Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

-Carly's POV-

I woke up as two arms wrapped around me, picking me up. I slightly opened my eyes, to see Kalin smiling down at me.

"Shhh babe, go back to sleep. We're at Myles place" he whispered

I closed my eyes again, as Kalin sat me down on the couch. Kalin sat down next to me, gently brushing the hair away that was now in my face. I opened my eyes again, and smiled up at Kalin. I sat up, and slowly stood.

"Where are you going" Kalin asked

"Let's go chill with the others" I suggested

Kalin nodded, then stood up as well. He grabbed my hand as we walked up the stairs, and down the hall to Myles room.

"Hold on, let's scare them" Kalin said smirking

"Like how Jake scared Myles that one time? When he just walked in and screamed?" I asked


"Okay, let's do it" I said

Kalin smirked again, then lightly put his hand in the door handle

"On three okay" Kalin whispered

I nodded.

"1, 2, 3" Kalin said as he pushed the door open screaming at them

Myles almost jumped out of his computer chair, Jake fell off the couch, and Tyler almost dropped his laptop. Meanwhile Kalin and I almost started crying from how hard we were laughing. Kalin gave me a high five, then we both walked in joining Jake on the couch.

"What the hell guys" Myles asked with his hand over his heart, showing us his heart sped up

"We got you guys so good, that was perfect" Kalin said still laughing

I looked over Tyler's shoulder as he sat on the ground, editing the video on his laptop.

"How's it coming so far" I asked

"Great, I think the fans will really like it" I smiled and walked back over to the couch

"Myles look at the mention I just got" Kalin said showing Myles his phone screen

"She's right, we should do one right now to make up for it" Myles said

"Yeah good idea" Kalin said pulling up a chair

"Do what" I asked

"A Ustream, we both forgot to do one this week" Myles said

"Oh okay cool" I said

Kalin tweeted the link on his account, and their shared one. Myles looked over at Kalin and hit the live button.

"Hey guys sorry this is so random, but we hope you can all still watch it" Myles said

"Yeah sorry about not having one this week. The hashtag for this one will be #SurpriseKAM" Kalin said pulling up the chat in a different window

"How about tonight we do like a Q/A thing, you guys tweet us your questions in the chat" Myles said

They both started reading them, and answering them.

"Oh this ones good. It says 'where's your girlfriend tonight Kalin?'" Myles said smirking at Kalin

"Well. Carly come over here" Kalin said turning around and looking at me on the couch

I stood up, and walked over to the computer coming into view.

"Hey guys" I said waving

Kalin pulled up down, so I was now on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and I leaned closer to the computer to read the chat.

"They want to know how long you've known Kalin for" Myles said to me

"Well our moms are best friends, so I've known him since I was born" I said smiling at him

"They also keep asking who else is here" Myles said turning around to face Tyler and Jake

The both stood up and came into view

"Hey guys" they both said

"Tyler is currently hard at work editing the new video we shot today" Myles said

"Yeah it's looking really good. I think you guys will like it when it's finished" Tyler responded

They finished up the ustream, and now we are all downstairs watching TV. Kalin fell asleep about twenty minutes ago, but the rest of us are still enjoying the show.

The thought came into my mind, that last friday was our one month. We have already been together for a month, and time keeps flying. I'm so grateful to have Kalin in my life, as a best friend, but also my boyfriend. I leaned up a bit, gently leaving a kiss on his jaw line. I leaned back down, and saw a small smile form on his face.

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