Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

-Kalin's POV-

I looked at Carly, she had the biggest smile on her face. I grabbed her hand, and walked with her over to the entrance. I payed for our game, and the lady gave us two clubs and two balls. We walked over to the first hole, and ladies first, so Carly put the ball down. She shot, and automatically got a hole in one.

"Okay, okay. How about we spice this up. The winner gets a kiss" I suggested laughing. Partly because I'm going to kiss her either way, and also because that's the exact same thing that happened in the video we shot here.
"Okay" she laughed
I lined the ball up, and shot. Of course, just my luck I missed. It took me two more times to get it in.

The rest of the game was really fun. We ended up with Carly winning by one.

"Okay, you won. Now you get to kiss me" I said
She laughed again. She walked towards me, and stood on her tippy toes. She leaned in and out lips connected. She pulled away really fast, so I pouted.
"Come on, a real kiss" I said
"This place is full of kids, let's not scare them" she said laughing

"Okay she has a point" I thought to myself

I grabbed her hand again, and we walked over to the exit dropping off our clubs. We walked back to my car, and I opened the door for her. I walked over to my side, and got in.

"Where are we going now" She asked
"You'll see" I said with a smirk
"Really Kalin? Really?" She said laughing
"Hey I got to keep you guessing" I said

She sighed again, and sat back in her seat. I focused on the road again, trying not to stress about what would happen next.

We pulled up into my driveway, me opening her door again. We walked up my walkway, to the front door. I grabbed my keys, and unlocked it.

"Hey mom I'm home, Carly's with me" I yelled
"Hi honey, hi Carly" she said
"Okay Carly and I will be in my room, then I'm taking her somewhere else" I said
"Okay" my mom agreed

I grabbed Carly's hand and walked with her into my room. I grabbed my desk chair, and led her over to it signaling her to sit down.

"Okay Carly, what I'm about to do is going to be really really cheesy, but I gotta keep the theme going. You've been asking for me to do this for a while, and I think this is the perfect time to do it... But first, I'll be right back." I said walking out of the door, leaving Carly Confused

-Carly's POV-
I waited alone in Kalin's room, until I heard footsteps in the hallway. The door creaked as it opened, and I saw the hair before the face... It was Myles.

"Oh hi Myles" I said as I got up to hug him
"Hey Carly" he said
"So Myles is here to help me out, you'll see real soon why" Kalin said

He looked nervous again. Like the other night, before the show. Why is he so nervous about being with me and Myles?

Kalin grabbed my hand again, and we walked out of his room, to his car. I sat in the passenger seat, and Myles was in the back. Kalin was driving of course.

We were in the car for about 15 minutes, until we pulled up into another parking lot. I instantly recognized it, Kalin brings me here all the time. It was a small rehearsal space they rent out when they need to stage their performances. We all got out of the car, and walked into the building.

We walked into the room, and I was very confused as to why we were here.
"Kalin, what are we doing here" I asked
"Just wait. You'll like it" Kalin said

I just figured Kalin knows me better than anyone, he wouldn't put me in a weird situation. I relaxed, and sat down on the small couch by the entrance. Kalin and Myles were whispering to each other in a corner on the other side of the room.

"Carly come here" Kalin said
I stood up, and walked over to him. He once again led me up some stairs, and onto the stage. He sat me down on a stool in the middle of the small stage.

"This is what I was talking about back in my room" he said

I smiled to myself, now I was nervous to see what it was.

Kalin gave Myles a thumbs up, signaling for him to continue. I looked over at Myles and he had a black remote in his hand. He pressed play I'm assuming, and the ticking started.

From the black speakers hanging on the wall, the oh so familiar ticks were echoing through the rehearsal space...

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