Chapter 31

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Chapter 31:

-Kalin's POV-
I woke up with a person cuddled up next to me. I looked down and saw Carly asleep with her head on my chest. All of the memories of two hours ago came flooding back. About how perfect everything was. Carly moved her head, and fluttered her eye lashes open.
"Hey" she said with a huge smile
"Hey" I said returning the smile
"I think we fell asleep after everything" I said
"Yeah" Carly said with a giggle "What time is it" she asked
I turned my head to look at the clock she had on her desk.
"It's 9:00" I said
"SHIT" she yelled sitting up
She quickly started getting dressed and fixing her hair.
"Babe what's wrong" I asked
"My mom gets home at 8" she said continuing to fix her hair
My eyes went wide as I realized what that meant. I jumped up and got dressed, not being able to find my shirt.
"Carly where's my shirt" I asked
Her eyes grew wide as she realized where we left it.
"What am I supposed to put on" I asked
She walked over to her closet, and found a plain black t shirt. She tossed it at me.
"What is this" I asked
"I sleep in that. It'll be a little smaller than your normal shirts but just put it on" she said
I put it on, just as Carly finished fixing her hair.
"What do we say we've been doing" I asked
"We were studying, and then we, uhhh, fell asleep" Carly said
"Okay" I said
Carly unlocked her door, and slowly opened it. We walked down the hallway, into her living room. My heart stopped as we turned around the corner.

There sat our two moms at the dinning room table. Each of them with a serious look on their face.
Carly's mom looked over at us, and gave us both a small smile.
"Kids, come join us" she said waving us over
We both reluctantly walked over, and sat down next to our moms.
"What have you guys been up to" my mom asked
"You know. Just some studying" I said
"You have to study with your door closed and locked" Carly's mom asked
"Ummm yeah, we didn't want to lose concentration" Carly responded
"Listen, we know what you guys were doing. I think it's time the four of us have a talk" My mom said

I looked at Carly, and I could tell she was nervous.
"What was one of the rules we told you when you guys first got together" Carly's mom asked
"I don't remember" Carly said
"It was doors stay open at all times" Carly's mom said
"So next time you want us to do it with the door open" Carly responded sarcastically causing me to let out a small laugh
"That's not what I mean. Just forget I said that" Carly's mom said
"Also. Don't you guys think you're a little young to be so committed in a relationship" My mom asked
"Mom, I love her. I always have and I always will. She's my best friend, and I can't think about being with anyone else" I responded
Carly's mom smiled, causing my mom to smile too.
"I'm happy you two have found love. As long as you two were careful and used protection" My mom said
"Yes mom we did" I reassured
"Okay, then you guys can go start your schoolwork" Carly's mom said
We both stood up, me taking Carly's hand.
"Kalin. Honey" My mom said
"Yeah" I responded
"Put your shirt back on. You look ridiculous wearing Carly's shirt" My mom said tossing the shirt at me.
Carly laughed as we walked back down the hallway to her room.

"That was surprisingly okay" I said walking into Carly's room
"Yeah, almost too okay. Like something is up" Carly responded
"You're paranoid, nothing is up. They are just happy we are happy" I said reassuring Carly
"At least they didn't take away our weekend together" Carly said smiling
"That is true" I agreed laughing

Time Skip: Friday, the day of the show
-Kalin's POV-

Myles and I have been working our butts off to make everything perfect for tonight. We rearranged a couple songs to keep the fans surprised, and even added a new one they have never heard. We are now waiting backstage as our opening act JamieBoy performs.
"Babe, don't be nervous everything is going to be great" Carly said rubbing my back
"Thanks, I just want everything to go as planned" I said
"It will, and even if it doesn't. Your fans are going to love you no matter what" She said smiling at me
"You're right" I said smiling back leaning down to kiss her
We pulled away when Myles and Jessi walked up
"Are you two going to be okay back here" Myles asked Jessi and I
"Of course. You will hear us screaming the whole show, and when you get off we'll be hear to get you anything you need" Jessi said
"Yes, anything just ask" Carly agreed
We heard the music die down, and the crowd get louder. Jamie came running off stage, wiping off his forehead.
"Hey bruh from what I saw your performance was dope. Glad you could come up here and rock with us" Myles said
"Ay no problem, glad I could come. Thanks for the invite, the crowd is live tonight. So much energy. I got to go though, gotta catch my flight back down to LA in an hour. See you guys later" Jamie said running off
We could hear the crowd get even louder as the crew set up our stage. We heard them start to chant "Kalin. Myles" over and over again.
"This is it" I said looking at Myles
"I know bruh, and the people from the record company are out there. They said we will discuss it at our meeting next month" Myles said
"We gotta go out there and give it all we got" I said
"You ready for this" Myles said
"I was born ready" I responded

The stage crew gave us the okay to move to our separate sides of the stage. I was off stage to the left, and Myles was off stage to the right. Carly followed me to my side.
"You got this. You're going to go out there and kill it like you always do. Leave it all on the stage" Carly said
"Thank you" I said smiling down at her
"I love you, good luck" she said leaning up to kiss me one last time before we had to get in our places
"Love you too" I responded
Carly stepped back, as one of the stage crew helped me get completely into the box I was supposed to jump out of.

As the music started playing, and the smoke machines were on full blast. I busted through the cardboard and saw Myles across the stage. We both nodded at each other, and took our spots to start Crazy For You. The lighting guy put the spotlight directly on me as the first couple piano keys were hit. I raised the mic up to my mouth, and prayed all of my vocal warm ups worked. I hit the first note, and the crowd went crazy. The energy they gave off, and the love I felt all around was something unexplainable. Being onstage and performing for my fans will always be my favorite thing to do. This is where I'm meant to be.

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