Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

~Two weeks later~

-Carly's POV-

It's been two weeks, and things have just been weird. Kalin and I have hardly talked, and I think he's hiding something from me. The car rides to school have been awkwardly quiet. Things have never been like this, something has to be up.

Anyway, tonight is the night of the Kalin And Myles Welcome Back To The Bay Concert! I'm really excited, cause I know their shows are always fun. I still have that VIP ticket Kalin gave to me, but I'm worried things are going to get awkward.

It was around 2:00PM, and the concert started at 7:00, but everyone knows you have to get there early. So I started getting ready and ended up wearing this

I grabbed my ticket from my desk, grabbed my phone, then walked out the door to my car. I drove about an hour and a half to SF, to get to the venue. When I got there, fans were already lined up around the corner. I parked in a lot across from the venue, then walked up to the front door. I showed the security my VIP pass, so I could get inside. Normally a VIP pass means M&G, but this one is an actual pass that the family and friends get so they can get backstage and inside. I walked in the doors, and I could hear the boys warming up. I walked up a flight of stairs, and I was immediately in the stage area. Kalin saw me and smiled, they finished the song and he hopped down off the stage. He walked up to me and gave me a huge hug, almost as if nothing weird had been happening. Myles then jumped down, and gave me a hug as well. Jake and Tyler walked over and also greeted me with a hug.
"I'm really glad you're here. This show is going to be really different and I wanted you to see it" Kalin said smiling at me
"You know I would never miss it" I smiled back "But I don't want to disturb your rehearsal, so where is your mom" I asked
Kalin pointed over to a door to the right of the stage. I walked over and opened the door to see Kalin and Myles' family. Kalin's mom immediately gave me a hug, and we sat down on a couch.
"So sweetie, are you excited for tonight?" Kalin's mom asked
"Yes. The shows are always amazing. Kalin said this one would be different though." I said
"Yeah, this one is definitely going to be different." She says smirking and looking away
"Okay is everyone from this family hiding something from me?" I thought to myself
I brushed it off and we continued to talk until it was time. When it was 7:00 everyone from inside the room walked out into a side area by the stage to watch. The only difference is we had chairs, and the general spots didn't. We all got a seat, I was sitting next to Kalin's mom of course. The music started playing, and Jake ran out from a side door. Tyler was already onstage recording it all. Then Jake started the music for Go To Work, and Kalin and Myles came running out. Immediately everyone was screaming. Their fans were going HAM, jumping up and down and singing/rapping along to everything.

They did a couple songs, and one certainly stuck out. During Address they broke out into Take Me Down by Chris Brown and did some very scandalous things to the stage floor. When they did that I looked over at their moms and they were both covering their eyes. It was really funny. The next song I know by heart. Girlfriend. It's my favorite by them, I love all the sweet things they say. I've always told Kalin he needs to bring me up there one time, but it's for the fans, and I see him everyday so it's okay.

"Okay guys, if you've ever been to one of our shows before you know what happens next" Myles said into the mic
"But tonight, we have someone very special to all of us in the audience. We think she deserves a little something different" Kalin said
"I'm going to go find my girl, but I know Kalin's already got his" Myles said
Myles walked over to the left of the stage and was looking at all the girls who had their hands raised. Kalin stood there, he looked really nervous. What could that boy possibly be worried about? He started walking over to our section, and I assumed he was going to bring his sister or mom up. Then he looked right at me, and gave me a smile signaling me to take his hand. I grabbed it and he lead me up a flight of stairs. I got up on stage and he hugged me.
"Carly, I want you to listen really closely to every word I sing, okay?" He asked while whispering in my ear

I nodded and he brought me to a stool onstage. I looked to my left and saw the girl Myles picked, she had a homemade fan t shirt on and I could tell she was so excited. I looked back over to the section I was just in, and saw Kalin's mom with a huge smile on her face. Did she know this was going to happen? I looked back over to Kalin, and he looked really nervous still.

I could feel butterflies in my stomach. "Why am I nervous? This is my best friend! Why do I have butterflies?" I thought to myself

Then the music started... But it wasn't the ticking from Girlfriend, it was different. I recognized the beat immediately. It was Should've Kissed You by Chris Brown. Kalin started singing the first verse. I remembered what he told me. I carefully listened to every word.

