Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

-Kalin's POV-

Myles finally came outside after I finished talking to Carly.
"Why do you look so happy" Myles asked laughing
"Carly called" I said with a huge smile
"And what did she say" Myles asked
"She's coming down here in two weeks to look for an apartment for when she's at UCLA. While she's down here she's going to stay with us" I continued with an even bigger smile
"Kalin, do you really think that's the smartest thing to do. Playing with your emotions won't help you, it's just going to trick you into thinking you can be together again" Myles explained
"I know, you're right. But I have to see her, I didn't just lose my girl friend I lost my best friend. Maybe I can learn to get over my feelings and just be friends with her" I suggested
"If you believe you can do it than it's worth a shot. Next time you speak to Carly tell her I'm excited to see her" Myles said

After a twenty minute drive, we pulled up in front of the studio where the meeting will be held. Inside were Ed, Sarah, and the entire promotional team. We walked inside, and got into the elevator going to floor two. The door opened, and Myles and I walked down the hallway towards the conference room.
"Hello boys, good morning" Sarah said
"Hi Sarah, good morning to you too" we both responded
"Alright well take a seat, we have a lot to discuss" Ed said

Myles and I sat down in the two remaining chairs at the table.

"First off let's start on the songs that will be on the album. Over the last four months you have recorded roughly 30 songs, we now must chose which ones will make it to the 15 song album" Sarah explained

(Notes: Because they haven't released new music since December, and I can't really make up names for the new songs, I'm just going to use names from songs they have already released)

"What songs do you think should be on it" Ed asked us

I looked over at Myles and we both nodded, having already had this conversation before.
"We both really like Address, and we think the fans will like it since it's up beat" Myles explained
"Yeah, and we both think Chase Dreams should be on it too and possibly the first single we release from it" I explained
"I like that idea, it describes where you guys are at in your life right now" Sarah said
"What else do you guys think" Ed asked
"Turn should definitely be on it" Myles said

After an hour, we finally had 14 songs chosen.
"Now what should the final song be" Ed asked
"I think it should be the cover we did of Should've Kissed You" I said
"But Kalin you both spent so much time writing your own music, why don't we use one of your originals" Sarah suggested
"I like the idea of having the cover on it. We got the okay to use the song and record our own version, I think we should use it" Myles said knowing why I chose it
"I guess since you both want it, looks like the song list is complete" Ed said
"So starting from number one in order we have, Go To Work, Girlfriend, Address, Turn, Chase Dreams, On Me, On Mine Too, Keep Up, Crazy For You, Don't Go, Summertime Love, Reverse Acoustic, Be Okay, Swoop, and the cover of Should've Kissed You" Ed read off
"Sounds good" Myles and I agreed
"Alright, the promo team will now get to work on everything. We will email you cover photo options later today, so be ready to decide on them" Sarah said

After saying goodbye, Myles and I left walking back out to our car.
"I can't believe it" Myles said climbing into the passenger seat
"What" I asked turning the car on
"We just left the meeting to decide what songs we wanted on our album. How did we get to this point" Myles asked looking me in the eye
"These last four months have been crazy, we owe it all to the fans" I said
"Without them, we probably wouldn't be here right now" Myles said
"We should really organize a show for the bay. It's been a minute since we've been up there, and that's really where we got started" I said
"Yeah, we should do it soon, before the album comes out" Myles suggested
"What about next month, in June" I said
"Yeah, let's contact the label tonight and see what they say" Myles said

We got back to our apartment, and went inside.
"Myles, where should Carly sleep when she's here" I asked
"The couch changes into a bed, why doesn't she sleep in your room or something and your sleep on the couch" Myles said
"Good idea" I responded

It's now been two weeks since the meeting. Carly is flying down today, and should be getting here in about two hours. That day we got ahold of our label and scheduled a show for June 21st in San Francisco. It will be our first headlining show since Crazy For Christmas, and I can't wait to see all the fans.

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