Chapter 44

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Chapter 44:

-Carly's POV-

A week later

These last couple days, I couldn't help but feel like things were changing. I no longer saw Kalin as just my best friend who I fell in love with, I saw him as the guy I believe I will spend the rest of my life with. Kalin continues to prove to me that he is the man I want to be with forever. I know at 18 that is a huge thing to be saying about someone, but I've known Kalin for 18 years, that's plenty of time to get to know someone. The other night at dinner, I couldn't help but find myself zoning out of the conversation just to look at him. The way his smile formed when he noticed I was looking. The way his stare would intensify on you as he got deeper into the subject of conversation. The way he would grab my hand under the table every so often, just to show me he cared. I love Kalin White more than I will ever be able to explain. I just have to hope he loves me just as much.

Kalin had to go back to LA yesterday, and now I have to focus on all the work I missed while I was gone.

-Kalin's POV-
"I don't know man, I just can't help but feel like this" I said to Myles
We were both sitting on the couch in our apartment, after just getting home from the studio
"Bro, calm down. So you love her, you have told her that hundreds of times it's not a big deal anymore" Myles said
"That's just it, I don't think saying I love you is enough to express my feelings for her now" I explained
"Woah, Kalin you aren't planning on proposing right" Myles asked wide eyed
"No, I'm only 18. Not just yet" I said laughing
"Than what are you going to do" Myles asked
"I think I got an idea, but I'm going to need your help" I explained

-Jessi's POV-
It's been a week and a half since Myles and I have gotten back together. I'm only two weeks away from graduating and then I can finally join Myles down in LA. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard my phone start to ring.
"Hey babe" I said into the phone
"Hey, I have a question to ask you" Myles said
"What is it" I asked
"Do you think you could make sure Carly is outside the movie theater at 1pm the day before graduation" Myles asked
"Yeah, can I ask why" I asked
"You'll find out later I promise" Myles said
"Okay, talk to you later" I said into the phone
"Bye babe" Myles said
"Bye" I said before hanging up

-Carly's POV-

2 weeks later

Finally the day will come tomorrow, I will finally be graduating. Kalin is flying in tomorrow morning to come to the ceremony. Yesterday I found out that out of all the graduating seniors, I was chosen to give a speech at graduation. I really don't know why they told me so late, because all I've been doing for the past two days is writing speech after speech trying to make it perfect. I was interrupted while writing when my phone started to ring.
"Hey Carly, let's go see a movie together" Jessi said
"I'm sorry Jess, but I really need to finish my speech for graduation" I said into the phone
"Come on Carly, you need to take a break from that. I'm sure resting your brain will help you think of more when you get home" Jessi said
"You know what, you're right. I think I'm just over stressing and a break would be really nice right now" I said
"Great, I'll come pick you up at 12:40" she said

Jessi's car pulled into my driveway, and I walked out getting into the passenger seat. After a 15 minute drive we pulled into the parking lot and we both climbed out.
"Wait here I'm going to go get the tickets" Jessi said walking off

I pulled out my phone and decided to go on twitter, and see what other people were up to. Suddenly my phone was being pulled out of my hands, and I looked up to see who it was.
"Kalin" I said as my eyes went big
"Are you just gonna stand there and stare at me or do I get a hug" Kalin said
I instantly rapped my arms around him, and leaned up to kiss his lips.
"What are you doing here" I asked after I let go of the hug
"I actually have something for you" Kalin said
"What" I asked
"Well Carly Grace Sanchez, you have been in my life for 18 years now. Those 18 years have been nothing but amazing. Each day I have fallen in love with you more and more. I love the way you sway your hair behind you when you walk. The way you mouth the words to songs when you think no one is looking. The way you hunch forward when you laugh really hard. These 18 years have shown me that you're not only my best friend, but the love of my life. I don't see myself with anyone else but you, and I know I will feel this way forever" Kalin said
Kalin reached into his pocket and grabbed out a tiny box.
"Now don't think I'm proposing right now, cause I'm not. What I have in this box is a promise ring. The ring represents a promise we have to each other that one day I will replace this ring with an engagement ring. A promise that even when things get hard, we will work it out and stay together no matter what. A promise that we will love each other forever. So what do you say Carly. Will you make that promise" Kalin asked opening up the box to show two silver bands

I was speechless.

"Yes Kalin! 1000 times yes" I said leaning up to kiss him
He took out one of the bands and slipped it on my finger, then took the other and put it on his.
"I'll love you forever Kalin, always know that" I said

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