-Why Am I mad, I don't get it,
It seems like every time you give me signs,
And I miss it!
I did it again,
I admit it,
I left you standing there,
And now I regret it,
Seems like every time,
I get the chance,
I lose my cool, and I blow it,
And I get all tongue tied,
Lost in your eyes,
I'm a fool, and I know it!-

He kept looking into my eyes, like he was really trying to get the point of the song across. He continued to hold me hand.

I should've kissed you,
I should've told you,
Told you just how I feel,
And next time I won't stop,
I'll listen to my heart,
Cause what I feel is real!
I should've kissed you,
I should've told you how I feel,
I should've kissed you,
I should've showed you just how I feel.

Then, It all clicked. He likes me, he actually likes me! That's why he's been ignoring me! IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW. He couldn't be around me without telling me. Awww he's seriously the sweetest. But what does this mean? Of course I like him too, I've had a crush on him since the beginning, but I've always hid it so I wouldn't weird him out. Now I know he actually likes me. What happens now?

I gave him a smile, as he finished the chorus. The next verse was rewritten to be a rap for Myles. I looked over and he started rapping. Kalin walked a little closer to me, and I stood up and just hugged him. I know it's the middle of the song and he's going to have to sing in a bit, but it just felt right. I could tell Myles was about to end his verse so I quickly get on my tippy toes and leaned closer to Kalin's ear.
"I know" I whispered into his ear before backing away
I gave him a smile, which he returned right away as he came back in with the chorus. I sat back down on the stool, and Kalin took my hand again. Looking closely at me. He sang the bridge, then a final chorus to end the song.

Myles had already taken his girl to security who escorted her back to her spot. Kalin stayed near me and just looked into my eyes for a few seconds. I couldn't read them like I normally can, and I really needed to know what he was thinking.

Kalin grabbed my hand and started leading me backstage. He passed Jake and whispered "Cover for me, I'll be back in a second" in his ear. Jake nodded and took Kalin's mic from his hand.

Kalin and I entered the room backstage, and we both stopped walking. Kalin let go of my hand, and took a step away from me.
"So, you know now" Kalin said awkwardly
"Ummm yeah" I said
"Well... How do you feel?" Kalin asked
"I feel like I've been hiding my feelings for so long and now I'm relieved you've said it cause I feel the exact same way" I said all in one breath
Kalin smiled and walked closer to me.
"Listen Carly. I know I've been ignoring you this past week, but it's not cause I didn't want to see you. I just, didn't want to tell you how I felt then, I wanted it to be special. I hope you liked the remix" Kalin said
"I didn't like it, I loved it" I said
Kalin smiled even bigger. I looked up into his green eyes, and saw his gaze move down to my lips, then back up to my eyes. Sort of asking for my permission. I smiled at him and nodded. Kalin started taking steps towards me, and I followed by taking steps back. I ended up against the wall, with Kalin right in front of me. He had his hands on my waist, and I snaked mine up around his neck. He looked down at my lips again, and I could see him starting to lean in. I closed my eyes, and leaned in as well.

I felt his soft lips hit mine, and there was no fireworks. It was basically like a bomb had gone off, I can't even describe how perfect it felt to kiss him. Like he was the one. All the emotions I've felt for as long as I can remember, were finally in the open. I never wanted this to end, because in this moment I have everything I've ever wanted. We continued to kiss, our lips moving in sync. We were so caught up in the moment, we didn't even hear the door open.

"Carly, Kalin, I know you just got together but we kinda need Kalin right now!" Tyler whisper yelled

Kalin and I pulled apart, and we smiled at each other.
"We'll finish this after the show" Kalin said as he winked at me
He gave me one more peck on the lips, before waking out the door with Tyler. I took a second to remember where I was, and what was outside that door. I gathered my thoughts and walked out the door. Myles and Jake had just finished Gettin' Low, which is probably the song they sang to give Kalin and I some time. I walked out and down to where I was before I was onstage. Kalin's mom was waiting there with an even bigger smirk than earlier.
"So Carly, can I tell your mom our kids are finally dating?" She asked
"Yeah, I guess you can" I said and smiled back

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