Dear Diary

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Title: Dear Diary
Genre: Genderbender, Fluff, Romance, Slice of Life
Characters: Taeyeon, Jessica, Tiffany

Monday of August at SM Academy where students where gathering early in the morning at the open field of the campus because the Principal urgently called them for their school festival preparation, all of the staffs and faculty member aligned from their respective seats at the mini stage that fits for them even the Student Council President and other organization  heads was also there. The famous nerd, Jessica Jung Sooyeon was seated along with her fellow students, attentively paying attention of what the old man said, he was a strict Principal that no one doesn't want to deal with,
someone nudged the nerd who was now fixing her huge black frame glasses as she take notes of every details he had said, she unwillingly tilted her head to her annoying seatmate and sending questioning look over her.

"Jess, do you see the new professor seating beside the Principal over there Kim

I heard that he was teaching Math and we all knew that I really hated it even the nerd genius here. He's first class will start after this and it also our class,  don't you feel excited about it?" Tiffany, her only friend slash loud bestfriend who loves to ruin her every single day of her life even barging inside her bedroom in the morning that she could be graded A+ for being an early bird with no absences but Jessica wishes that even one day she would get tired from her daily routine but thinking that Tiffany was a freak health conscious, bubbly and athletic person, she didn't expected her to be one of those weaklings creature that oftenly gets sick.

"I don't even care about it, Tiff."

"Oh, yeah but I think you could be out of my list to be taken care of, I'm glad you're not one of those freaks fangirl over there." Tiffany sighed as she pointed at Sunmi's clique who was gawking at the new hot professor and squealing when the man stealing glances at them and smile.

"He's not even hot in my eyes, he was small and looks like a pervert in my opinion." Jessica thought.

August 20, 2010

Dear Diary,

We have a boring orientation today with that freaking Principal and my bestfriend Tiffany was head over heels to our new professor Mr. Kim. I also caught him staring at me whenever I'm jotting some notes about his lesson and I found it irritating so I'm literally sending him my famous icy glare and I think he got the signal as he shifted his attention to others but I'm sure I saw him smiling from ear to ear and thought he was blushing. Is he some kind of a psycho?


Jessica Sooyeon ❤

After a week when Taeyeon was hired as a new Math professor, he was keeping an eye to one of his favorite student, a female to be exact and think that she was cute but his amusement over her grew into a next level called infatuation that he was secretly gathering information about the certain blonde with every students that knew her even the loud Hwang Tiffany whom he learned that she was Jessica's bestfriend and as a payback, he introduced her to his half brother, Choi Sooyoung who was a freshmen law student at the nearby university and they were seeing each other for also a week now but for Taeyeon he took forever to get have a descent conversation with Jessica and it was kinda frustrating and depressing for him.

August 20, 2010

Dear Diary,

My first day and also the school orientation for the upcoming festival, I heard some female students who were obviously loud that caught my attention so I stared at their spot and a blonde student pulled my eyes that I literally staring at her amusingly, I found her cute with her black frame glasses as she interestingly taking notes of the details that the freaking old man says, I was caught by a girl who was sitting beside her and nudged her so I panicked and shifted my attention through the other female students near them and I smile so I didn't look suspicious over the raven hair friend of that blonde and to my relief they were now listening attentively to the next speaker who was ME. Oh God! Andwae~
I was embarrassed but to my disappointment the certain blonde and her friend was nowhere to be found.

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