Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

-Kalin's POV-

These last two weeks Myles and I have been working on telling Carly. Myles knows how big of a deal this is, I really cannot screw this up. We both decided we liked the song Should've Kissed You. I know Carly is a huge Chris Brown fan, and so am I so it's perfect. Since the song is all singing, we both worked on a rap verse for Myles. As the concert grew closer, the more distant I became from Carly. I didn't want too, it's just I didn't want to slip up and tell her what I was planning.

It's now the day of the show, and I woke up with butterflies in my stomach. I walked downstairs to get some food, because let's be honest, when am I not hungry? I got some cereal, and had two bowls of it. Eventually my mom came downstairs.

"Hey sweetie, you look nervous. Are you scared for tonight?" My mom asked
"No I'm not scared, I'm just nervous about the people who are going to be watching me" I said
"Don't be, it's all family, and your fans are your family. No matter what they'll love you" she said
"I know, but something different is going to happen tonight and I don't know how it'll turn out" I said
"What is it? You can talk to me" she said with a concerned look
It was quiet for a moment
"I'm going to tell Carly how I feel" I said looking down at the cereal in front of me

It was quiet again, so I looked up at my mom. She had the biggest smile on her face. She stood up, then stood me up so she could hug me.

"Yay, now I'm excited and nervous too! I have to tell her mom. Our kids are finally going to date! Wait, how are you telling her?" She asked all in one breath
"We have a remix of a song that explains our situation"
"Yay, I can't wait to hear it" she said
"But mom you have to promise me you will not tell her mom" I said with a serious look
"Okay I promise" she said
She hugged me again, before walking upstairs. Now to get ready for the show.

I showered, got dressed, brushes my teeth, and I was pretty much ready to go. I got in my car, and drove to the venue. It was around 1:00, and the show started at 7:00, so we had a lot of time. When I got there, Jake and Myles had just arrived. I helped them get out all of Jakes stuff from the van. We brought it into the venue, and we set it up. We got everything ready, and looked out the window to the fans who were lined up. We started sound check, and everything was going as planned. Our family arrived, and we showed them the backstage room. We were in the middle of Go To Work, when Carly walked in the door. My voice cracked the second I saw her, and Myles started laughing. We finished the song, and I jumped off the stage to say hi. I gave her a hug, and I couldn't help but think in a few hours she could be mine.
"I'm really glad you're here. This show is going to be really different and I wanted you to see it" I said giving her a smile
"You know I would never miss it" she smiled back "But I don't want to disturb your rehearsal, so where is your mom"
I pointed at the stage door, where I knew our families were. I watched her walk away, her hair flowing behind her shoulders. She looked beautiful tonight, it's making me even more nervous.

The show had started, and everything was going great! All the new things Myles and I have been working on, were going exactly as planned. The energy from the crowd was intense, I could tell its nothing but love from all of them.

The next song, is where everything starts to matter. All the emotions I've been putting into this performance, are finally going to pay off. My nerves were at an all time high. I knew I just had to start and get this done with, cause if I chickened out I would regret it forever.

"Okay guys, if you've ever been to one of our shows before you know what happens next" Myles said into the mic
"But tonight, we have someone very special to all of us in the audience. We think she deserves a little something different" I said glancing over at Carly
"I'm going to go find my girl, but I know Kalin's already got his" Myles said
Myles walked over to the left side of the stage, and looked out at all our adoring fans who wanted to come onstage. I took one last deep breath, before walking over to the right side, where Carly was. I could tell by the look on her face, she was slightly confused. I put my hand out for her to take, and signaled her to grab it, she took my hand, and I carefully helped her up the stairs and onstage. Before bringing her over to her stool, I hugged her.
"Carly, I want you to listen really closely to every word I sing, okay?" I asked, whispering into her ear
She nodded, and I brought her to the stool. Myles gave Jake the signal to start the next song. The beat started playing, and immediately the words were flowing out of my mouth. I was so nervous I'm surprised I even sang the right words, but I guess it's all muscle memory. I continued to hold Carly's hand, almost as if to keep her focused on me. As I continued to sing, the nerves somewhat settled.

But I knew the second I started the chorus, she would figure it out.

I should've kissed you,
I should've told you,
Told you just how I feel,
And next time I won't stop,
I'll listen to my heart,
Cause what I feel is real!
I should've kissed you,
I should've told you how I feel,
I should've kissed you,
I should've showed you just how I feel.

I could see the realization hit her face. She slightly smiled, but then looked like she was thinking way to hard about something. I finished the last line of the chorus, and I knew I had a second to catch my breath while Myles rapped. I walked a little closer to Carly, still holding her hand. She stood up and hugged me. I was taken back at first. I didn't realize what she was actually doing, but then I slowly melted into the hug. It felt so right to have her in my arms. She pulled back a bit, but leaned a little closer to me ear.
"I know" she whispered into my ear
I smiled at her, before almost missing my next verse. She sat back down on the stool, and I held her hand again. Rubbing circles on the top with my thumb

I finished the song, and I just stared into Carly's eyes. I knew the conversation that would follow what just happened. I looked over and Myles already brought his girl to security. I grabbed Carly's hand and started to walk with her offstage. I passed by Jake. "Cover for me, I'll be back in a second" I whispered into his ear. He nodded and grabbed my mic from my other hand.

I brought Carly to the room backstage. Before shutting the door, I could see all my fans looking at us confused. Most of them know Carly, from twitter, or ustreams. Ill have to explain what's going on in the ustream this week. I turned around, and let go of Carly's hand and took a step back.
"So, you know now" I said awkwardly
"Ummm yeah" She said
"Well... How do you feel?" I asked
"I feel like I've been hiding my feelings for so long and now I'm relieved you've said it cause I feel the exact same way" she said all in one breath
I smiled and walked closer to her.
"Listen Carly. I know I've been ignoring you this past week, but it's not cause I didn't want to see you. I just, didn't want to tell you how I felt then, I wanted it to be special. I hope you liked the remix" I said
"I didn't like it, I loved it" She said giving me an even bigger smile. I looked into her eyes, then glanced down at her lips. I wanted to kiss her really badly, but i want her to be okay with it. The last thing I want is to make her feel uncomfortable. She looked up at me and nodded, giving me permission. I started to walk closer to her, and as I did that she took steps back. She eventually was up against the wall. I slid my arms around her waist, as hers went around my neck. I started to lean in, and closed my eyes.

I felt her lips against mine, and I instantly knew this was it. The spark that everyone talks about was there, but it is so much more than just a spark. I could feel all the emotions I've kept bottled up, finally get released. Honestly this is the best first kiss I've ever had with a girl. I know this is going to last. We were so wrapped up in the moment, we didn't even hear the door open.

"Carly, Kalin, I know you just got together but we kinda need Kalin right now!" Tyler whisper yelled
Carly and I pulled apart, and we smiled at each other.
"We'll finish this after the show" I said and winked at her
I gave her one more peck on the lips, before waking out the door with Tyler.

Tyler grabbed his camera from jakes table, and I got out just in time for Jake and Myles to finish Gettin' Low. I walked over to Jake and grabbed my mic back.
"Thanks bruh" I whispered I his ear
"Yeah I got you, no need to worry" he whispered back

Myles and I started to get ready for our next song which would be Die Young Remix. I saw Carly leave the backstage area, and walk out sitting next to my mom again. With the lights shinning I could hardly see, but I could barely make out a smile on her face. A smile hopefully I was the reason behind.

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