Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

-Carly's POV-

We got back to Kalin's place, and his mom was there waiting for us.
"I figured you would be with each other" She said as we walked through the front door
"Yeah, we just got back from dinner with Jake and Myles" Kalin explained
"Cheesecake Factory?" She asked
"Of course" He agreed
I slightly laughed to myself

"Well we will be in my room" Kalin said grabbing my hand and walking me down the hallway
"Remember the rule, door stays open" We could hear his mom yell to us
Kalin opened his door, letting me walk in first. I sat down on the couch again, and Kalin sat next to me putting his arm around me.
"Want to come over again tomorrow" He asked
"I have soccer practice. It starts tomorrow, and this year I'm captain again so I can't miss. Sorry" I said
"No it's cool, that actually reminds me of something I wanted to tell you" Kalin said
"Okay, what?"
"Well. With this singing thing taking off, and Myles and I constantly having to rehearse for shows. I think I'm not going to return to the basketball team this year" he said
"But you love basketball"
"I know, but the last thing I need is to be overly stressed with practice and rehearsal, and not get to spend time with you and my family" He said
"Well if it's something you think is right, then go for it" I said smiling at him
"Thank you" he said
"Why don't you come to my house tomorrow night. Practice ends at 5 and I'll be home by 5:30. You could come at 6 and have dinner with my family" I suggested
"Yeah that sounds great" Kalin agreed

"I should probably get home now. I have a lot of homework and I haven't even started" I said
"Yeah, I'll walk you out"

We walked out of his room, passing the kitchen before leaving.
"Bye" I said waving to his mom and little sister
"Bye sweetie. See you soon" His mom responded

We walked out the front door, and walked over to my car.
"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school" Kalin asked
Kalin gave me a quick peck on the lips, before opening my car door for me. I climbed in, and backed out his driveway as he walked in the house.

-next day-
I woke up, and knew today was just one of those days. The ones where you could careless what you wear, and just don't try very hard. I picked out jeans, and my favorite crew neck. I put on my white low top converse, and grabbed my backpack before walking down the stairs. I grabbed my phone and an apple, before waking out into my garage. I grabbed my soccer bag, with my change of clothes and soccer equipment for after school. I got in my car, and left my house. I drove to school, entering the senior lot. I saw Kalin's car, and parked a couple spots over from it. I pulled out my phone and texted Kalin.

~Hey babe, where are you?~

~I'm about to go talk to my teacher about a test I have to make up, I won't see you until break~

~Okay, see you later :)~

I walked onto the campus, and into the building with my locker. I grabbed my first period book, and saw Jessi by her locker. I walked over to her.
"Hey Jessi" I said
"Oh hey, ready for practice after school" she asked
"Yeah, I'm excited to see the new players that got moved up. I think the team will be pretty strong this year"
"Yeah, I talked to a couple of the other girls who were at tryouts with them. They all said they were great" Jessi said right as the bell rang
"Got to go, but I'll see you after school for practice" I said waving off before waking to my first period

The rest of the school day was average. I got to spend time with Kalin during break and lunch which was nice. And we have a few classes together. Now it was time for soccer practice.

As practice went on, and I got back into the swing of things again. I realized just how much I love this sport. Not only is it paying for my college, but it helps me clear my head. I get so focused I forget about everything else. I didn't even realize practice was over until all the girl went over to grab their bags and leave.
I grabbed my bag, and walked over to my car driving home. I walked in my front door, and set my bag down. I walked to my room grabbing clothes to change into, and then walked to the bathroom. I turned on the shower, and stepped in.

After about ten minutes in the shower, I stepped out and dried off. I put my new set of clothes on, then walked into my room. I walked over to my desk to grab my hair brush, I slightly screamed when two arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I felt a kiss to my neck.
"You smell good" Kalin whispered in my ear
"Thanks, what are you doing in here. You scared me" I said laughing
"I got here about five minutes ago, your dad said I should wait for you in your room" He explained
"Well let's go check if dinners ready" I said
I pulled Kalin out of my room, into the hallway. We walked Into the kitchen and saw my mom cooking.
"Hey mom, when will dinner be ready" I asked
"About twenty minutes" she responded
Kalin and I walked over to the couch in my family room, and sat down.
"Hey, Kalin. Could I borrow you for a second" My dad asked while walking into the room
"Sure"Kalin said standing up
"I just think it's time we have a little man to man talk" My dad said

Oh well this should be interesting......

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