Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

-Carly's POV-

Kalin ended up staying the night since his mom was still over. I woke up in the morning, and walked out of my room. Kalin was passed out on the couch still in his button down and jeans. I walked over to him, lightly kissing him. Immediately his eyes started to flutter open, and a smile formed on his face.

"Wow, I could wake up to that more often" Kalin said yawning
"Good morning, do you want something for breakfast?" I asked walking over to look in my fridge
"Did you seriously just ask me that" Kalin said laughing
"How many eggs do you want" I asked laughing
"Three please" he responded

I took out five eggs, cracking each in a bowl. Two for me, three for Kalin. I mixed them before adding them to the pan to cook. I grabbed some bacon out of my fridge, and started that in a separate pan.

When everything was done, I served it out and handed Kalin his plate.
"It looks amazing" Kalin said before shoving the first bite in his mouth
"Thanks" I said laughing starting to eat as well

When we were both done, I took Kalin's plate and washed it. We both moved over to the couch, and sat down. I turned on the tv and all that was on was music videos. Kalin put his arm around me, and I cuddled into his side. When the music video for We Can't Stop ended, the next one was I Should've Kissed You by Chris Brown. I looked up at Kalin and smiled, he looked down and he returned the smile.
"Brings back memories" I said
"Good ones I hope" Kalin said
"The best" I responded
I leaned up, and connected my lips with his before sitting back down.

"Wait that reminds me, don't you have to be at practice for the show this weekend" I asked
"Yeah but not until later, and I want you to come with me when I go" Kalin said
"What time is it at" I asked
"Myles said to be there at 1 and right now it's 11 so we have time" Kalin said

Eventually it was noon so we had to leave to Myles house. When we got there, we both got out of the car walking to his front door.
"Oh um hey guys, I didn't realize you'd be here so soon" Myles said with a nervous tone walking out of the front door, closing it behind him
"Yeah, something up bruh" Kalin asked
"N-n-no nothing is up" he replied with a nervous smile
"Okay just tell us" I said

"Okay... Well... Someone is inside my house right now" Myles said
"That's how a house works Myles" I said laughing
"No. A special someone" He said blushing
"You got a girlfriend and didn't tell me. I thought it was bruhs for life" Kalin said acting like he was heartbroken eventually busting out laughing
"Yeah. I've been into her for a while. I met her this summer right before we left for tour, so I couldn't really get to know her. I've been spending some time with her lately, and I finally got around to asking her to be my girlfriend" Myles said blushing even more
"Okay who is this girl, I want to know who the other girlfriend in kam is" I said laughing
"I'll go get her" Myles said nervously again

Kalin and I just looked at each other. Both of us confused on how we didn't see it. The door opened again, and out walked Myles.

"JESSI" I screamed and ran up to her hugging her
"Hey Carly" She said hugging me back
"You did not tell me you knew Myles" I said letting go of the hug
"I know, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, just Myles kept us dating quiet so I didn't really tell anyone" She explained
"Myles why did you not tell us. Jessi's on my soccer team at school" I said
"I didn't even know you guys knew each other, if I knew that I would of told you" he said
"Well I'm glad I know now" I said laughing
"So are you ready for rehearsal" Kalin said to Myles
"Yeah, just let me go get jake and we can leave" Myles said walking back into his house

Jessi, Kalin, and I walked out to the car, Jessi getting in the passenger seat, Kalin and I in the back. Myles and Jake walked back out, and got in the car.

When we arrived at the small rehearsal space, where Kalin asked me to be his girlfriend, we all got out of the car. Kalin took my hand, and we both walked inside.

"Okay the girls can sit over there, we'll be right back" Myles said pointing to two chairs off to the side

The boys walked back out to the car to grab the rest of the stuff.
"So how did things get like this with Myles" I asked sitting down on one of the chairs
"I don't even know, it just sort of happened" Jessi said laughing sitting next to me
"How long have you known him" I asked
"We met at the very beginning of the summer, in Quickly actually" She said laughing
"Awe that's sweet. Did you guys just hit it off right away" I asked
"Yeah, he was behind me in line. We ordered the same thing, and then there were no more seats available so we shared a table" She said blushing
"I always knew Myles would find love while getting Bubble Tea" I said laughing
"Yeah he loves that stuff" she said
I nodded laughing.
"So how did he ask you to be his girlfriend" I asked
"We have been going on dates for a couple weeks now, and last night he invited me over to his house. He cooked me dinner, and then asked me after dinner" She said smiling
"That's so cute" I said
"Then he invited me over this morning for breakfast and so I could officially meet Jake" she said blushing even more
"Jakes a sweetheart" I said
"Yeah, and it's kind of funny because he's actually in my art class and I didn't even realize" she said laughing
"I'm glad you and Myles hit it off, and I'm glad I have another girl to hang out with when we are all together" I said smiling
"Me too, I was worried you'd be mad we didn't tell you" she said
"Why did you not tell us. I'm not mad or anything I'm just wondering" I asked
"I wanted to tell you when you and Kalin started dating, cause by that point we have gone on a few dates and I knew it was getting more serious. Myles said to not tell anyone, cause he wasn't sure how his fans would react. He also is a very private guy" she explained
"Yeah I'm surprised they took Kalin and I dating so well. They really are the best fans" I said
"Yeah, but now Myles and I have to make a relationship reveal video too, and in worried" she said
"Why are you worried" I asked
"Because the fans already knew you as Kalin's friend, they liked you. So when you started dating they loved that. I'm new, I don't know how they'll respond" she explained
"Don't worth about that. I've never seen any hate from anyone, everyone is here to support no matter what" I explained
"Thanks Carly, I just hope it goes well" Jessi said

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