Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

-Kalin's POV-
I woke up on the couch in Myles living room. I looked to the right of me, and saw Tyler asleep on the other couch. I sat up, and swung my legs around, so they were hanging off the side, and my feet were resting on the floor. I stood up, and instantly smelled bacon. I walked into the kitchen, and saw Myles and Carly cooking and talking. I stood back in the door way, and listened to their conversation.
"Yeah everything is going great so far" Myles said, he must be talking about our new music
"That's good. Kalin told me the same thing. He said he's really excited for the fans to hear it" Carly responded
"Yeah, I think the new stuff is really stepping it up. The new sound is a whole new level" Myles said as I heard him open the fridge
"I'm excited to hear it too" Carly said, I could almost hear the smile in her voice
"Speaking of Kalin, how are things going with you two. Even though I haven't known you as long as K has, you're still one of my best friends" Myles said
"Things are great. I'm really happy" Carly said
"I can tell Kalin is too. Don't tell him I told you, but he wrote one of our upcoming songs about you" Myles said
"What really" Carly asked
"Yeah, make sure not to tell him I told you. It's supposed to be a surprise" Myles said
"Okay I won't" Carly said giggling

I figured now was a good time to walk in.
"Hey guys" I said walking in and yawning
"Good morning man. We'll have breakfast done in a second" Myles said
I nodded, and walked over to Carly. She was facing the stove watching the pancakes. I snaked my arms around her waist, and leaned around and kissed her cheek.
"Good morning to you too" Carly said laughing
I let her go, and walked over to the table sitting down.

-Carly's POV-

I hope he didn't hear us. I don't want him knowing that I know about the song.

-Myles POV-

If Kalin heard us, I'm screwed. He'll kill me, I promised I wouldn't tell her.

-Kalin's POV-

I'm kinda upset Myles told her, but I'm cool with it. It's not like he showed her the song. It'll still be a surprise when she hears it.

After breakfast, we all agreed to go stop by the mall. We have just released the date of our EP drop, we need new clothes for the concert we are having the weekend after it releases.

When we got to the mall, Myles, Jake, and Tyler all went in a different direction. I think they knew Carly and I wanted to be alone. Not that we don't like hanging with them, but we haven't gotten any alone time lately.

We are now just walking through the mall, holding hands, and looking at the shops. We already bought me the clothes I need. I got a black crew neck that says "the Bay" on it, and some camo shorts.
"Hey you want anything while we are here" I asked Carly
"No I'm okay. Thanks though" she said smiling and lightly squeezing my hand

We kept walking, and saw a small photo booth off to the side.
"Come on, we have to do that" I said pulling her towards
"Are you serious" She asked laughing
"Yes now come on"
We pulled back the red curtains, and climbed in the box. I put in a five dollar bill, and immediately we smiled.

The first one we just smiled, then we made weird faces. It was now the last photo, and I turned to look at Carly. She turned to look at me, and I smiled as I leaned in. Our lips connected as the final flash went off. Our lips continued to move in sync, long after the flash. We finally separated, and I looked deep Into her eyes. The girl next to me brought me such happiness. She has been with me side the beginning, and I don't think ill ever be able to express to her how grateful I truly am. Looking deep into her eyes, I'm at my happiest. I know the love I fell for her is true, and pure. I leaned in again, and let our lips connect. I slowly leaned back.
"I love you" I whispered against her lips...

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