Chapter 25

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Chapter 25:

-Carly's POV-
"Are you serious?" Jake said jumping up
"Yeah, a rep called her. They like our stuff" Kalin explained
"Oh my god that's amazing" I said wrapping my arms around Kalin's waist, squeezing him
"Hey I still need to breathe" Kalin said laughing
I stopped squeezing him, but kept my arms around his waist. He put his arm around me, kissing the top of my head. I smiled up at him, remembering how far him and Myles have come. From the start, they have always clicked. Working so well together, reaching for the same goal. They worked countless hours, on their dream. All of it could finally come true, and being able to say I've been with them since the beginning, is a blessing on its own. I've seen these boys grow up, not only physically but through their music too. If anyone deserves this, it's them.
"Babe why are you crying" Kalin asked using his thumb to wipe away my tear
"It's just. You guys have come so far. I'm so proud of you. Of you too Jake and Tyler. Jake with your mixes and clothing line. Tyler with your films, each one of them coming out even better than the first. All of you work so hard, you all deserve everything you've been given" I said as more tears fell
"Come here" Myles said with a huge smile, holding out his arms
I moved over to Myles, wrapping my arms around him.
"I'm so proud of you" I whispered in Myles ear
"Thank you Carly, for everything. Your endless support" Myles whispered back
I unwrapped my arms from around Myles and moved towards Jake.
"I'm so proud of you Jake. I'm glad I've gotten to really know you this past school year, you're such a great guy. Keep making those mixes cause they're all amazing" I whispered to Jake
"Thank you, you're always there for me" Jake whispered back
I let go of Jake, moving on to Tyler. He opened his arms, and I wrapped mine around him.
"I'm so proud of you Tyler. All the things you do, you put 110% into them. I have so much respect for the drive you have" I whispered to Tyler
"Thank you Carly. Thanks for always supporting me" He whispered back
I let go of Tyler, and moved back over to Kalin.
"You know even if we get signed we aren't leaving, we would never do that?" Kalin asked
"I know, but I'm just so proud of you guys. For everything you do. I see all the fans tweets all the time, they're so proud too" I said with a huge smile
"Thank you" Kalin said wrapping his arms around me

We all woke up the next morning, Kalin and I are ditching school. We probably wouldn't even be able to focus if we did show up. We are now in Myles room, going over the new songs.
"I think we should just re-record everything. Start off fresh. Really focus on getting everything right" Myles said to Kalin
"Yeah I agree. We have to get these ones perfect" Kalin agreed
"Okay while you boys work, how about Jake, Tyler, and I go get you some food" I suggested
"Oh yeah that sounds great" Kalin said with a huge smile
"Yeah that would be awesome" Myles agreed
"Okay, want to go to Safeway and get some sandwiches?" I asked
"Yeah, that sounds good right now" Tyler said
"Okay, let's go. Just text me what you guys want" I said before walking out of Myles room

We were in Jake car on the way to Safeway, blasting Do It. We got to Safeway, and quickly ordered, then left. We got back to Myles place, and brought the sandwiches inside.
"You guys get plates, I'll go get the guys"I said
Jake nodded in agreement, and I walked up the stairs towards Myles room. I walked down the hall, and didn't hear any singing or rapping. The door was cracked open, and I could see Kalin and Myles sitting on the couch talking.
"I don't know man, I'm worried what's going to happen if we get signed" Kalin said
"Why, it's everything we've ever wanted" Myles responded
"I know, but what about recording. We would have to do that in LA. We would always be gone, maybe even eventually move out there. We both have our family and friends here in the Bay" Kalin said
"Listen bro. No matter what happens, I'm with you through it all. We will get through it, and put us in the best place for our situation" Myles said
"But.... What about Carly" Kalin said
The second I heard my name my heart sunk
"I love her man, I can't leave her. She's been with me through everything. She's my best friend" Kalin said
"I'm sure when the time is right, you guys will be able to work it out" Myles said
"Yeah you're right. Thanks for listening, I guess I'm just nervous about this deal" Kalin said
"I'm nervous to. This could start everything" Myles said

Seemed like a good time to walk in.
"Hey guys, we just got back. Foods here" I said opening the door up all the way
They both stood up off the couch, and followed me downstairs to the kitchen.
"Thanks for getting the food" Myles said
"No problem, you guys were working hard" I said

We continued to eat, talking about random things that came up. We finished and all moved our plates away.
"Hey babe. Let's go on a quick walk, I think it's time we talk about some stuff" I said to Kalin

I saw his expression change from a smile, to nervous almost instantly.

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