Chapter 30

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Chapter 30:

-Kalin's POV-

"What are you thinking about" I asked Carly. She had this weird look on her face, as if a million thoughts were running through her head
"Um nothing, just be ready to have fun this weekend" Carly said scooting away from me
We felt the car stop, and I looked to my right seeing Carly's house.
"Alright love birds this is your stop" Myles said
"What about my car" I asked
"Come by and get it tomorrow" Myles said
"Okay. See you tomorrow for rehearsal" I said climbing out of the car
"Try not to attack each other the second you get inside" Myles said with a wink before driving away

Carly was already at her front door unlocking it. I followed behind her, and could tell she was definitely over thinking something.
"Babe what's wrong. I know something is up" I said following her into her house
"Nothing is wrong. I'm just trying to figure some stuff out right now" Carly said not looking into my eyes
"Are you mad at me for something" I asked
"Of course not. You're perfect" She said smiling
I smiled and wrapped my arms around her
"Can we just stay like this forever" Carly asked with her head in the crook of my neck
"I wish we could" I responded

We let go of each other and walked down the hallway to Carly's room, getting her Laptop.
"Ready to start online school" she asked
"I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be" I said laughing

We walked down the hallway further into her dads office. I sat down at the extra computer they had in there, and quickly went to the website. Carly placed her laptop next to the computer and sat next to me.
"Spanish III lesson one" I read out loud
"This should be fun" Carly's said sarcastically

After working nonstop for 3 hours, we finished enough for that time and decided to take a break.
"What do you want to do" I asked
"I don't know" Carly said laying down on the couch
"Oh okay I see what you want to do" I said laying down next to her
"Stop it" she said lightly hitting my chest while laughing
"Seriously what should we do" Carly asked
"Let's just see what's on tv" I suggested
Carly reached over me and grabbed the remote from the table. She turned on the tv and last thing that was left on was MTV. Carly was about to change the channel when we heard
"We got this video sent to us over 5,000 times by fans asking us to play it on this weeks show. So here it is. This is 'Chase Dreams' by a couple of Bay Area kids who go by the names of Kalin and Myles" The host said

-Carly's POV-

I felt Kalin immediately jump up from the couch. He pulled out his phone to call Myles I assume.
"Dude turn on mtv right now! I don't care if you're watching nascar just turn it on" Kalin yelled excitedly into the phone
I could hear Myles on the other end when he saw it. It sounded like he was screaming on the top of his lungs.
"Hey put it on speaker" I said
Kalin moved the phone from his ear and pressed the speaker button.
"We are on MTV. This is incredible. I'm getting all emotional over here" Myles said
"I know bruh. We got to thank the fans for all they have done. Over 5,000 tweets begging them to show it. They're incredible" Kalin said
"I know bruh. Let's both go online and say thanks. We also got to pay them back somehow. Maybe release something tonight" Myles suggested
"Yeah we should give them something for all their hard work. Let's talk to Tyler and see if that video we shot at Great America is ready" Kalin said
"Okay I'll go call him. Tell Carly I say wassup" Myles said not knowing the phone was on speaker
"Will do" Kalin said slightly laughing and looking at me
Kalin hung up the phone and looked at me.
"I'm so proud of you babe" I said to Kalin
Kalin walked over to me and put his arms around my waist. I reached up and pecked his lips. I looked deep into his eyes, and noticed just what a beautiful shade of green they are. I pulled him down and kissed him harder and more passionate than I ever have before. I could tell he was surprised, and didn't kiss back right away. He ran his tongue against my bottom lip. I let him in, as I let out a little moan. Kalin backed us up, so we were back laying on the couch. He laid down on top of me, and slowly started to slip his hands under my shirt. He lifted himself up to get my shirt off completely, then laid back down on top of me reconnecting our lips. I slipped my hands under his shirt, running my hands up and down his abs. He lifted himself up again, and took his shirt off completely throwing it on the floor. He laid back down, connecting his lips with my neck. He sucked and bit. I knew I would have a hickey to cover tomorrow. I let out another moan, and I could feel Kalin smile against my neck. I moved my hands down to his belt buckle, slowly starting to undo the latch. Kalin put his hands over mine, and leaned back from my neck.
"Carly are you ready for that" Kalin asked looking deep into my eyes
"I've been ready the moment we exchanged I live you's" I said honestly
Kalin smiled, and leaned back down connect our lips once again. I pushed his shoulders back a bit, signaling for him to stand up. He stood up helping me off the couch. He bent down, putting his arm under my knees and picked me up bridal style. I let out a giggle and let him walk me to my room. He set me down once in my room, closing and locking the door. We reconnected our lips, as my hands traveled back down to his belt buckle. I unlatched it, and let him take them off completely. He connected his lips with my neck again, as his hands moved to the button on my jeans. He unbuttoned then as they fell to the floor, leaving me in my bra and underwear.
"One second" Kalin said walking over to his backpack he had in my room. He unzipped the front pocket and pulled out a condom.
"Are you sure about this" He asked once again walking back over to me
"I've never been so sure. You're my best friend, and I love you" I said looking deep into his eyes once again
He smiled at me, as he picked my up and placed me on my bed.

~Three hours later~

-Carly's Mom's POV-

I just finished work, and have finally gotten home. I hope when I walk in the door Carly and Kalin have accomplished something with their school work. I unlocked the door to an empty living room. I walked further into the room, and saw a piece of black clothing on the ground. I walked over and picked it up realizing it was one of Carly's shirts. I was about to put it in the laundry room when I saw another piece of clothing laying father away from it. I picked it up and recognized it as Kalin's shirt. It clicked in my mind what these two pieces of clothing mean. I walked over to my purse, and pulled out my phone. I dialed the number, and instantly she picked up.
"Starlah, I need you to come over right now. I think it's time we have a talk with our kids" I said into the phone

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