so I walked with her to one of the benches.

"Okay seriously Kalin what's wrong" She said with a worried look on her face

"Look, before I say this. Promise not to be mad at me" I say

"Okay, I promise"

"Well. Myles and I are having another show here" I blurt out with my eyes closed

I slowly open them, and see Carly trying to contain her laughter.

"Why is this funny" I ask

"You seriously thought I would be mad at you for that" She asked

"No but I wasn't sure how you were going to react" I said

"Why would I ever be mad" She asked

"I don't know, you've been to my shows. You know what the girls are like, constantly trying to grab me. And the dance moves Myles and I do aren't exactly G rated" I said

"Listen Kalin. Me being your girlfriend, means I support you through everything. I will be in that crowd cheering you on the entire show. Just because we are together should never hold you back, I want you to have fun and i know you'll be perfect" She said looking straight into my eyes

"Wow you're amazing" I said and quickly kissed her "We should probably get back now, Myles thinks we are making out in some bathroom"

"Yeah let's go" she agreed

"Unless you want to make that statement true" I smirked

"Come on let's go" she laughed as she lightly smacked my chest

We walked up to everyone eating lunch

"Hey K I got you a chicken sandwich, and Carly I got you the same thing" Myles said

"Thanks bruh" I responded

Carly and I sat down, and started to eat our food.

"So where to next guys. We've gotten some good footage, but I think I have an idea to make it even better" Tyler said

"Okay what" I responded

"Hop on twitter and tweet the fans saying we're out here. This video is supposed to show how much you've grown, why not include some fans in it as well"

"Aye I like that idea, Kalin you go on our shared account. I'll do it on my personal" Myles said

"Carly you say something too, and Jake you too" I said

After about ten minutes, we had gotten a lot of responses from girl saying they were on their way. We finished up, and walked towards the front gate to meet the fans.

It took about half an hour, but around twenty girls have already shown up and more are on the way.

"You guys are all amazing, thanks so much for coming out" Myles said to everyone

Tyler instructed us to act like we are just walking into Great America. He said this would be the opening scene. Everyone did what they were told, and it looked pretty cool. Now that that was done, all that was left to shoot was the closing scene. Since Myles and Kate aren't actually dating, they just filmed them walking out holding hands.

"Okay now is the time for you and Carly to kiss" Tyler said

"Really" we both said

"Yeah now make sure to make it long enough that I can film from both perspectives. Also keep it PG please" Tyler said causing us both to laugh

I looked at Carly in the eye, and just smiled at her. Tyler gave us the signal that meant he was shooting. We both leaned in, and our lips connected. We stayed like this for about thirty seconds, until Tyler gave the okay. We both pulled apart, and looked into each others eyes again. We both instantly started to laugh.

"What's so funny" Myles asked

"Nothing that was just really awkward for us" We both said

Myles walked away shaking his head and laughing.

The video was now over, and it was time to get home. Everyone decided we would sleepover at Myles house, while Tyler edits. We got in the van, and this time Carly and I were in the back. I could tell Carly was about to fall asleep at any second. I lightly brushed a piece of her hair behind her ear, and kissed her temple. I brought her head down onto my chest, and wrapped my arms around her.

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