Chapter 32

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Chapter 32:

-Carly's POV-

I stood on the side of stage behind the curtains with Jessi. Both of us watching our boys give the performance of their lives. I looked over at Jessi, and she had the biggest smile on her face when she was watching Myles.

"It's pretty amazing huh?" I said to Jessi

"Yeah. They're both so talented, and seeing all the fans go crazy is awesome" Jessi responded

"Those girls are definitely different than normal fans, they're family" I said to Jessi

"They're all so kind. I was really worried about them not liking me as Myles girlfriend, but they all told me was how much they like us together. All I got was support and nice tweets" Jessi said smiling even bigger

"Yeah they definitely go above and beyond supporting our boys" I said looking back out to the stage

As the show went on, the boys were hitting everything and it was all going as planned. I could see that Kalin was no longer nervous, as he got a lot more comfortable on stage. The next song was actually one of my favorites by them. They brought out the two stools ready to start girlfriend. If I'm being honest I've been dreading this moment. Seeing the man I love dancing and singing to another girl. I don't want to be the jealous girlfriend, but that's hard for everyone no matter what.

"Now it's time for our favorite part of the night" Myles said into the microphone

"Just like last show, we are going to have some very special guests come out" Kalin said

Oh no, he wouldn't. Would he?

Kalin turned and started walking towards the side of the stage where Jessi and I were standing. Myles was behind him, as they walked past the curtain.

"Come on babe, who would make a better girlfriend than my actual girlfriend" Kalin said smiling

He put an arm around me walking me out. I leaned up and kissed his cheek. As I made it to the stole the screaming from the fans was unreal.

"I would like everyone to meet, if you haven't already, my beautiful girlfriend Carly" Kalin said still holding my hand causing me to blush

"I would also like you to meet my amazing girlfriend Jessi" Myles said

The screaming got even louder, if that's even possible. The ticking started and Kalin looked straight into my eyes as he started to sing. His voice was perfect, and each note sounded amazing. He started leaning closer to me as he finished the first verse. He leaned in and kissed my cheek after the last words left his mouth. I held his shirt telling him to stay there. He moved the microphone away so what I was about to say wouldn't get picked up by it.

"I love you, you're doing amazing. Don't be nervous anymore babe because you're nothing but perfect" I said whispering in his ear

"I love you too" Kalin whispered back with a huge smile on his face

I leaned in and kissed the spot right under his ear on his neck. The crowd went crazy and started whistling and I couldn't help but laugh. Myles finished his verse, and him and Kalin met in the middle of the stage to finish the bridge and the final chorus. I looked out into the crowd and noticed the amazed smile on all the fan faces. They all looked so mesmerized by the boys. I looked over at Jessi, and waved her to come over to my stool. At first she looked confused but eventually got up without Myles or Kalin noticing.

"Hey, let's get some fans onstage. This is their special moment with the boys, we see them everyday. Let's go choose two girls to come up here" I whispered to her

She nodded and we snuck backstage and ran down the stairs towards the audience. We walked out of the curtain and told the first two girls we saw about our idea. Of course they loved it and came backstage with us right away. We ran back out onstage walking the two girls to their stools just in time before the final chorus. Jessi and I walked back over to the side of the stage. Kalin turned around walking back and noticed the switch. He smiled while singing, and looked over to me on the side. He grabbed the girls hand and hugged her as he sang to her.

In that moment I realized that I should never be jealous of who Kalin is singing too. He is spreading something that I'm not able to spread like him. He's spreading pure love to every girl he sings to. Of course he can't be in love with every girl, but he is still making that girl feel special forever. In those few moments she gets onstage with him, her entire day is made. She doesn't get to see him everyday like I do, so these moments are ones she will cherish forever. Thinking about that made me so proud of the love and positivity Kalin and Myles get to spread daily. I should never be jealous, because I know he loves me, but other people deserves to feel some of that love to.

The song ended and we waited for the girls to walk backstage with the guys. Kalin came up with his arm around his girl.

"I never did get your name" Kalin said to her

"It's Hannah" she responded

"Well Hannah, thank you for being my girlfriend tonight" Kalin said before hugging her one last time then running off to change his clothes

"Did you have fun out there" I asked studying the stunned look on her face

"It was amazing, you're so lucky he's your boyfriend" she said with a huge smile

"Yeah he's pretty amazing" I said giggling

Jessi and I walked the girls back out into the crowd, then made our way backstage again. At this point Jake was out getting the crowd pumped up while the guys took a little break to change and drink some water.

We were watching Jake behind the table play some of his new trap mix, and the crowd went crazy. I felt two arms wrap around my waist, and it slightly startled me.

"Did I scare you babe" Kalin asked whispering in my ear

I turned around in his arms, and wrapped my arms around him.

"Yeah, a little bit" I responded

"Well that's what you get for surprising me with a fan" Kalin said laughing

"Are you mad we did that" I asked

"Of course not. I was just confused when I turned around and you and Jessi were gone" Kalin said laughing

"I just wanted someone else to have that moment, cause I get you all the time. This is their special night" I explained

"I know, and you're amazing for that" Kalin responded

Jake finished with his mix, inviting Kalin and Myles back on the stage. The guys finished up the concert better than ever. I could tell they gave each song their all. When they finished their encore song, they both ran backstage to change. Jessi and I made our way to their dressing room, knocking on the door. The door opened to reveal a shirtless Kalin, and Myles practically asleep on the couch.

"Those last couple of songs were perfect" I said to Kalin as he put his shirt on

"Yeah everything was awesome" Jessi said sitting next to myles on the couch

"Thanks babe" Kalin said wrapping his arms around me

There was another knock on the door, Kalin got up thinking it was his mom. He opened the door to see Ana standing there with a man and a woman. I looked back and Myles sat up on the couch.

"Hello Kalin" the man said sticking out his hand for Kalin to shake, followed by the woman.

Myles stood up and walked to stand next to Kalin.

"Hello Myles" the man said shaking Myles hand

"Boys, I would like you to meet Mr. Cortez and Mrs. Allen. They are reps from Columbia records" Ana said

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