Five things you didn't know about The Only Girl

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FIVE K! I have five K now and I'm freakin out!

Thanks to everyone who encouraged me in this book, and the next!

So, to celebrate, I give you-

Five things you didn't know about The Only Girl, aka, Five things that weren't suppose to be part of this book.

I never intended for Kali to fall in love, but when my best friend suggested it, I was all for it! So all you Levli shippers should go thank Tori, aka ZombiLuva !

The Timeline
So, if y'all read the first couple of chapters, well, let me paste a quote. Just a sec.

My brother Zane was home and the two were discussing taking over some town called Meteli.

So as you see, Zane appeared in the book. I did cover up this mistake, however, (not very well), by adding the thirteen years ago part. This was changed when I decided that Kali should rescue her brothers from Irene's demention.

Nope, Kathryn was not suppose to be a thing, and Garroth and Zane were originally her full brothers. However, we didn't know about Zianna when I first wrote this book, so making Kali know nothing about her seemed like a great idea.

Andi. That is a character who can be described by SO many words, yet one sums them all up. Tori. Andi is Tori, plain and simple.

Tori came to me one day, and talked about how she wanted to be with Laurence forever and bla bla bla... (Which she often does)
So, I decided to add Andi, an OC based completely off her.

And last, but certainly not least...

Yes, one of the main characters of this book really was never suppose to be a thing. She was created by saumeow , and I just loved the character so much, I asked to use her.

So I did. She was the other "sister." And, she adds a deep dynamic by actually being related to Lola, and,
spoiler alert,
Kali too,
Which you would know if you are reading the sequel.

So there you go! Everything that wasn't suppose to exist in this book, but wouldn't the book be so different without these things?

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