Chapter 46: Final Chapter

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Chapter 46: Final Chapter

-Kalin's POV-

November 2nd, 2016. Oakland, California.

Exactly 4 years since the Chasing Dreams Concert. The first headlining show we ever had.

Myles and I have been on tour for the last 6 months, and tonight is our final show. I opened up the door of the tour bus, and looked up at the giant red letter at the top of the venue. Oracle, the arena we've been wanting to play together since we first released more than friends. Oracle arena holds about 20,000 people, and each one of those seats will be filled tonight.

I looked to my left, and there stood Carly. My girlfriend of over two years, and the absolute love of my life. I looked to my right, and there stood Myles. My music partner of over five years, and the best friend you could ever ask for.

I put my arm around Carly as we started walking into the arena. We walked in the front doors, and I looked over at Myles. There was a scared look in his eyes, that maybe we can't put on a show for this many people. Maybe this is too much for us. I felt like that as well, but the feeling of knowing our hard work has finally paid off masked it all.

"Don't worry bro, we got this" I said looking over at Myles

"Thanks man" Myles said back

We walked further into the building, and walked down all the rows until we hit the floor seats. I took Carly's hand, and lead her down the last row on the floor. We stopped in the middle and took a seat.

"This is it" I said

"Everything you've worked towards" Carly said

"All the time and effort we put into our music" I said

"All comes down to tonight" she finished

"I'm really nervous" I admitted

"Don't be, this crowd will be nothing but love tonight" Carly said

"I know, thanks" I said leaning over kissing her forehead

"Listen I got to go, since were back in the bay my mom wants me to come home for a few hours. I've been gone for six months and I think she's right" Carly said

"That's okay babe, go home for a bit. Come back a little bit before the show, make sure to wear your VIP pass so you can get backstage" I said

She got up and walked out of the building

I looked up and saw our set was all ready for us tonight. Jakes table with the famous Kalin and Myles banner hanging on the front. The very large confetti cannons that will be set off during the Bow in love robbery. The black stools that will seat our "girlfriends" tonight. Jakes laptop that holds all the background music for tonight. Last but not least, our setlist that is taped to the floor towards the front of the stage. Each one of those songs meaning so much to us. Each one reflecting us as not only men but artists.

I stood up and walked backstage. I made it to my dressing room, and opened it seeing Myles inside.

"Hey bruh what are you doing" I said to Myles who was sitting on the couch on his phone

"I'm just texting Jessi telling her to have a safe flight" Myles responded

"Tell her the same from me. She's going to have so much fun in Europe" I said

"I know, I just wish she was here with us" Myles admitted

"It's okay bro, she'll have a great time over there but she won't forget how much she loves you" I said

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