Chapter 43

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Chapter 43:

-Carly's POV-

I wrapped my arms around his neck, completing the hug.
"Not that I'm not excited to see you, but what are you doing here" I asked looking into his eyes
"I realized I haven't made a trip home in a couple months, and I decided I needed to change that" Kalin responded
"And you didn't want to tell me that you were coming up to the bay while I was in LA" I responded with a slight laugh
"You see, I didn't know I was coming up here until about five minutes after you left for the airport" Kalin said
"And you just left right before your album comes out" I asked
"No, they actually let Myles come up to. They said we've been working really hard and should have a week at home before the release" Kalin explained
"Well I'm really happy to see you. We've only been apart for four hours and I already miss you" I said leaning up connecting our lips

We gave each other a quick kiss before letting go of the hug, and turning back to my family at the dinner table. My dad had this look on his face of discomfort. Maybe we should think twice about kissing in front of my parents again.

I woke up the next day, and looked at my phone to see a text from Kalin.

~Can you come over and hang out today?~

I instantly responded back

~Will you feed me? I haven't had any breakfast yet~

~Of course~

~Ok. I'll be over in thirty minutes~

I pulled into Kalin's driveway, and walked up the front porch knocking on his front door. The door swung open to see a shirtless Kalin in plaid pajama pants.
"Damn" I thought
Kalin instantly started laughing
"Oh god I said that out loud didn't i" I responded laughing
Kalin nodded his head yes and brought me into the kitchen.

"What do you want for breakfast" He asked opening up the refrigerator
"Um, bacon and eggs sounds really good" I responded sitting down at his kitchen table
"You're in luck because we have both in the house" Kalin responded grabbing out the egg carton and package of bacon

Kalin started to heat up the pan and put the strips of bacon down into it. He took four eggs out and cracked them into a bowl, whisking them together.

"So what do you want to do today" Kalin asked after putting the last piece of bacon down
"We should go see a movie, I haven't seen one in the theaters in forever" I suggested
"Yeah, how about after breakfast I'll go get dressed and then we head out?" He asked
"Sounds good" I responded

We heard a loud sizzle coming from the pan, and saw that the bacon was almost finished on one side. Kalin grabbed a fork, and started using it to turn the pieces over.

"Ow holy shit" Kalin suddenly yelled
"What happened" I asked getting up from my spot at the kitchen table
"Some of the oil got on my chest from the pan, it's no big deal I'm fine" Kalin reassured me
"That's probably because one of the most important rules of cooking is don't be shirtless while doing it" I responded with a slight laugh
"Oh, yeah that's true" Kalin said laughing too

The bacon eventually finished, and Kalin cooked the eggs serving them both out to us. After breakfast Kalin went to his room and to get ready. While he got dressed I decided to watch tv. The last channel left on was mtv, and the show true life was on. I wasn't paying much attention to the show, until I heard a very familiar song come on.

"Make sure you pick up your copy of Chase Dreams, the new album from the hip hop duo Kalin and Myles. The albums features hits tracks like Love Robbery, Do My Step, and Got You. The album will be sold at select stores starting June 17th" the commercial said

Kalin came running in the room, with his shirt half off, and a toothbrush sticking out of his mouth.
"What" Kalin asked trying not to spit toothpaste everywhere
"Did you know that your album has a commercial now" I asked
"WHAT" Kalin yelled running over to the sink to spit out the toothpaste
"Yeah I just saw it" I said
"What did it say" He asked with the biggest smile on his face
"It said to make sure you pick up a copy of Chase dreams when it comes out" I responded
"Hold on let me call Myles" he said

He grabbed his phone out of his jeans pocket, and dialed Myles number.
"Hey bro, you'll never guess what Carly just saw" Kalin said into the phone
"Put it on speaker" I told him
Kalin clicked speaker phone and I could hear Myles say what
"A commercial promoting your album" I said
"NO WAY" Myles yelled
"Yep, now everyone knows to get your album on June 17th" I said
"Damn, this promotional team is really working hard for us" Myles said
"I know bruh, they've really done a lot" Kalin responded
"Well I'm going to go, I have a date with Jessi in half an hour. Talk to you guys later" Myles said
"Talk to you later" Kalin said before hanging up

"So what movie are we seeing" I asked
"I checked the times, and 22 Jump Street starts in about twenty minutes" Kalin responded
"Oh I've been wanting to see that" I responded

We got out of the car, and walked up to the huge movie theater. Kalin and I used to come here all the time in middle school, and just hang out in the front part where there is tables and chairs.
"This theaters got a lot of memories" Kalin said grabbing my hand
"I know. I remember that one time you tried to ask that girl out in 7th grade in the arcade, and she said no because she thought we were dating" I responded laughing
"I remember that" he said laughing
"It's going to be weird living so far away from the bay in a couple weeks" I said
"You get used to it. It was really hard at first leaving you and my family, but I just had to keep reminding myself why I was there and what I needed to work towards" Kalin said
"I'm going to miss high school. As much as I don't want to do homework and wake up early, I'll miss all the people I met" I said finally coming to realization that I was graduating
"You'll have me, Myles, and Jessi down there with you" Kalin said
"Jessi? Jessi isn't coming to LA" I responded
"Shit I wasn't supposed to say anything" Kalin said looking away
"Kalin, what happened" I asked
"Jessi and Myles talked last night. They're back together, and Jessi got excepted into UCLA on a soccer scholarship" Kalin said
"Why didn't she tell me sooner" I asked
"Because she was supposed to tell you at dinner tonight" Kalin responded
"Dinner?" I asked
"Shit, I wasn't supposed to say anything about that either" Kalin said
"What are we doing for dinner" I asked
"Were going on a double date with Myles and Jessi" Kalin responded
"What time" I asked
"We have to be ready by 6:30" Kalin said
"Why didn't you tell me, I'm so excited" I said
"Because it was supposed to be a surprise" Kalin said laughing
"Well, I'll act surprised if you want me to" I said
"That would be great thank you" he responded

We bought our tickets, and made our way to the theater.

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