Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

-Carly's POV-

The beat of Girlfriend was blasting through the room. Is this how he's asking me? I thought back to what Kalin said in his room. He said it was going to be cheesy, this is definitely cheesy but very sweet. He also said he was going with the same theme. Well he sang to me to tell me he liked me, so that could be the same theme.

I realized I was way over thinking this. Here is Kalin, singing his heart out to me, and I'm sitting here thinking about what is to come afterwards. I just need to chill and enjoy his amazing voice.

And that's exactly what I did. Kalin was doing the same thing he does to all the girlfriends on stage. He stood me up, so he could sit down, then I sat on his lap. He put his free arm around me waist and hugged me. Kalin finished his verse, and Myles then came in with his rap. It was kinda awkward for Myles because he didn't have anyone to rap to, but he still made it work. I turned my head slightly to kiss Kalin on the cheek.

"Thank you, this is perfect" I whispered into his ear

He gave me a smile in response. He finished up his last verse, with me still on his lap. At the end of the song, Myles walked out of the room.

"Carly, I can't tell you how many times you've asked me to sing you that song. I've always wanted to, but I wanted to do it to you at a time that the words would actually mean something. Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend" Kalin asked, slightly out of breath from singing

"Oh course" I said giving him a hug

He squeezed my body tightly into his, and I felt so safe and loved. He took my hand, and we walked out of the door to Kalin's car that Myles was waiting next to. We got in, and Kalin dropped Myles off at his house.

"Well Carly it's now 9 and a school night, but I haven't given you any food yet so where do you want to go" Kalin asked

"How about.... We go back to your place and we cook some dinner" I asked

"That sounds perfect" he said

We drove about 20 minutes until we pulled into his driveway. We got out of the car, and Kalin took my hand as we walked to the door. He unlocked it, and we both walked in.

"Hey mom! I want you to meet my new GIRLFRIEND Carly" Kalin said screaming the girlfriend part

His mom came running in the room and gave us a huge hug.

"I'm so happy for you too" she said

"Thanks, now we are going to go make some dinner for ourselves" Kalin said pulling me along to the kitchen

"What do you want" he said gesturing to the fridge

"I don't know, what is there" I asked

Kalin started pulling random ingredients out of his fridge.

"We have olives, cheddar cheese, bacon, strawberries, tortillas, pickles, and spaghetti sauce" he said

"What about the cheese and tortillas, and we make a quesadilla" I suggested

"That sounds perfect" he said

I walked around to his counter grabbing one tortilla and a plate. I grabbed some of the shredded cheese, and laid it out on one half of the tortilla. I folded the tortilla in half, and I was done. I looked over at Kalin, and he had grabbed four tortilla and made two full quesadillas.

"Really Kalin? Two of them" I asked laughing

"Hey I haven't eaten all day" he defended

"I don't believe that, come on you're Kalin you never stop eating" I said

"I didn't cause I was nervous about asking you" he said and looked away kinda embarrassed

I walked over to him, and put my arms around his neck. He turned to look down at me.

"Kalin, why were you so nervous about it? You knew I would say yes" I said

"I wanted it to be absolutely perfect, because that's what you deserve" he said

"It was perfect. Anything with you is perfect" I said smiling at him

Kalin leaned down and gave me a simple but loving kiss.

We heated up our quesadillas on the stove, then ate them. It was now 10 and I needed to get home for school the next day. Kalin dropped me off at my house, and then I quickly took a shower before going to sleep.

I woke up the next day, and instantly smiled. I was Kalin White's girlfriend. I got up and got ready for school. I walked outside to my car, and drove to Kalin's to pick him up. When I got there, he was already waiting outside on his driveway. I pulled up, and he opened the passenger side door.

"Hey babe" Kalin said leaving over the center divider to give me a kiss

"Hey" I said back

We drove to school, talking about random stuff along the way. When we got there, we parked and walked onto the campus. A couple freshman walked up to Kalin, telling him his show was amazing. He thanked them, but continued through the courtyard holding my hand. We got a couple looks, since a lot of people knew us and knew us only as best friends only. We just continued to walk ignoring everyone else. We reached the building both of our lockers were in, and walked over to his first. I looked past Kalin to see Jessi at her locker. She looked up at me, then down at our intertwined hands. She gave me a thumbs up, and I giggled.

"What's so funny" Kalin asked

"Oh nothing" I said trying to hold in my laugh

The rest of the day was normal. We basically did the same thing we normally do. We hung out with Jake during break, we spent lunch together with a couple other people, and we survived our boring classes. The final bell had just rung, and Kalin and I were waking out to my car.

"Want to come over after school" Kalin asked on the drive home

"Yeah" I said

We pulled into his driveway, and got out. Kalin opened the front door, and we both walked in. We walked down the hall to his room. We both walked in, and Kalin closed the door. We both sat down on his couch. Kalin looked me up and down, before smirking.

"I have wanted to do this all day" he said

He crashed his lips onto mine. Our lips moved in sync. Things started to get more heated as I sat on his lap. The need for air became to great, so we both pulled apart.

"You know, you don't have to wait to kiss me" I said

"I know, but when we are alone its more special cause it's just you and me" he said

I blushed cause he was too cute.

"I've been thinking about this all day, how are we going to tell your fans" I asked

"That's a good question, we should tell them soon so it comes from us. Hopefully someone at our school hasn't already blabbed." He said

"What if we make a video and upload it to your YouTube channel" I suggested

"Yeah, let's do it right now" he said

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