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Title: Lotto
Genre: Romance
Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

A/N: Inspired by the song of EXO while I'm writing this piece. Enjoy!

In a world of crime, Taeyeon was exposed to various dirty works that could earned her a bunch money on hand that she could buy chateau and hectares of an island at Jeonju, her hometown where she grew up as an orphan but not long after she was adopted by a wealthy businessman whom export drugs throughout different countries as his dirty business and now appointed as a senator of the Republic of Korea. Yes, she's well-known as Senator Kim's only daughter, a woman who spend fortune for her own luxury, slept with numerous woman at night though she had fame and money like celebrities, she wasn't happy at all that she now entered the world of drugs like her father.

"Get me a sex slave for tonight!" Taeyeon yelled at her men that always standing beside her while she's having a nightview of Seoul City from her huge windowframe that she lived sipping a glass of white champagne.

"Dae, agashi." The black suit man said flatly as he bowed respectfully before he walked out behind the two door chamber where Taeyeon was.


"What's your name?" Taeyeon asked the girl wearing a mini white dress who seems pure and feminine on her own. She saw how the latter trembled knowing that it's her first time from her small behavior that she's now fidgeting avoiding her intense gaze she's giving her.

"I-I'm J-Jessica." The girl respond nervously before she met a pair of onyx orbs at her. They shared glance where both of them felt something odd inside, Taeyeon took a step forward still engaging on their intense staring battle while the girl Jessica was immobilize.

"First time, eh?" Taeyeon frowned when Jessica shyly nodded on her question, she sighed before she fixed her robe and taking a glass of her favorite champagne place at the side table.

"Should we get started by now?" Finally, Jessica gain her courage to asked the woman who's sitting at the king-size bed sipping her liquor but instead of giving her a lustful response, Taeyeon gently smiled at her before patting a space beside her gesturing her to comfortably joined her.

"I want to spend our night talking and how you choose this kind of job, I don't intend to offend you but I'm just curious and I will gave you everything just to tell me your story, I'm all ears Jessica-ssi." Taeyeon explained giving assurance to the girl and afterwards they're now sitting beside each other.

"I'm Kim Taeyeon, we can be friends." Jessica smile at her while they're handshaking and starting to tell each other's story that made their whole night filled with laughters through dawn.


"Agashi, we still haven't find her even at the bar she's working at, I'm sorry." The blacksuit man informed his boss sitting on her black leather swivel chair but from her face she wasn't please because he knew that his boss lover was kidnapped by their enemies on drug industry.

"Fuck, prepare our men and informed them that we had some business to do and also give me my favorite pistol, understand?" Taeyeon calmly announced before her guard immediately obeyed.


The sound roaring of exchanging shooting of guns were audible throughout the old warehouse that used to be their enemies hideout and where a certain person their searching for almost a week now, Taeyeon was hiding safely behind the door holding a calibre as she's trying to rescue Jessica from the goons and she's assuring the place was clear, a chance for her to stay alive with her. The door creaked open and spotted the blonde tying at the chair in the midst of a cold, dirty and stinky room, she slowly approaches her and now kneeling infront of Jessica staring at her still gorgeous face like an angel, she wipe the dirt stains her soft cheeks, the girl weakly opens her tired eyes immediately cried when she saw her lover's kid face like staring at her lovingly.

"We're going home now baby." Taeyeon said affectionately before she help Jessica to freed but someone shoot them behind without them knowing.


Taeyeon was staring at Jessica's loving orbs when she was engulfed by a warm embrace that snapped her back into her senses, she felt something weird and terrified by a blood staining her hands, she was saved by her lover taking the bullet that used to pierces her flesh instead. She broke into tears when Jessica smiles before her tired eyes betrayed the latter.


"That night was still memorable." Taeyeon murmured before she gaze back on a sleeping figure invading her comfortable bed.

"I almost lost you pabo!" Jessica grimace as she climbed off from the bed walking towards her husband.

"Says the one act like a hero infront of me, huh?" Taeyeon snickered as she was hugged by her wife behind, seizing the loving moment between their warmth enjoying the nightview from their penthouse building windowframe.

"You're the one who save me from the cruel world of prostitution and I'm grateful that you're the first who pop my cherry, baby." Jessica whispered seductively before biting her husband's earlobe down to the shoulderblade and now working with her playful tongue for Taeyeon to get aroused and turned on by her simple yet naughty gestures.

"So, are you up for another round? The night was still young that we could make more babies if we wanted to?" Taeyeon responded by a simple kiss on her gentle palm before she uses her strength to make her wife straddled on her lap before they immerse themselves into another heated make-out session as a newlyweds on a honeymoon.

"I just hit the lotto." Taeyeon thought before she savored every inch of Jessica's gorgeous curves.

The end.

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