Chapter 45

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Chapter 45:

-Carly's POV-

I looked down at the silver band on my ring finger. Who knew a piece of metal could hold so much meaning. I looked down into my right hand at the folded up peace of binder paper that held my graduation speech. After the surprise last night, I got home and wrote my graduation speech in my first try. I now anxiously await for the ceremony to start.

After about five more minutes of families arriving, I took my seat in the chair on the side stage where I will wait to give my speech. I watched as my principle walked up to the podium and gave the opening words. We all stood up for the national anthem, and she talked about how wonderful it was to see us all grow up over the last four years.

I knew it was my turn when the principle looked over at my with a reassuring smile that read you can do this I believe in you, but don't mess this up. I stood up from my chair making my way towards the podium. Each step my feet becoming heavier and harder to move, the nerves took over my body causing me to go blank. My mind was empty, I no longer knew what I had to say. I scanned the audience, finally finding that families set of eyes. His glowing smile giving me enough strength to reach into my pocket and grab that folded piece of binder paper.

"Hello everyone, I am Carly Sanchez the elected student speaker. I would like to thank all of you for coming out today, I know some of you flew thousands of miles to see a family member or friend graduate. Today marks the end of our four years at Creek View high school, and what an amazing journey it's been. From being terrified of being shoved in a trash can on our first day of freshman year, to realizing that kinda stuff only happens in movies. To trying to get more involved with the school in sophomore year, only to end up signing up for way more clubs than anyone can ever handle. To studying our butts off for the SAT's, only realizing that you will probably never be truly happy with your end results and that's okay. To standing here today, In front of all our loved ones, moving on to bigger and better things. My four years at Creek View have taught me many valuable lessons. One being become friends with the lunch ladies so they'll save you a slice on pizza day. Another one being some of the friendships you make here are life long. The people skills you learn in high school will be with you for the rest of your life. The work ethic you establish in high school will be shown in all your future projects, and the love you give out to other people will always come back around to you at some point. Starting off freshman year I had one friend, my best friend Kalin. My whole life I had learned to only trust him and never let anyone else in. As sophomore year approached I still only had Kalin, but that's when I started to realize that putting up such a tough persona wasn't going to help me become any closer to the people around me. It wasn't until this year that I realized how many amazing people I had around me. Now I have an amazing group of friends on the soccer field, and an amazing boyfriend who I know will always support me. I want to thank all of our teachers and staff for dealing with our craziness for the last four years. We definitely were a rowdy bunch, but I hope you liked us regardless. Thank you to my fellow classmates for helping me open up to new people, and thank you everyone who voted for me to speak today." I slowly walked back to my chair as I saw the crowd stand up and clap.

A wave of relief washed over me as I knew I was finally finished, and everyone seemed to enjoy it. I looked back over at Kalin, his smile even bigger than before.

I waited until I heard my name announced, then stood up making my way over to the principle.
"Congratulations" the principle whispered to me while handing me my diploma.
She moved my tassel, and I made my way back to my chair. Finally a high school graduate.

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