Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

-Carly's POV-

My dad just took Kalin out of the room to talk to him. I'm kinda worried he'll scare him. Kalin's known my dad since he was born, considering we've been best friends since. I don't think my dad will try and do anything to stop our relationship. At least I hope not.

-Kalin's POV-

Mr. Sanchez just pulled me out of the room. We are now walking towards his office. When we reach it, he opens the door and tells me to go inside. I go in, and sit on one of the very familiar couches in there. He walks in after me, sitting in the office chair behind his desk.
"Hello Kalin" He said smiling
"Hi Mr. Sanchez" I said back, with sort of a nervous tone
"Don't be nervous, I just want to speak to you about what has happened in the last few days" He said
"Well.... Um, your daughter and I are now together"
"I see, and you really like her huh?" He asked
"More than I'll ever be able to describe"
"That's what I wanted to hear. Listen Kalin, I know you, and I know you are a good kid. You're practically another son to me. I know you will treat my daughter right. You guys won't do anything that I wouldn't approve correct?" He asked with a very serious look on his face
"Of- of course not" I stuttered
"Then we are good here. And again, I didn't mean to scare you Kalin, just wanted to have a nice talk" He said
I stood up from the couch, and walked out the door. Her dad was behind me as we walked back into the room that Carly was in.
"Well we had a good talk, huh Kalin" He asked
"Uh yeah" I agreed
He patted me on the back, before walking back into the kitchen. Carly stood up and grabbed my hand. She looked up at me, with a concerned look on her face.
"Babe, come with me" she said
I followed her down the hallway, into her room again. She walked in, signaling me to sit on her bed. She closed to door quietly, so her parents wouldn't hear. She walked and stood right in front of me, causing me to look up at her.
"Okay what did my dad say to you" She asked
"Nothing to bad, he just wanted to make sure I was going to treat you right" I said
"He really needed to scare the crap out of you, just to ask that" Carly said laughing
"I think he just wanted me to know how great of a girl I have, and not to mess it up" I said
Carly smiled down at me, I put my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me.
"And don't worry, I know how great you are" I said before leaning up and kissing her
We separated, and I looked into her eyes. I knew the girl in my arms right now, was someone I couldn't lose. She was someone who not only liked me, but supported me and my dream since the beginning. I will never be able to tell her exactly how grateful I am for her and her support. Hopefully with us being together, I'll be able to truly show her the gratitude. My thoughts were interrupted when her brother knocked on the door.
"Guys dinners ready" Dylan said from outside the door
I let go of Carly, and we walked out of her room together. We walked into the kitchen, taking a seat at the dinner table. Everyone started grabbing the different dishes, and serving themselves. I grabbed the chicken, and picked out two pieces, then moved on to the potatoes.

Dinner was great. Her mom always makes good food.
"Hey want to stay a little longer and watch a movie" Carly asked
"Yeah that sounds great"
We walked down the hall, into her tv room. She opened the cabinets to all the movies. We both decided on Hangover 1 cause it was hilarious. She put the movie in, and joined me on the couch. I put my arm around her, and she put her head on my chest.
"You know that last time we were in here, it was the day I decided I wanted to tell you how I felt" I said
"Well then this is a very special room" She said leaning up and kissing me
We pulled apart and focused on the movie. My eyelids started to get heavier, and I fell asleep with my arms wrapped around Carly.

(Hey guys, thank you all so much for getting me to 1K reads. Everyone who reads/votes/comments on this story, it means a lot. Thank you again. -Your Author)

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