Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

-Kalin's POV-
I could feel myself falling asleep. Carly's head was resting on my chest, and I had my arms wrapped around her. Everything about this felt right. Like this is exactly what is meant to be.

As my eyelids got heavier, and my breathing evened out. I started to drift off.

"Get your butts up and come downstairs" a voice yelled from behind the door, also banging on it with their hands. A voice non other than Myles.
"Seriously" I whispered annoyed to myself
Carly giggled from my response
"Come on it's okay, we are supposed to be celebrating with everyone" Carly said
I sighed, and I knew she was right. Carly stood up and got off of me. She put her hand out, to bring me up too. I stood up and walked over to the door, unlocking it and opening it.
"I hope we didn't interrupt anything" Myles said with a huge smirk
"Shut up" I said back
Carly giggled again. Tyler and Jake were also with Myles. We all walked down the stairs, into the same room with the couches as before. This time, our moms were sitting there looking like they were waiting to say something important.
"Kalin, Carly, we need to have a discussion" Carly's mom said
Carly looked up at me, worry in her eyes. I gave her a reassuring smile.
"O-o-okay" I said
My mom and her mom stood up and started walking into the kitchen. We all sat down at the table. I was next to Carly, holding her hand under the table.

"Listen, we are both really happy for you, but we need to lay some rules down" My mom said
Carly and I both nodded, telling them to continue.
"First off, like any other time you guys have been in relationships, door always stays open" Carly's mom said
"Second, if you guys are out on a date, make sure at least one of us knows where you are" My mom said
"Third and also last. Enjoy being young. We both see how much you care for each other, so just have fun" Carly's mom said
I felt a huge sense of relief after that. I looked over at Carly, and she looked relaxed to. We all stood up and exchanges hugs, then walked back Into the family room.

Carly and I sat back down, similar to earlier. Myles and I were exhausted after the show. So we all agreed to watch a movie. The moms joined us in the room too. We all agreed on watching Hangover 2 cause it was hilarious.

Carly and I were now laying down on the couch together. We had a blanket resting over both of us. She has her head on my chest, and I had my arms wrapped around her. I slightly turned my neck, and looked around. Our moms were both fixated on the movie, Myles was asleep, Jake was on his phone, and Tyler was asleep.

I looked back down at Carly. She was now asleep. How could I get this lucky? Everything worked out perfectly tonight. It couldn't of gone any better. Now I have this amazing girl in my arms. I leaned down and lightly kissed the top of her head, before falling asleep.

I could hear voices, the bright light was shining in my eyes.
"Just look at how adorable that is" I heard a voice say
"I know. We both predicted it would happen one day" someone else said
I slightly opened my eyes, to see our moms standing looking at us on the couch
"What the hell are you guys doing" I asked half asleep
They both giggled
"Just looking at how cute you guys are together" My mom said
I looked down, and Carly was still asleep on my chest. I tightened my grip around her, and closed my eyes again ignoring our moms.

I woke up again three hours later. I looked at the clock under the tv and saw it was 10:00am. Carly was now gone, and so were the moms. The guys probably all went home earlier as well. I stood up, stretched out my neck after sleeping on a couch. I walked over into the kitchen. On the table was a note.

-Took your girlfriend and little sister shopping for the day, be back at 3 ~Love Mom-

I smiled to myself at how she put girlfriend. That reminds me, I still need to think of a cute way to ask her. Knowing Carly, she will want something small but very sentimental.
I pulled my almost dead phone out of my pocket, and walked up the stairs. I plugged my phone in. I scrolled through my contacts, and found the number I was looking for. I pressed facetime and waited as it rang
"Myles I need your help again" I said into the phone

-Carly's POV-
I'm out at the mall with Kalin's mom, and his little sister Lala. When I woke this morning, she told me to go back home with my mom and be ready in an hour.

So far we've gone to a couple stores, and have bought a couple items.
"Listen Carly" Kalin's mom said and stopped walking
"Yeah" I responded
"Thank you"
I looked at her confused
"Thank you for making my son smile. As a mom all I want is his happiness. Before last night, I could tell something was missing. I think you were that something. After he told you, I could tell he was himself again. So thank you for that" she said smiling
I didn't respond. I just hugged her, that says enough.

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