Chapter 26

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Chapter 26:

-Carly's POV-

I grabbed his hand smiling up at him. He returned the smile, but still had that nervous look in his eye. We walked towards the door.
"Hey Myles, we'll be back in about twenty minutes" I said
"Okay. Where are you guys going?" Myles asked
"Oh you know, to go do some couple type things" I said smiling at him
He smirked, and laughed a bit to himself.
"Okay you guys have a good time" He said still slightly laughing

I grabbed Kalin's hand tighter, bringing him out of the front door. We walked down Myles street, turning onto a different one.
"Carly what is this about" Kalin said

-Kalin's POV-

She let go of my hand, but turned around so all I saw was her back.
"Kalin, listen to me" She said
"I am listening, what?" I asked

She turned back around to face me, and that's when I saw she was crying.
"What is this about Carly, you're scaring me" I said
"Kalin. I heard what you and Myles were talking about earlier, about how you were worried for our relationship" Carly said trying her hardest to not let anymore tears fall
"Go on" I said
"I want you to know. If it ever comes down to me and your career. I want you to choose your career" Carly said
"What the hell are you talking about? I would never choose that over you" I said extremely confused
"You have to. It would hurt like hell, but I would never be able to live with myself knowing I stopped you from doing what you love. You're too talented to let me get in the way of it. We could still be friends" Carly explained
"Carly, I would never be able to live with myself if I chose a job over the person I love. The person I've also loved since 6th grade. You can't expect me to do that" I responded
"I know, like I said it'll hurt like hell, but we have to. I never want to be that person who stops you from doing what you love most, or takes you away from the fans. They would never forgive me. So please, just if it comes down to it, choose singing" Carly said almost in a whisper
I could see more tears fall, and roll down her cheeks. I stepped closer to her, wrapping my arms around her. She gave in, and put hers around me too. I rested my chin on the top of her head.
"Babe, I'm only saying this because I love you. I will choose it only because it's what you want. Just know I will continue to love you, that will never change" I said holding her tighter

I let her go, as she wiped away the rest of her tears. She smiled up at me.
"Thank you for listening" She said standing on her tip toes to give me a kiss.
I kissed her back, feeling the same love that I felt the first time we kissed. I have no idea how I would ever be able to let her go.

-Carly's POV-

Wow that hurt so much to say to him. I never want him to break up with me, and I won't ever either, but I know what I did was right. I couldn't handle knowing I disappointed the fans and Myles. I would never be able to see him give up his dream. So even though I know I'll never get over the love I have for him, I can't hold him back.

"Why don't I take you out tonight" Kalin said grabbing my hand walking in the direction towards Myles house
"Yeah, but what about the songs" I asked
"I'm sure Myles won't mind me leaving early, I'm sure he'll want a break too" Kalin said
"Okay. I'm really tired, so I think I'm going to head home and rest before tonight. What time do you want me back at Myles house" I asked
"Stay at yours, I'll come pick you up at 8" Kalin said
"Okay sounds good" I responded

When we got back to Myles house, I grabbed my keys from inside and unlocked my car.
"Bye babe, I'll see you tonight" I said to Kalin
"Bye" he said quickly giving me a kiss

When I got to my house, I opened my front door, and walked inside. Kalin's mom was over with my mom.
"Hey Carly. How's everything with the boys. My son hasn't called me since yesterday" Kalin's mom said
"They're great, they actually have some news, but I'll leave that to Kalin to tell you" I said
"Is it good" She asked
"It's amazing" I smiled
"Good to hear" she responded
"Well you guys have fun, I'm really tired so I'm going to go sleep a little before tonight" I said
"What's tonight" My mom asked
"Kalin's taking me out, I don't know where, but somewhere" I said
"Oh, have fun you two" She said

I walked over into my room, and shut the door. I climbed into bed quickly falling asleep.

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