Chapter 36

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Chapter 36:

-Kalin's POV-

The ride home was silent. This is definitely not how I imagined the car ride home after being signed to a label. We called Ana once we got in the car and told her everything that happened. She said she was glad the two of us were so professional and handled it well. She also told us we are doing the right thing and everything will be okay.

The part that keeps bugging me is, we aren't aloud to date at all they said. Does that mean they expect us to be single for the rest of our lives cause that sure as hell isn't happening. We would have to talk to Ed and Sarah about that.

"So Myles. What do we do from here" I said breaking the silence

"I don't know bruh. I guess I'll drop you off at Carly's and I'll head over to Jessi's afterwards. If we don't tell them today then we'll never tell them. We gotta just break it to them slowly" Myles said

He was right. If we waited I would talk myself out of it and I don't know what that would cause with our contract.

"What are we supposed to to do about recording too. We are up here in the bay, but the label is in LA" I said having second thoughts again

"Well with no girlfriends, there's really nothing that's keeping us here. Our families of course but maybe they want to move with us" Myles said

I could tell he was sad when he said that. I think we both agree this position we are in really sucks but we cannot let the fans down. We have to get through this and continue to write and make beats. Our focus has to be on the first album and the what the fans will like.

I kept trying to tell myself I was doing the right thing but I know this is going to crush Carly.

Myles pulled up in front of Carly's house, and I got out of his car. I walked around to the drivers side as he rolled down the window.

"Aye good luck man. I'll call you after I'm done talking to Jessi" Myles said sticking his arm out the window giving me a halfway bro hug.

I nodded at him as he drove off. I took a deep breath before pulling my phone out from my back pocket. I unlocked it and found Carly's name under my recent calls list. I clicked her name bringing the phone up to my ear.

After about three rings she finally picked up.

"Hey babe how did it go" Carly said, I could tell she was smiling as she said that. She just about killed me by calling me babe

"It's was fine, I was wondering if you could come outside though. I'm in front of your house" I said

I looked up at her window and saw her open the blinds. She smiled down and waved at me. I fake smiled back, knowing I was about to break her heart.

"Yeah babe I'll be down in a second" she said killing me a little bit more inside with the use of babe

I waited another minute before she came walking out of her front door. She was wearing the same outfit she wore to Great America the day we filmed the video. I looked her up and down, as she made her way towards me looking beautiful as always.

"Is everything okay" she asked with a concerned look on her face

"Let's go for a walk, the weather is nice today so let's enjoy it" I said changing the subject

We walked in silence. Normally I would grab her hand, but I kept mine in my jacket pocket trying to make this easier cause it was already hard enough. After a few minutes of walking Carly stopped grabbing my arm telling me to stop too.

"Okay seriously Kalin what is up. Did something happen at the meeting cause you're not yourself" Carly said looking up at me with a worried face

"Carly there is no easy way to say this" I said looking away from her eyes not able to make eyes contact right now

"What" she said quieter almost in a whisper

"We got signed...... But the label..... Has a strict...... No dating policy" I finally spit out after a couple pauses

I looked down at her, and my heart broke. I could tell she fighting back some tears, and her face lost all it's emotion.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what else to do" I said, this time tears started to run down my cheeks

"No Kalin don't apologize. You did what had to be done. I told you this is what I wanted. We had this talk for a reason" Carly said still fighting back the tears

"I want you to know, I'll always love you Carly. This may separate us now, but that doesn't mean we can't be together in the future. We aren't breaking up cause the loves not there, it's just cause the time isn't right for us right now" I said pulling her into a hug

I could tell she finally let the tears go. We held onto each other as we both cried not wanting to leave. We both knew after we stopped it was over.

We both reluctantly pulled away. I brought my thumb up and wiped the tears that were running down her cheeks.

"Now don't let this affect you. You still have to keep your scholarship so you can come join me down in LA one day. I want to see you kick some ass out there on the field you got it?" I said smiling a little now

"God Kalin what am I gonna do without you" Carly said pulling me back into a hug

"We are still best friends no matter what" I said to her

"You're right she said pulling away from me" she smiled up at me

"Congrats on getting signed, I'm beyond proud of both you and Myles. I know your album will be amazing, and I'll be front row at your show in the bay when you go on tour" she said

"Thanks Carly" I said

"I'll always love you Kalin, no matter what happens I'll love you and support you guys" Carly said smiling up at me

"That means so much to me" I said giving her one last smile before we said our goodbyes and walked in opposite directions.

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