Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

-Kalin's POV-

We pulled into the parking lot of the Cheesecake Factory, and we all got out of the car. I grabbed Carly's hand, intertwining our fingers, as we walked in. Myles walked up to the hostess and told her four people. She handed us a little black box, and we knew once it went off our table was ready. We sat down on the long tan benches outside the restaurant.
"So how did the video go" Myles asked
"It actually went really well, a lot of positive things were said" Carly said smiling at me
"Yeah the fans were cool with it. I'm glad they are respecting Carly too" I said
Carly squeezed my hand, as a way of saying thank you.
"Yeah, I don't know why but they keep tagging me in tweets towards you guys. All the tweets have been nice though" Myles said

Just then the box lit up red, and started to vibrate. We all stood up and walked inside to our awaiting waitress. She walked us to our table, and I pulled out Carly's chair for her. I scooted her chair in once she sat down, then took the chair next to hers. Myles was across from me, Jake across from Carly. I picked up my menu and new exactly what I was getting. The waitress came by and took our drink orders, all of us getting strawberry lemonade. Myles took a quick picture of his and tweeted about it. The waitress came around again taking our food orders.
"So gotten any tweets so far" I asked
"Yeah, they are all positive though" She replied
I leaned in and gave her a kiss, until we both saw a flash. Myles was holding his phone slightly laughing.
"Bruh, what the hell" I asked while kind of laughing
"Come on you know the fans would like this picture" Myles replied
I just rolled my eyes and laughed as Myles typed on his phone.

~new mention~
-@YourBoyMyles: These two at dinner right now. We are in public, watch it. Especially after what I saw earlier! @KalinWhite @CarlySanchez-

(I don't know who's twitter that is, but I'll be using it for this story)

"Hey earlier was not our fault" I said
"I know, but we both didn't want to see that" Myles said laughing
Carly started laughing to, turning a light shade of red from blushing.
"Don't worry, we'll finish what they interrupted later tonight" I said whispering in her ear, leaning back and winking
Carly blushed even harder, but then leaned over and kissed my cheek. Our food arrived, and I was in my true state of happiness. Performing, my family, friends, and Carly make me happy. But food will always have a special place in my heart.

We were all in the middle of eating, when we heard some quiet high pitched screams to our right. We looked over, and saw three girls wearing our KAM valentines day hoodies. I looked at Myles, and we both knew what we had to do.
"Be right back babe" I said to Carly
I pushed my chair out and walked with Myles over to the girls taking them outside. They immediately asked for pictures, and we agreed. One of them looked up at me and smiled.
"Where's Carly and Jake? We want to get some pictures with them too" She said
"One second I'll go get them" I said walking back inside

-Carly's POV-
Kalin and Myles had left dinner a minute ago to go talk to some fans. Jake and I were now eating and talking about school, and how much we both hated our Math teachers. I then felt two arms slightly hug me from behind, and a light kiss to my temple.
"Come outside with me, they want to take pictures with you too" Kalin said "you too Jake" Kalin continued
"Really, with me" I asked
"Yeah come on" Kalin said
I stood up, and Kalin held my hand as we walked outside. We passed the hostess and told her we would be back in a minute, and not to clear our table. We got to Myles and the girls with Jake following behind us. When the saw me they squealed again, and all took turns giving me a hug. I looked at Kalin, and he had a very pleased look on his face.

One by one I took pictures with them, doing different poses. They ended up being really sweet girls. They then went to Jake, and took their pictures with him. After that they left, and we went back inside to finish dinner.

"Have I ever told you guys how much I love your fans" I said
"Yeah, they're amazing" Myles said with the biggest smile on his face

We finished dinner, and were on the way back to Kalin's house.

~new mention~
-@LiveLoveKam: Just met the beautiful @CarlySanchez! Her and Kalin are adorable together. Love you girl :)~
I smiled after reading that. I retweeted her, and then followed her. Damn, I really love his fans.

(Again, not sure if that's a real twitter name or not. Just going to use it for that scene)

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