Love Me The Same

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Title: Love Me The Same
Genre: Genderbender, Romance
Character: Taeyeon & Jessica

Sunday morning, where all of resident doctors of Seoul General Hospital were spending their day off outside with their families or love ones but not for Jessica Jung,  a heart surgeon who always left alone taking care of someone, she almost losing her hopes that she will make her certain patient to woke up from his comatose for over a year now, her favorite patient possessed a child-like features that he almost looks like a kid but he was on his thirties.   He rarely visited his family due to the proximity because they're living on Jeonju province, far away from Seoul. Last week, his supposedly former girlfriend finally pay a visit because she already broken up with him without his certain knowledge that the eye smiling woman was now engaged to someone else and will get married next month, she felt pity towards him that she almost cried at night beside him because she was crazily falling inlove with a person who didn't love her back indeed he had no idea since he was physically dead but mentally living for God knows when he will be waking up and the doctor almost stayed up late for searching some studies about how to wake up a comatose patient that literally her colleagues couldn't find a way how to even the best doctors from other hospital couldn't understand her logic. She was searching from here and there just to find the cure but she gave up and accepted his fate if he would wake up or not but how could he handle the changes when he woke up from his deep and long slumber.

"Dr. Jung, you have operation after a few hours with patient no. 567-000." Her personal secretary announces that she stopped her researching over her laptop. She was looking at her phone where she put the patient's calm face as her wallpaper, she smile bitterly after she put the phone back at the top of her table before putting her white coat and stethoscope ready for work.

The doctor oftenly visited her favorite patient and spotted a cactus at his bedside table that surely she didn't find it there yesterday maybe a visitor placed it when she wasn't there. She silently entered the room and closed the sliding door behind, she sitted beside him again because the wooden chair she placed there was still untouched because no one visits him though. She traces his gentle features from his eyes down to his jawline that she used to adores so much, she played with his unmoved fingers and her tired eyes quickly joined him to a deep slumber.

"Good morning Dr. Jung!" A throaty voice greeted her when she finally blinked her eyes because she slept too much and much to her surprise, her patient already woke up that she almost cried,  she quickly stood up but he grabbed her wrist telling her to not leave him yet. She was now talking with Taeyeon, the patient introduces himself first before her and they finally clicked with each other because they shared the same stuffs, she tell him the whole story but to her amusement, Taeyeon already know all of them because some says that even a person was in comatose, they could literally heard everything and awares of his surroundings that explains how he wasn't surprise of his girlfriend being married with someone else, he doesn't felt sadness but happy because someone cared for him during his comatose phase. Taeyeon gave her the cactus that everytime she looks at them she will remember a certain person, he also tells her that she must took care of it because the plant was a sensitive one,  Jessica was beyond happy when she finally confessing her feelings towards him but he only smile bitterly. He take her hands into his own caressing them carefully like a fragile glass that needed attention, he tells his own story with her as she listened attentively.

"Thank you for everything and I love you too, Jessica." The last words slipped out from his mouth after he passed away from her warm embrace.

Walking from the pavements towards Taeyeon's graveyard that she almost visited day by day, she was holding the healthy cactus that grew beautifully under her attentive care. She was smiling like a kid when finally she stopped from the spot under the tree, carefully putting her picnic mat and a basket full of Taeyeon's favorite, she pulled out the grass surrounded the tomb and places more cactuses around him. She was satisfied loving him six feet below the ground, she even composed a song filled with love towards him and sang well with her own melody.

"Sleep well, Jessica I'll be waiting for you." A voice whispered from her ears as she smiled with herself before she found her place to sleep beside him again but this time it would last forever.

The end.

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