Your Name

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Title: Your Name

Genre: Genderbender, Romance

Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

I adjusted the strap of my blue backpack according to what I'm comfortable with while hanging into my shoulder, I look over the rail if the expected train trip will be arriving soon but unfortunately it will arrive after 30 minutes of waiting since I'm located at the secluded province of Jeollado and I want to pay a visit to Seoul for my sick mother. I glance at my casio wristwatch and it tells 4:18 p.m. maybe I will arrive late in the evening so might took a quick dinner after I land my feet on the city where I dream to be, I'm just a normal college student at my hometown spending my 17 years stuck in the place, I wanted to explore so I transfer to Seoul just a few weeks ago and thankfully my dear brother already arrange my papers since his job located near the university, I search my earphone into my pocket and attach them into my ears as I played my favorite songs I usually loved and turned the volume higher as I immerse my inner self into the melody while sing along through the beautiful lyrics that already engrave to my mind. I fixed my trench brown coat securely into my body to lessen the coldness of the weather since it's winter and Christmas will be just around the corner, better not to be sick.


(A/N: This is totally a highly recommended song as you read the story XD)

"Excuse me Mister?" A gentle tap into his shoulder made the former shifted his attention into the young looking lady wearing a red scarf that entirely covers a half of her face because it's winter season though and all of them shivered from the cold. He's also wearing the same as he waited on the bench all by himself.

"Yes?" He answered putting away the earphone off from one of his ear with a total questioning look into the passersby lady whose tapping his shoulder just to ask something.

"Is this the route to Seoul?" The lady asked in her perfect English accent made the man flinched since he's not totally good with the alien language she spoken but trying his best to answer her.

"Ah, yes, Seoul, here." He awkwardly replied following by a funny gestures from his hand made the lady chuckle in amusement as the face in front of her showing a little anxious with his twisted tongue while speaking his English words he rarely use in daily life.

"Thank you so much." She bowed politely while stifle her laugh not to show any disrespect towards the stuttered man.

"Glad you understand me." He sighed in relief as he held his chest like he's having a heart attack but the lady stay rooted on her spot scrutinizing him carefully from head to toe. His style was not a totally turn off but you can say that he's a nerd at first look but his charming face and smile stood out and sweep off your feet especially his gestures like a total gentleman you wanted to date for sure.

"I understand you very well." She spoke well with her Korean made the man arch his eyebrow and silently scoffed at the woman who pranks him with her perfect English.

"You're Korean?" He asked but a chuckle answered back made the lady blush in embarrassment.

"Ah, sorry if I didn't speak my Korean words awhile ago. Did you feel uncomfortable? You know I'm kind of not use to speak my mother tongue because I'm from State specifically from California, I arrive at Jeollado 3 days ago and I will move to Seoul today." She explain and the man totally understand as he shows his charming smile into her.

"Oh, it's fine, I'm not good English speaker, you know I'm kinda panic when you ask me in perfect English accent it's sexy------ Oh, I'm sorry!" He bowed repeatedly as he realized his own words of disrespect but the lady shrugged it off as she understand and it made her laugh holding her stomach.

"You look cute." She muttered and the conversation went by too long until the train finally arrive.

"Thank you for that, I always get that!" He laugh along with her and the people stepped outside from the train for their stop as the two stood aside making way for the passengers before they got inside.

The trip to Seoul went smoothly but the two stranger didn't talked much but they seems comfortable with the silence and only stares took the awkwardness in between and a small smile will do. Finally, they arrived at the terminal, as a gentleman he is, he covered her using his body to protect her for the careless body of the passengers bumping harshly into them as they leaned together into a safety corner of the train.

"Thanks." The lady from his action as all of the passengers already out from the train and only the two of them left behind, he guide the lady while holding her hand in a gentle way as they both stepped outside finally breathing the air they needed during a suffocated trip from Jeollado station.

"Ah, do you want to grab a coffee?" He asked making his move for an open opportunity to hit on the lady since she's totally caught his attention.

"I'm in a hurry to meet my sister nearby, sorry." She said apologetically as she waves her hand off in a gentle manner not to offend him in a way.

"Oh, sorry. It's okay." He replied sadly but not showing a gloomy face, not in front of her. Such a waste to let go from this opportunity to meet a beautiful woman.

"B-But a call won't harm, right?" She search for a pen and piece of paper and wrote her number made the man jump in glee inside but holding himself back.

"Sure, thanks." He said while handing the piece of paper.

"Your name is....?" They both asked in unison.

The end.

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