Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

-Carly's POV-

I got to my first period which was math and sat down. I couldn't help but think about the look on Kalin's face. He didn't seem mad, or confused, he just looked like he had way to much stuff to think about. I'll have to talk to him about that at break.

Math was okay, same teacher as last year. I also knew a couple kids in my class which was good. I walked out of class to go to break. For the last four years Kalin and I have been at the same spot for break. I walked to our usual place, and saw Kalin standing there with another shorter kid. I knew who it was right away.

"Jake, what are you doing here" I asked giving him a hug
I could tell he was just as tired as Kalin, since he got back the same time as him last night.
"I transferred schools so it would be easier to get to rehearsal after school" Jake said
"Oh cool, Kalin didn't tell me you transferred"
"Yeah, he didn't know until about three minutes ago" Jake laughed
"Oh" I laughed "So you guys are having rehearsal everyday now?"
"Well, since we have been away from the bay for so long we are having a welcome home concert. It's going to be in two weeks" Kalin said
"Cool! How can I buy tickets" I asked
"Don't be silly, we have a VIP ticket with your name on it already" Kalin said
"Really? Thank you!" I said
"Alright well I have to go to the office to finish signing my transfer papers, catch up with you guys later" Jake said
We both wave to Jake as he walked off.
"You know I could be a ticket like everyone else" I laughed
"I know, but you're my VIP guest" Kalin said
I smiled at him, and looked up into his green eyes. I was about to say something but the bell interrupted. Luckily my next class was Spanish 3 with Kalin. We walked to class together. The next couple periods went by pretty fast. Nothing really special happened, just teachers talking to us about what to expect. Finally it was the end of the day. Kalin and I agreed to go back to my house to watch some movies. We got back to my house and walked inside going to be family room. I closed the door and sat down by my cabinet full of DVDs. We both agreed on watching Warm Bodies, since we both liked that movie. Kalin sat down on the couch, and I followed by sitting next to him. Within the first 20 minutes Kalin was already asleep, and I started to feel tired as well. I didn't realize I fell asleep until I heard someone calling my name.
"Carly, Kalin wake up" My brother Dylan said
I opened my eyes, and realized I had my head in Kalin's lap, and Kalin was still asleep.
"Oh hey Dylan, did you just get back from work" I asked yawning
See my brother recently graduated from College. He is living back at home for a bit to get enough money from his new job, so he could buy an apartment.
"Yeah, tell Kalin to wake up, mom made dinner and I'm sure he doesn't want to miss that" Dylan said laughing
"Okay" I said
Dylan walked out, and I gently shook Kalin's shoulder, trying to wake him up. He didn't even move. I tried again and shook a little harder this time. He still didn't move.
"Kalin wake up, we have food for you downstairs" I said
Kalin all of a sudden wrapped his arms around me, lifting me off the couch and over his shoulder.
"Holy shit warn me next time" I laughed
"Hey, when it comes to me and food there is no messing around" Kalin said still carrying me on his shoulder.
He finally set me down before we walked downstairs together.

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