Chapter 22

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Chapter 22:

-Kalin's POV-

Myles hit play, and I saw the expression on Carly's face change completely. She went from straight faced, to the brightest smile I've ever seen. She looked over at me, and I couldn't help but return the smile. I leaned in and kissed her cheek, as we continued to listen to the song.

When the song was over, everyone turned to look at Carly.
"What did you think" Myles asked
"Honestly...... I loved it. The lyrics were amazing, and the meaning behind it was so cute" she said smiling
"Glad you liked it" I said
"I loved it. I think the Kamfam will love it too" Carly said

We hung out at Myles house for a bit, then decided we would all go back home. Carly and I got here together, so we left together.
"Want to come over for a bit, I have something to show you" I said while driving us home
"Yeah" she agreed

We pulled into my driveway, both getting out of the car. I unlocked the door, and saw my mom and sister watching tv.
"Hey Kalin, hey Carly" my mom said
"Hi" we both responded
"How was yesterday, and last night" she asked
"It was fun, the video shoot was a good time" I said
"Glad to hear it. There is leftover chicken in the fridge if you guys want any" she said
"No thanks we just ate, but maybe later" I said grabbing Carly's hand taking her to my room

I opened the door, and she walked in sitting on my bed
"What did you want to show me, cause it's Sunday night I got to get home and do homework" she said laughing
"It'll only take a second" I said getting my laptop out
I sat down next to her, and turned it on. She watched as I went to my saved music and opened the file.
"I know you know about this, but I wanted to be the one to show you" I said
"What are you talking about" she asked
"Just listen" I responded
I hit play on Stuck in a Kodak.

The song ended, and I looked over at Carly. She looked like she was about to cry.
"D-d-did you like it" I stuttered
She didn't answer. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and connected our lips. Our lips moved in sync for a few seconds, until she pulled away from me.
"If it wasn't clear after that, I love it" she said smiling
"Are your crying" I asked using my thumb to wipe the year that was now sliding down her cheek
She nodded
"Why" I asked
"Cause no one has ever written a song about me Kalin. I just love you so freakin much" She said hugging me
"Actually a song has already been written about you" I said
"What song" she asked
"More than friends, the part I wrote is all about you" I said smiling
She started laughing then hugged me ever tighter.
"Okay now let's get you home, so you can do homework" I said
She nodded, and we both stood up walking out of the room.
"Bye Carly, I'll probably see you tomorrow" my mom said waving to her as we walked out of the door
Carly waved back, then we made our way to my car.

"Do you want me to send you the song" I asked while driving
"Yeah. That would be amazing" Carly said grabbing my free hand and squeezing it.
I glanced over at her, and gave her a smile.

We pulled into her driveway, and both got out of the car. I walked over to her side of the car.
"Have fun doing homework" I said wrapping my arms around her.
I gently placed my chin on the top of her head, and continued to hold her. She wrapped her arms around my waist.
"That song was beautiful" she said still wrapped in my arms
"I'm glad you liked it" I said letting her go
I leaned in, and gently pecked her lips.
"I love you" I said
"I love you too" she responded
She walked up the driveway to her front door. I got back in my car, and waved as I drive off.

~Thank you all so much for getting this story to 3k reads. Sorry I have been horrible with updating lately, but I promise I'll have parts up quicker from now on. Thanks again- Your Author~

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