Chapter 41

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Chapter 41:

-Kalin's POV-

I grabbed the keys to my car that were hanging on the wall. I walked out the door leaving Carly inside the apartment. I ran down the stairs, but stopped once I heard Carly's voice.

"Kalin I don't think you've thought this through enough. Do you realize what you're giving up" Carly asked from the top of the stairs
"Do you not realize the type of love we are giving up if I keep doing this. I can't live without you" I responded
"I can't either, but I can't let you end your career like this" Carly said walking down the steps to join me
"I'm not ending my career. If they don't understand me, then they're not the right fit for us. We'll end our contract and move on" I explained
"Are you sure Myles will be okay with it" Carly asked looking deep into my eyes
"He'll have to be" I said walking down the rest of the stairs

I climbed into my car, and waited for Carly to get into the passenger seat.

After a silent twenty minute drive I pulled into the parking lot of the label. I jumped out, and stormed to the front doors not even waiting for Carly. I walked to the front desk, and checked in asking what floor Ed and Sarah were on. I got into the elevator and hit the button for floor 5. Once the doors opened, I stormed down the hall to their office. I opened up the door to find Sarah, Ed, and our promotion team putting the final touches on the album.

"Hello Kalin, what can we help you with" Sarah asked
"This stupid no dating rule" I responded
"What is there to discuss about that, I thought we were clear when we said it was not aloud" Ed explained
"See I have an issue with that. You can't expect me to just break up with the girl of my dreams just to join your label. It has been tearing me apart not being with her, and frankly I've had enough" I yelled
"Kalin what are you trying to say" Sarah asked
"I'm going to date Carly, whether you like it or not" I finally said

Silence filled the room.

"Kalin, do you understand what will happen now" Ed asked getting out of his chair walking towards me
"Fire us or not. I'm staying with Carly, I don't care if you tell me I can't" I said
"Do you realize what you're giving up" Ed asked standing in front of me
"My career may be set back a bit, but at least I got my girl back" I responded
"Are you sure you want this" Ed asked
"I've never been so sure. I'm not going to sit here and let big guys in suits like you push me around. I'm done playing this game where I can't be happy with my girlfriend" I finally said

Suddenly everyone in the room stood up... Clapping. Including Ed.
"Wait, what the hell" I asked looking around
"Congratulations Kalin, you passed" Ed said patting me on the back
"I passed what" I asked confused
"You wouldn't let our ridiculous made up rules push you around. You stood up to us, you passed the test" Ed explained
"Wait what? What test" I asked
"We put all of our artists through what we like to call the test. We make up these ridiculous rules judging on who they are. For you we chose the dating one because Ana told us about Carly and Jessi, and we see what happens. We don't want our artists getting pushed around, and feeling pressure to do certain things. In today's world, artists constantly feel pressure from their fans, and the media to do things they don't want to. It's important that you make your own choices and don't let others dictate your lives. You passed the test by standing up to us, and saying that you wouldn't live by our stupid rules anymore. You proved to us that you won't let anyone push you around" Ed explained
"So I can date Carly now, and I'm not fired" I asked clarifying
"No Kalin, you're not fired. Actually consider yourself officially part of the label. Now that you passed the test you're officially in" Sarah said

Suddenly the door opened, revealing Myles and Carly
"Kalin, no don't do it" Myles yelled running over to me
"Too late buddy" I said shrugging my shoulders
"So this is it, were fired? Were done" Myles asked
"Not exactly" I responded laughing
"Kalin why are you laughing, this isn't funny" Myles said
"Once I explain everything to you, you'll be laughing too" I responded

We said our goodbyes to Sarah and Ed, and left to go back home. I explained the whole test thing to Myles once we got back to our apartment.
"This whole thing was really just a test" Myles asked laughing
"Yep" I responded
"Damn, well thanks for making us pass dude. I would've never thought of doing that" Myles said
"I guess we can officially be part of the label now" I responded
"Yeah, I guess so. I got to go shower, see you guys in a bit" Myles said walking to his room

"Tonight's been kinda crazy" Carly said wrapping her arms around my neck
"I know, but now we can be together" I responded wrapping my arms around her waist
"I love you" Carly said tightening her grip
"I love you too" I responded pulling her into a complete hug

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