Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

-Carly's POV-
Another week passed, and nothing exciting happened. I had soccer practice everyday after school, and Kalin had rehearsal. We only saw each other at break and lunch, where we also hung out with Jake.

It was now Sunday night, and the boys EP is going to be released at 9. We are all at Myles house, waiting for it to drop.
"How excited are you guys right now?" I asked
I was sitting sideways in Kalin's lap, with one arm around his neck, and his arms around my waist
"I don't think you want me to get started on explaining how excited I am" Myles said from his computer chair
It was now 8:40 so only 20 more minutes
"Alright, I'm going to go make some food. Anybody want any" I asked
Kalin nodded immediately
"I'll come with you, I'm starving too" Jake said standing up from sitting on the ground

Jake and I walked out of the door, down the stairs, and into their kitchen.
"What sounds good to you" Jake asked
"Popcorn sounds great right now" I responded
"Okay, popcorn it is" he smiled
He went to their pantry, and grabbed two bags of popcorn
"Why two" I asked
"Cause Kalin can eat a whole bag on his own" he said laughing
I laughed too, that boy sure can eat.
"So you have all the mixes down for the show next week" I asked
"Yeah I'm finalizing them tomorrow with Myles. I think they're done" He said
"That's cool, I'm excited to hear and see everything. Kalin's been so tired lately, from all the rehearsal. I can tell they're really working hard for this show" I said
"Yeah, everything is different this time. It's on a whole new level. Everything is stepped up, it's the biggest show they have ever done" Jake responded
We heard the beep of the microwave, telling us the popcorn was finished. Jake got out two bowls, and emptied the bags into them. We walked back upstairs, and until Myles room.
"Here you go" I said handing Kalin his bowl, while sitting back on his lap
He kissed my cheek, and started eating.
"How much longer" Tyler asked
"Ten more minutes" Myles said in the middle of responding to a fan
Kalin pulled out his phone, and went on twitter too. I watched as he responded and retweeted fans. I decided I'd retweet some people too. I went on twitter and retweeted a couple people, then I got a new mention from Jake.

~@JakeeyP: @KalinWhite and @CarlySanchez right now~ and attached was a picture of me sitting on Kalin's lap.

I stuck my tongue out at Jake, then responded.

~@CarlySanchez: Cute shot~

And I sent it. I instantly got replies, and they were all fans saying how cute Kalin and I were together.
"Babe look at this" I said leaning my head on Kalin's shoulder, showing him my phone.
He smiled and quickly pecked my lips before continuing on twitter.

I got another new mention

~@KalinWhite: sitting with my amazing girlfriend @CarlySanchez waiting for the EP to drop~

I favorited it and retweeted it. I smiled down at Kalin, and kissed his cheek.
"Guys. One more minutes" Myles said turning around
I stood up from Kalin's lap, and walked over to Myles desk. Kalin followed and stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. The clock finally turned to nine, and Kalin and Myles did a little bro hug thing. I hugged Kalin.
"I'm really proud of you" I whispered in his ear
"I wouldn't be as far as I am without your support" He whispered back

I walked over and hugged Myles.
"Listen, you're one of my best friends. I'm so proud of you right now, both of you. I can tell how hard you worked on this EP, and I know the fans will love it. Now congratulate yourselves on all the amazing hard work you put into it" I said while still hugging him
"Thank you so much Carly, for the constant support. It means a lot" Myles said letting go of the hug

I walked back over to Kalin, and we both went back on twitter, as Myles walked out of the room answering a phone call. Everyone seemed to be in love with the EP, every single song was amazing. After about five minutes of retweeting people and responding Myles walked back in, with a really serious look on his face.

"Kalin, that was Ana. She needs to see us immediately" Myles said stating directly at Kalin

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