Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

-Carly's POV-

Kalin and I pulled up two chairs in front of his camera

"Wait, shouldn't Myles also be in this. You know since it's going up on your shared channel" I asked

"Wouldn't it be kinda awkward if Myles is in our relationship reveal video" Kalin asked

I started laughing thinking about how true that statement was

"Plus Myles is chill with it. I texted him while you got my camera, he's fine" Kalin said

I smiled at him

"You ready" I asked

"Of course" Kalin said kissing my check before I hit start to start the recording

"Hey guys, this is Kalin here. In this video I have a very special guest. Her name is Carly" Kalin said gesturing towards me

"Hey guys" I said smiling to the camera

"Some of you guys may know her from twitter, or you also might of seen her at a couple of our shows. You see, Carly here is my best friend" Kalin said smiling

I blushed after that comment

"But there is something we both want to say. Before I say it, I just want you guys to know the reason I'm telling you is because I trust all of you guys. You have done nothing to prove me wrong so far, so I feel I should be completely honest" Kalin paused for a second "I have a girlfriend, it's Carly. I know that throughout this whole experience so far, I have remained pretty much single. I know this is probably going to hurt some people, but please know nothing will change. I still love each and every one of you to pieces, and that will never change. Also, please give Carly the respect she deserves. I know all of you will remain kind to Carly, and not hate" Kalin said "anything you'd like to add Carly" Kalin asked me

"So guys, like Kalin said nothing is going to change. I'm not taking him away from you guys, I would NEVER do that. Please respect our relationship. Whenever I see you guys supporting the boys, I know how dedicated you are. I have so much love for you guys because of it. So please just respect us." I said smiling

"Thank you guys for watching, and I'm glad I can be so open and honest with you guys. Always remember I love you, and you're not just fans, you're family" Kalin said

And with that we stopped recording

"I think that went well" I said

"Yeah, and knowing them they'll appreciate the honesty. I trust them" Kalin said

I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"Should we edit it now" I asked

"Yeah probably" Kalin agreed

We took the next twenty minutes editing it. It was mostly fine by itself, just a couple cuts here and there.

"You ready" Kalin asked once again

"Of course"

Kalin pressed upload. Because it was only a minute video it only took about 30 seconds to upload. When it was finished, Kalin tweeted the link off his shared account and personal twitter.

Within a minute I was already getting mentions.

~You guys are so cute, I love you guys together~

~Carlin. I ship it~

~Awe I'm glad you're together. You deserve each other~

~As long as Kalin's happy I'm happy~

Everyone was just being sweet. His fans are the best.

"They like it. They actually like us as a couple" I said with a huge smile

"I knew they would, how could they not like you" Kalin said making me hardcore blush

"Okay, you Mr. White are extremely cheesy" I said

"You want to see cheesy, huh" Kalin said

Kalin scooped me up out of the chair, causing me to scream from surprise. He put me over his shoulder, then put me down on his couch. Kalin climbed on top of me, and our lips instantly connected. We continued to kiss, until I felt his tongue run across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I let him in, depending the kiss. I moved my hands from around his neck, to under his shirt feeling his abs. I let my hands grab the hem of it, lifting it up until he pulled away for a second to completely remove it. He moved back down capturing my lips again. I ran my hands along his abs, as his lips moved to my neck. I let out a slight moan, and Kalin moved back up to my lips with a smirk on his face. I could feel his hands move from the sides of my head, down to my waist. He slowly laid his body weight on me. His hands went under the hem of my shirt and rested on my waist.

"OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!" we both hear

Both of our heads snapped to the doorway to see Myles and Jake with wide eyes.

Kalin climbed off of me, grabbing his shirt that was now on the floor. He put his shirt on, and helped me up off the couch.

"Um hi guys" I said blushing from embarrassment

"We came over here to tell y'all congrats on how well the fans reacted. We didn't expect to see that" Myles said letting out a little laugh

"Yeah um, knock next time, okay" Kalin said

"So........ do you guys want to go out to dinner" Jake asked

"Yeah that sounds great" I said

Kalin nodded too

Kalin grabbed my hand, as we walked out of his room with Myles and Jake In front. We walked out to Jake's car, Myles sitting in the passenger seat, Kalin and I taking the backseat.

After about ten minutes of them listening to the radio, and singing along to it, I leaned over to Kalin.

"You know, none of that earlier was cheesy" l said smirking

"Oh, is that so" Kalin said

He leaned forward making our lips connect once again.

"Oh man, here we go again" Myles said laughing

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