Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

-Carly's POV-

I walked downstairs to see Kalin stuffing his face with pizza. I laughed to myself, at how quickly he moved on.

I walked over to the counter, grabbed a paper plate, and took a slice of pizza. I walked back over to the table, and took the seat next to Myles.

"So what did you buy today" I asked Myles

"Just a diamond tshirt. I already have pants" He responded in between bites

"And when exactly is the concert again" I asked

"Well the EP drops next week. So two weeks" Jake said

"Wait what? You guys didn't tell me about the EP! I haven't even heard a single song. All you said was new music" I said laughing

"We didn't tell anyone we were working on it. It's a whole new sound, like I said earlier today. We can show you a song after we are done eating if you want" Myles explained

I nodded my head, I couldn't wait to hear the new songs.

We all finished eating, and cleared our plates. We walked up the stairs, and down the hall to Myles room. Myles took a seat at his computer chair, Jake and Tyler sat on the ground against the wall. Kalin and I sat on the couch, and waited for Myles to start a song.

"Hey Kalin come with me for a sec" Myles said standing up walking out of the room

Kalin followed, with a confused expression.

-Kalin's POV-

Myles walked into Jake's room, and I followed him.

"Yeah bruh what's up?" I asked

"What song do you want Carly to hear. I didn't know if you cared or not" Myles said

"Since you told her this morning about the song I wrote about her, don't play that one. It won't be as surprising and she'll probably figure out that's the one" I said

I could tell Myles felt guilty after I told him I knew.

"Sorry man, It just kinda came out" Myles said

"No it's cool. She'll still be surprised, but I want to show her that one. When I'm alone with her" I explained

"Does Love Robbery sound good" Myles asked

"Yeah, I think she'll like that one" I said

Myles walked out of Jakes room, back down the hall to his room. He opened his door.

"What the... " he said

I looked in his room, and Jake, Tyler, and Carly were gone.

-Carly's POV-

"Where are they" Tyler asked

"I don't know. Probably talking about the EP" I responded

"Let's go do something while they're gone" Jake suggested

"Like what" I asked

"I don't know, just go on a walk around the neighborhood" he said

"Yeah let's go" I agreed

Jake, Tyler, and I all stood up and walked out of Myles room. We walked down the stairs, and out the front door.

"I like this. I never really get to hang out with you two" I said

"Yeah, you're always making out with Kalin when were together" Jake said laughing

I smacked his arm, but laughed after.

"Not even sorry about that" I said laughing "so I heard both of you guys are releasing TShirts soon"

"Yeah I have a line coming out called Blyss" Jake said

"I just have one t shirt, with my logo and a camera" Tyler said

"When can I buy some of these shirts" I asked

"Carly, you don't have to pay for them. You are our friend, and our best friends girlfriend. You get free ones" Jake said

"What really" I asked

"Yeah" he nodded

We continued walking, in a comfortable silence

"Are you hyped for the show coming up" I asked

"Hell yeah, the venue is sick. The turn up will be insane" Tyler said

"Yeah, and I'm juiced to hear the new songs play through the speakers. With all the bass" Jake said

"I still haven't heard the new ones" I said laughing

"Yeah we should probably get back before they start questioning" Tyler said

"Yeah that's a good idea" I agreed

We turned back around heading towards the house.

We walked in the front door, and immediately heard Myles room door fly open. Myles walked down the hall looking down at us from the balcony.

"There you guys are, you could of at least told us you were leaving" Myles said laughing

"You guys were talking, so we went on a walk" Jake responded

"Yeah thanks for kidnapping my girlfriend" Kalin said walking out of Myles room laughing as well

I just smiled up at him.

We all walked back upstairs, and took our places in Myles room again.

"You actually ready to hear the song now" Myles asked

I nodded, and Myles hit play

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