Meet You On Friday

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Title: Meet You On Friday (sung by IU)

Genre: Romance, Fluff, Genderbender

Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

You probably busy on Monday

Tuesday seems too soon, don't you think?

Wednesday feels kind of awkward

I don't like Thursday for some reason

This Friday

How is this Friday?

A certain blonde woman sitting inside a cozy cafe sipping her favorite macchiato with her glasses on reading "The Fault In Our Stars", her favorite book so far. She glances at her wrist watch every seconds, 9:05 A.M. Friday at Seoul. Her lipstick stain at the rim of the coffee cup, the bell rang indicating there's another customer, she eyed the person who seems clueless and lost on his thoughts, his on a mess and it made her chuckle on herself while watching every bit of his clumsiness not knowing that there's someone's observing him.

"One cup of macchiato, please." The person said while fixing his already messy perm blonde hair as he's searching for someone, he glance at his wrist watch that same as the blonde woman had, the barista serve his order before he look over at the empty table across the waiting woman.

"Thanks." He said before leaving the counter.

The blonde woman secretly looking at the man who withdrawing something  inside of his backpack, a sketchpad and a pencil. She studied him for awhile before another ringing of the bell was heard, a couple placing their order before they headed to a empty nearby table, the barista busied himself to serve another order.

Each minute, each second is so sweet 

What is this man?

I can't help but to fall in love

All day, my heart rides on that clock hand

Getting closer to you with each tick

After an hour of watching him seems like a rollercoaster ride for her, she's impatient but his something that made her go curious and she couldn't help but to fall for him in a short span of time. She consider herself as an easy woman not until she met him in a different time and circumstances, the clock ticking like a bomb and her time is already up but she wasn't brave enough to tell the man about her feelings.

"Just go with it, Sooyeon. You're time is limited and I'm not giving you another one if you want it again, just tell him the truth." A voice rang on her mind, reminding her that she will not failed this time around. She gather her courage as she breathes the air, calming herself but before she left her table, the man beats her because his uncomfortable from her secret staring at him once in awhile.

"Ahm, I don't want to be rude but could you please stop staring at me. It's too uncomfortable for me and if you want to say something you should have tell me at least, it's too creepy to stare at someone obviously a stranger." The blonde man said as he stares at her with a straightface, the woman just stares back at him before she spoke.

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