Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

-Carly's POV-
He what? He couldn't of just said that? But why would my mind make up something like that? I mean we've only been together a month!

I gently pushed my lips against his again, feeling all the sparks I've felt since day one.
"I love you" Kalin whispered again

I didn't make it up, he really does love me. How do I respond, do I say it back? We've only been together a month, but I've known him my whole life. To many thoughts, I can't take it!
"I love you too" I said back before my brain could fully process what had just happened

After the words left me lips, my whole body started to heat up. Not from sweating, but from blushing. This is one weird blush if my whole body is hot. Then I realized, it was the literal feeling of love. The boy in my arms, warms my heart. He does nothing but make me smile. I do truly love him, I'm surprised I second guessed myself.

Suddenly a hand entered the booth, and pulled back the curtain.
"You guys seriously couldn't wait to make out until we were home" Myles asked slightly annoyed
"No, and I'm not even sorry about it" Kalin responded
Myles started laughing, then moved back to give us room to step out. Kalin stepped out first, followed by me. The second i left the curtains, Kalin pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm speaking from the heart when I say this. I love you, and all I want is the best for you. I'm always going to be here for you, for anything" Kalin whispered in my ear
"I love you too, thank you. I'm here for you too" I whispered back
I leaned back, and gave him a quick kiss

Myles cleared his throat, and we knew we needed to stop being so on top of each other. We continued to walk through the mall, found Jake and Tyler and left.

When we got back to Myles house, all the boys kept complaining about how hungry they were. They decided to order pizza, and it would be arriving in about 20 minutes.

"Hey come with me" Kalin whispered to me
I nodded, and he led me upstairs to Myles room. We sat down on his couch, and Kalin gave me this weird look. Like he was trying to read my mind or something.
"Whats wrong Kalin" I asked
"Nothing, I'm just thinking about how we got here. Going from best friends, to a couple so quickly. I've loved every second of it, and I'm glad I decided to tell you how I felt" Kalin said
"I'm glad you did too" I said slightly giggling
Kalin looked into my eyes again, before leaning in and connecting our lips. Our lips moved in sync, and I leaned back bringing Kalin with me. I felt all the sparks I've felt from the beginning. The fireworks that went off during our first kiss. Nothing's changed since then, I'm just even more in love now. He put his hands on either side of my head to keep his body up. Kalin slowly ran his tongue along my bottom lip, and I parted mine. I ran my hands from around his neck, down his torso, to the hem of his shirt. I slowly started to lift it up, causing Kalin to sit up for a second to take it off completely. Our lips reconnected, and I gently trance my hands along his abs. I could feel one of his hands move from by my head, to the hem of my shirt. He started to pull up, and he leaned back letting me take mine off. He connected his lips with my neck, causing me to let out a small moan. He left a trail from my neck back to my lips. He reconnected our lips, and we continued to move in sync. I moved my hands down to his belt buckle, and started to open the latch, until I felt hands over mine. Kalin moved my hands away, and sat up getting off of me. I sat back up too, sitting next to him.
"You don't want to" I asked
"Of course I do, I really really want to. Just not now in here. This is Myles room, and I'm pretty positive he was kill both of us if he found out, and it's kind of weird to do it in here" Kalin said laughing
"That's true" I said laughing with him

I stood up and grabbed my shirt, putting it back on. I felt Kalin wrap his arms around me, and I laid my head on his bare chest.

We stood like this for a couple minutes, just enjoying each other's company. We heard the doorbell ring, and Kalin let me go. He grabbed his shirt, quickly sliding it back on, and almost running out the door.

"Damn that boy loves food" I quietly said to myself laughing

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