Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

-Carly's POV-
"Carly, Kalin wake up" Dylan said lightly tapping my shoulder "you guys need to stop falling asleep in this room" he said laughing
"Sorry, I was really tired" I said yawning
I noticed I was still leaning against Kalin's shoulder, and he was still asleep. I heard the door shut, and noticed Dylan had walked out already.
"Kalin, babe wake up" I said lightly shaking him
He barely opened his eyes, looking down at me.
"What time is it" He asked yawning
"Midnight I think"
"Damn I need to get home" He said
He released his arms around me, allowing me to get up. I stood up, putting my hand out to help him up. I stood him up, laughing at how I had to pick up someone who was around 7 inches taller than me. We walked out of the room, down the hallway, and out of the door. We reached his car, and Kalin unlocked it.
"Bye babe, see you tomorrow" Kalin said
"Bye" I responded
He gave me a quick kiss, then got into his car and left.

-Friday Night-
The rest of the week was average. Practice every night, and a lot of homework as usual. Kalin didn't get to come over after school, with my practice and homework being so crazy. We both decided that tomorrow we would go to Great America with Jake, Myles, and Tyler. They wanted to film a music video and remake the summertime love one. That was one of their first videos together, and they wanted to remake it to show how far they've gotten. Since the first one was at the fair, they wanted to do this one at Great America to switch it up.

-Next Morning-
I grabbed my ticket, and sunglasses, before walking out of my front door. I walked out just as the van pulled up to my drive way, with Tyler, Jake, Myles, and Kalin inside. I opened the side door, and climbed in the middle sitting next to Kalin. Myles was driving and Tyler had shotgun, leaving Jake in the back by himself.
"So off to great America" I asked
"Just one last stop" Myles said smirking
I was confused by the smirk. Where else were we going? We pulled up to a different house, and a different brunette girl walked out. When she reached the car I knew exactly who it was.
"Kate, you're coming with us to Great America" I asked with a huge smile
"Yep" she said smiling back
I've known Kate for as long as I've known Myles and Jake. She was a huge supporter of them from the beginning, and being Kalin's best friends I met a lot of people. Kate is also really close with the boys, she's one of their best friends. She unfortunately couldn't make it to their last show, but normally she's right in the front rocking with the rest of the crowd.
She climbed in the back next to Jake, giving him a hug to say hi.
"Since Kalin's got you, I needed a girl by my side for the video. Kate's gong to help me out with that" Myles said looking in the rear mirror smiling at Kate
"Well this is perfect" I said smiling

After about an hour, we arrived at GA. We all climbed out, and waited as Tyler got all his camera gear. We grabbed our tickets, and quickly got through security. We walked thought the front gates, seeing the huge fountains.
"Okay where to first" Kalin said to everyone while he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers
"How about we film outside the redwood amphitheater, since summer splash is there" Myles suggested
We all agreed and walked to the left towards the amphitheater. Tyler started filming, and Kalin explained that this video is a little different. Instead of their normal dancing, this one is just us being a couple. Tyler filmed us talking, and smiling at each other, so us just being us. Myles and Kate looked great together, they should start dating.
"We got enough footage here, what about by flight deck" Tyler said
We walked further down to flight deck. Tyler filmed us getting on, and us waking off. I knew that the rest of the video was going to be really fun.

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