Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

-Carly's POV-

The rest of the show was amazing. Of course the beginning was amazing too, but something was different about the second half. It seemed like Kalin was almost enjoying it more, like he wasn't doing his absolute best the first half. He still sounded amazing, it's just, I don't know can't really explain it.

Anyway, the show is now over. The boys just ran backstage, and now they have to wait until the place is clear to come out. Their moms and Julie, who is the street team leader and one of the boys best friends, are helping file everyone out. I stood back and just took it all in. I watched as all the girls walked out the door, a permanent smile on their faces. They looked like they just had the time of their lives, and that they would never forget this day. It made my really happy, to see all the joy the guys bring to their fans. Also, I've seen some of the things they do to help the guys get their name out there. Those girls are all amazing, each of them working so hard to help Kalin and Myles chase their dreams. Kalin tells me all the time how much he loves his fans. I've had a twitter for a while, and a lot of the KamFam follows me. I follow most of them back, and I love seeing their tweets about the boys. They're all so dedicated.

I was deep in thought, but lost it when two arms wrapped around my waist and someone kissed me on the cheek.
"What did you think of the show?" Kalin whispered in my ear
I turned around in his arms, and put my arms around his neck.
"It was amazing, as always" I said with a smile
"I'm glad you like it" Kalin said returning the smile "So, everyone is coming back to my house to celebrate an awesome show, you want to come?"
"Of course" I said
"Cool, come on everyone is ready to go" Kalin said grabbing my hand and pulling me through the now empty venue
I was so wrapped in my thoughts, and with Kalin I didn't even realize we were the only ones still in there. They must of gotten everyone out pretty quickly.

"There you guys are" Kalin's mom said once we walked out the doors
"Yeah sorry, we got side tracked" I said
"Yeah you got side tracked alright" Tyler said from beside Kalin
Kalin smacked him on the arm, and Tyler laughed.

We all got in our cars. Me in my own. Kalin in his own. Myles, Jake, and Tyler in the van, and their families in their own cars.

We got to Kalin's house, and all parked outside on the street and driveway. We all walked inside and everyone sat down and relaxed. The show went great, but it was exhausting. Not only for the boys, but the audience goes ham too. Tyler, Jake, and Myles were all sharing a three seater couch. Kalin and I were on a two seat couch, and their families were outside in his backyard.

I kept feeling like, Kalin and I still needed to talk. I'm not sure what about, but it just needs to happen.

I leaned up a bit. Kalin had his arm around me, so he noticed my sudden shift. He looked down at me and smiled, I returned the smile.
"Hey, can we go talk in your room?" I whispered
"Yeah, of course" he said
Kalin stood up, me following. He intertwined our hands, and we started to walk out of the room.
"Hey guys, we'll be up in my room for a bit. We'll be back down later" Kalin said to Myles Jake and Tyler
"Don't make too much noise" Myles joked
"Yeah, yeah" I said laughing
We left and Kalin and I walked up the stairs, and down the hallway. We got to his door.
"Actually, could you just wait here for a second" Kalin asked
"Umm sure" I said
Kalin opened his door, walked in and closed it. I could hear some rustling and movement from behind it. Kalin then opened the door with a smile.

Nothing looked different, it's the same room I've known since I was young. He still has the same colored walls, except now posters cover almost everything. His furniture has always been in the same place, since we were really little. It all made me realize how much of a history we have together. The amount of sleepovers, countless hours we spent listening to music, or just chillin, we are inseparable. Kinda scary to think if we mess this relationship up, it could stop all the future memories we could have made.

I shook all the negative thoughts away. I finally have Kalin, he's not just my best friend anymore, he's.... He's... Actually what are we?

Kalin walked me over to the couch he had, and we sat down again similar to downstairs. It feels right to be in his arms. I moved my head so it was resting on his chest.
"Carly, I know it's only been about two hours, but this just feels right" Kalin said

I moved my head so I could look up at him. I leaned up and kissed him. The same spark from earlier was there, but this one was more intense. I sat up a little more, our lips still connected. They continued to move in sync. Everything about this felt right, he was the guy I needed and wanted. I was now sitting completely straight up, across from Kalin. I started to lay back, Kalin following. Now laying down, and Kalin was on top of me. I had my hands around his neck, and he had his around by the sides of my head supporting himself up. Things started to get more intense. He moved his lips from my lips to my neck. Everything just felt so right. Like this is exactly what is meant to be. He moved his lips back up to mine, and we continued to kiss.

Then I remembered why I brought him up here. Making out is fun, but we have later to do that. We need to talk.

I pulled my lips away from his, both of us out of breath. Kalin was still on top of me, and he smiled down at me. I smiled back. I lightly pushed him forward, to signal I wanted to sit up. He moved back to a sitting position, and I did too.

"Okay Kalin we need to talk" I said looking into his green eyes
"Okay, about what" he asked
"So we're sitting here, you're on top of me making out... I know you like me, and it's obvious I like you too, but what are we" I asked
Kalin seemed confused by the question
"What are we to each other. Are we dating, boyfriend and girlfriend, friends with benefits, I need to know" I said laughing
"Well Carly, you have been my best friend my entire life. I know you a lot better than you think. As of right now, we are dating. Just wait though, you will be my girlfriend soon. I just need to find a really good way to ask you" he said
My cheeks turned red, and I saw him smile because of that.

I was satisfied with that answer.

"Just wondering. Why did I have to wait outside before coming in" I asked
"Oh um, no reason" Kalin said kinda nervous
"Were you trying to clean up" I asked
Kalin slowly nodded
"Kalin I want you to listen to me. Just because we are together now, doesn't mean anything needs to change. You are still, and will forever be my best friend. I have seen you at your worst, but I've also seen you at your best. I don't ever want you to act different around me, act like the sane old Kalin. Cause that's the Kalin I like" I said looking deep into his eyes
"Gosh you're amazing" Kalin said smiling
I returned the smile, and we cuddled back up together on the couch.

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