Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

-Carly's POV-

We finished up shopping, and Kalin's mom brought me back to my house. I hadn't talked to Kalin all day, since I left while he was still asleep. So I texted him.

~Hey I'm back, do you want to come over for a little bit~

~I definitely want to, but I can't~

~aww why~

~you'll find out real soon ;)~

~umm okay?~

~Just don't make any plans for tomorrow night, it's time for our first date. I know it's a school night, tell your mom not to worry I'll have you home in time for you to get enough sleep~

~Aww okay, but what should I wear? What are we doing?~

~Wear something casual, and you'll have to wait and see. I got to go babe, my mom just came home from dropping you off. I'll talk to you later!~

~Okay bye~

I placed my phone on my nightstand, and just smiled. I probably looked kinda creepy right now, since I'm just smiling at my ceiling, but I don't care. Kalin.... Just... He's just perfect. We have only been together for 24 hours, but I have known him my whole life. I know almost everything about him, except I've never seen this side. I've seen the brother side, the best friend side, but never the boyfriend side. I'm excited to see how this turns out.

-The next day-

I woke up and instantly had butterflies. I didn't get why I was so nervous, we hang out all the time. Something felt different, a really good different. I stood up, and got out of bed. I walked downstairs, and just had some eggs for breakfast. Everyone was already gone. Even though it was a Sunday, my parents run their own business so they work weird hours. My brother works 7 days a week so he can save the money faster.

I finished my breakfast, and went upstairs. I quickly took a shower, and got dressed. I walked over to my nightstand, and texted Kalin.

~Hey, you never told me what time to be ready by~

~Be ready at 6. I'll pick you up. Make sure the clothes you're wearing are comfortable~

~okay sounds good, see you later~

~Bye babe~

I set my phone back down, and walked over to my closet. Kalin said casual and comfortable. I grabbed a couple things and liked them. I then walked over to my desk, where I do my make up. I finished everything and looked in the mirror

I grabbed my now fully charged phone, and made my way downstairs. I sat in my living room, and checked my phone. I had no text messages, so I decided to go on twitter. I hadn't checked it since the day before the show, so I probably have a couple notifications. I got to my profile, and noticed I had gained over 400 followers. I went to my mentions, and almost all of them were "Congrats on being chosen as Kalin's girlfriend" or "You and Kalin looked really cute together onstage" and then there were "Since you and Kalin are best friends, could you please tell him I love him"
I instantly smiled while reading through them. His fans are seriously the sweetest. I hope we can tell them about us soon, and I hope they take it well. I tried to favorite as many of the mentions as possible, before sending out a tweet of my own.

~Thank you guys for all the sweet mentions. All of you are so amazing!~

I was scrolling down my timeline, and I saw Kalin had tweeted ten minutes ago.

~About to be a very special night with a very special girl ;)~

Okay Kalin, I see you indirecting me. At least I hope that was towards me. I decided to indirect him back.

~About to be a really fun night, don't know what's going to happen, but when I'm with you the surprises are always good~

I sent it, and instantly started getting favorites and retweets. Dang his fans love twitter!

I heard a car door shut outside, followed by the doorbell ringing. I stood up and walked over to the door unlocking it. I opened the door, to see Kalin looking amazing as always. He had jeans, and a pink dolphin hoodie on. I think he saw me checking him out, cause he started laughing. He stepped forward, and wrapped his arms around me for a hug. I hugged him back, I really missed him. Even though it's only been a day since I've seen him. I pulled back, out of the hug and just smiled at him. He smiled back, then took my hand in his. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. Kalin started walking with me out the door. I turned around, taking my hand out of his, to lock the door. I turned back around and put my hand back in his. We walked out to his car, and Kalin opened the door for me. I got in, and waited for him to get in the drivers side. He climbed in his car, and backed out of the driveway.

"So can you please tell me where we are going now" I asked
"Nope, not yet. You'll see" he said with a smirk
I sighed, then leaned back against the seat. It got quiet. Not an awkward quiet, a comfortable quiet. I watched the trees as we passed by them, and just thought about everything.

I was headed out on my first date with Kalin. If someone had told me this a year ago, I would of laughed at them. It's crazy to think how fast we got out of the friendzone. I've liked him since about 7th grade, when I truly realized what liking someone was. I remember the fear I had of losing him. The dreams I used to have of me telling him, and him freaking out and never talking to me again. I still remember waking up shaking, from those dreams. I couldn't even imagine losing my best friend. I also remember the first time Kalin told me he wanted to be a singer. I was 100% supportive right away. The first time I heard him sing, I remember looking into his eyes and truly realizing he was the one I wanted. I of course kept that emotion bottled up until recently. I also remember the first time I met Myles. How he thought Kalin and I were dating, and we had to quickly explain we were only friends. The words only friends hurt more than I can explain. But of course, I continued to be Kalin's best friend, thinking I would only ever be Kalin's best friend.

"What are you thinking about" Kalin said taking me out of my thoughts
"Nothing, just how lucky I am to have you" I said
Kalin glanced at me for a second with a smile, before turning back to focus on the road.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. Our moms were watching us sleep the other day" Kalin said laughing
"WHAT" I asked laughing as well
"Yep, I woke up at around 7 and they were both staring at us. They called us cute" he said
"Oh my god that's kinda creepy" I said laughing even harder

The laughing died down, as we pulled into the parking lot of the place our date would be at. I immediately knew what this place was, and Kalin knew I always loved coming here since I was a kid.

I looked up at the sign that read...
Mini golf. The same place they shot their #TeamKalinAndMyles go mini golfing video two years earlier. I started laughing again, just thinking about that video.

"So what do you think" he asked
"We haven't been here in like two years" I said
"I know, that's why I wanted to bring you here. As kids we had such great times here" he said
I smiled at him, he is seriously the sweetest.

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