Chapter 35

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Chapter 35:

-Kalin's POV-

It's now 7:20am on Monday morning. Carly's parents are home so I'm back at my house. Myles is coming over here at 7:30 so we can both get ready for the meeting.

I got out of bed and walked down the hallway to the kitchen. I had 10 minutes to eat everything I could till I had to leave.

10 minutes later Myles arrived at my front door.

"Hey bruh, you ready for this" he asked

I could tell he was nervous, cause his was kinda fidgety

"Hell yeah. This meeting could change our life" I said walking out of the door way locking it

We walked down the driveway getting into Myles car.

The two hour drive to their condo was mostly silent. I think we both knew what the other was thinking. The dream we have been working so hard towards, could finally come true. Our whole life could change with one signature.

Myles parked the car in the condo parking lot. We both stepped out of the car figuring out which direction their condo was in. We made our way towards condo 142 and walked up the steps, knocking on the door. The door swung open revealing Ed in a similar suit to the one he was wearing at the show.

"Good morning Boys. Glad to see that you guys made it, and you're even early" I laughed to myself knowing we are never early for anything

"Good morning Ed" I said and Myles and I shook his hand

We walked through the front door to see Sarah walking out of the kitchen.

"Good morning boys, are you ready to talk" Sarah asked shaking both of our hands

"Um yeah, let's get started" I said

"Don't worry, your manager already called us and said she would be here a little later" Ed explained

We moved to the living room area, and Myles and I shared the couch. Ed and Sarah took the two chairs that were facing the couch.

"So let's get started by saying you boys are both amazing" Sarah said

"Wow thank you" Myles said

"But let's get down to the business of this" Ed said

"I think it's obvious now that we want to sign you" Sarah said

I looked over at Myles, and both of our eyes widened

(Before you keep reading, just know I have no idea how an actual record deal works. I'm assuming they talk about this stuff, but I have no clue. So just pretend like this stuff actually happens)

"Now if we can work out an agreement, then you might be signed by the end of this meeting" Ed said

"We would start you off with a three record deal. That means three studio albums, released with our publicity team behind it" Ed said

"Three studio albums normally are released over a period of three to four years depending on tours and record sales" Sarah explained

"Does that sound like something you boys would be interested in" Ed asked

I looked over at Myles and we were both speechless. I couldn't find the right words to say so I just started nodding my head yes.

"Alright sounds good. Now with this contract comes with our company rules. They're standard rules that everyone including us has to apply too." Ed said

"The first one is you can only release music using the brand name Kalin and Myles when it's associated with our label. Second there is to be no dating, this one is very important. We feel when someone is in a relationship they are distracted from their work" Sarah said

My heart stopped beating for a second when she said that. I have a girlfriend, and I can't just leave her for my career. I have loved Carly since 6th grade, and I will continue to love her no matter what.

"Ed, Sarah, we really thank you for the offer but we are both happily in relationships right now." Myles said snapping me out of my thoughts

"Oh I see. Think about it like this, is the relationship really worth your future in music" Ed asked

My first thought was that Ed is absolutely insane. Then I remembered a conversation I had with Carly about two months ago.


We were outside walking around Myles neighborhood. It was the day after we had the meeting with Ana where she told us that they were interested in signing us.

"I want you to know. If it ever comes down to me and your career. I want you to choose your career." Carly said

"What the hell are you talking about? I would never choose that over you." I said extremely confused

"You have to. It would hurt like hell, but I would never be able to live with myself knowing I stopped you from doing what you love. You're too talented to let me get in the way of it. We could still be friends" Carly explained

"Carly, I would never be able to live with myself if I chose a job over the person I love. The person I've also loved since 6th grade. You can't expect me to do that" I responded

"I know, like I said it'll hurt like hell, but we have to. I never want to be that person who stops you from doing what you love most, or takes you away from the fans. They would never forgive me. So please, just if it comes down to it, choose singing" Carly said almost in a whisper.

~End of Flashback~

What the hell am I going to do?

"Can you excuse Myles and I for a minute" I asked

"Of course" Ed said

We both stood up, and walk outside closing the door behind us.

"What are we supposed to do. We can't continue to date Jessi and Carly. We could lose our deal" Myles said with a nervous look in his eye

I hesitated before responding to him. I took a deep breath and looked him right in the eye.

"Myles, we have to take it. Carly and I have already had this talk. It's going to hurt like hell, but if she really loves you then she'll understand. I already know Carly understands" I said

Myles face sunk. I think he was hoping I would talk him out of it.

"You know what man, you're right. You have been with me helping me live out our dream for years. We can't just give up on it. Now let's go in there and take that deal" Myles said with a smile on his face

We walked back inside, sitting back down on the couch.

"Please continue with the rules with the contract" Myles said

"The third rule is that as a rapper and a singer, we know that you like to write your own songs. We give you the complete creative control behind the lyrics, except for certain inappropriate topics and words that are forbidden" Sarah said

"And last but not least, we have the final say of which songs end up on the final album. Including the singles you release along the way" Ed said

"So do you boys agree with everything" Sarah asked

Myles and I shook our heads yes again. Ed reached behind him and pulled out two white pieces of paper, with two pens.

"Sign here, and initial here" He said pointing to the two lines at the bottom of the pages

I picked up the pen, and my mind suddenly became swarmed with thoughts. By signing this, I was basically breaking up with Carly. By not signing this, I was letting down fans around the country.

I put the pen down on the paper, and did my signature Kalin White, and KW on both lines.

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