One Last Time

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Title: One Last Time
Genre: Angst, Romance
Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

You don't respond when I ask how you're doing.
Your expression toward me has lost its scent.
Moments with silence spreading pass by me.
That word contained in your eyes
My breath shortens, I don't want to hear it.
Stop the time, don't open your lips
Don't make me lose you now.


Hands in my coat pocket, eyes on the pavement where my foot trails with no direction, my heart yearns for something or rather someone I lost. I checked my phone if there's a message but nothing, I checked the time but I know no one will wait for me at home even if I went home late, I ran my fingers through my short blonde hair, yeah I changed the color from jet black but no reasons in particular I just felt to. I felt the coldness shivers down to my spine so I embraces myself tightly while strolling down the road bumping through oceans of people, busy streets, blinding lights and sounds of whispers and murmurs I'm not aware of. I smile bitterly to myself when I passed by to a happy couple sitting beside each other talking sweetly trapped into their own world. I turned my head into another direction and there I saw people usually doing their own business. Thankfully, I wear my favorite gray jogging pants and sweater so my body could get rid of the killer coldness because right now I felt the chilling breeze of winter season, going higher than awhile ago. My feet stopped in a certain place where I used to go with someone, I turned my head and saw the vintage pendulum clock ticking and I remember how I broke the same replica that I bought from here so everything came back in a flash then my tears started to form through my eyes without me knowing, I wipe them but didn't stop so I decided to move forward and forget everything behind, I decided to go home.


My heart was always a beat slower
If you wanted change, I wanted to stay the same.
Over time, the two steps that were side by side are out of step.
I want to hold on to it, your heart that's ending.
Tears fall, I'm scared we'll become distant.
Stop the time, while holding my hand tightly let me stay inside of your embrace.


I crossed the street turning my head from left to right, hands in my pocket while I follow where my foot would lead me. I take a breath for awhile and wondering why the temperature suddenly become cold and it freezes my whole body so I held myself tightly. My eyes wandering around the unfamiliar place while searching for something interesting, busy streets, blinding lights and sounds of whispers and murmurs I'm not aware of. I'm in a deep thought when I remember a place where I could stay for a moment, I searched for a certain shop I usually visit to buy something vintage because I fancy old items they looked all precious for me. I walked to a familiar alley then turn to the left and there the vintage shop, I saw a vintage pendulum clock ticking then I saw something broken at the back of my mind but I couldn't remember, a sudden pain struck my mind as I pushed myself to remember what I forgot, I felt something missing, a piece of me where my whole life revolved before so I decided to go home before I passed out here but when I turned my body I saw a woman with her short blonde hair looking at my direction, in my eyes I saw sadness filled her orbs as she looked at me but I stiffly remain in my spot not wanting to broke her trance. I watched her taking her baby steps towards me before my head aches like something hammering inside.

"S-Soo... Yeon...?" She spoke with her trembling voice as she choked in tears, she seems familiar but I couldn't remember, maybe someone important to me.

"Y-You're a-alive? Sooyeon? My Sooyeonie?" Did she call me with that name but my name is Jessica. I'm Jessica, am I? My mind goes messed when I pushed myself into the limit.

"I-I'm a-afraid but I-I don't know you." I spoke before I stepped aback, afraid of this stranger so I run away from her but she keeps on following me before I crosses the familiar streets where my husband found me unconscious.

"W-Wait up Soo-------------" I heard a loud crashing sound behind and when I looked over my shoulder, I saw people gathered in the middle of the street, a luxurious familiar Porsche crashed into the lamp post and realization hits me, it's my husband's car so I quickly run to where the accident happen, my tears fell down through my cheeks when I saw my husband went out safe and sound, only some bruises and small scratch from his forehead.

"Oh God, w-what have I done!!!" My husband spoke with a panic voicr seeing a body not too far from us, lying with pool of blood and I saw the face of stranger following me awhile ago, I covered my mouth in fear until I felt a pair of arms embracing me tightly.

"Tae... Yeon..." Did I spill a name I didn't know, its surprises me when I call a random name that isn't my husband. He looks at me with his sad eyes and shook his head, I see how he wanted to say something because I felt it and the woman on the ground I felt she's someone I'm missing then my mind keeps on messing with flashbacks again. Shit!

"J-Jessica mianhe... E-Everything is a lie!" My husband burst into tears detaching me from him as he kneel down like he's sorry or something.

"S-Sorry if I-I t-take you away from her." He looked over his shoulder from where the woman was lying lifelessly but I saw how her fingers reaching for my direction calling my attention. What the fuck my husband was saying? I'm confused yet I wanted to know what he meant by a lie.

1..... 2..... 3.....

And for the last time, I realized I'm looking to her eyes filled with longing and sadness while mine was filled with regret and pain.

The end.

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