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Title: Fool
Genre: Romance, Angst
Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

Sometimes we are fool to let go of someone who really loves us so dearly.


"Sica? Why are you cheating behind my back? Are you getting tired of me? In our relationship for 6 years?" She asked every single words forever be engraved in my heart and soul, I heard how her voice trembles in between her words she spoken. The night I was being a fool to letting her passed through my grasp when I'm trying to turned our precious relationship into waste, I was seriously a fool in her eyes when I said those words cuts her heart so deeply.

"I think it wasn't gonna work this way, Taengoo." I spilled the truth when I felt cold in between our kisses.

"I can fix everything but please don't lete go like this Sica I beg you really!" She kneels infront of me tugging on the hem of sweater while were standing at the back of our campus where we first confessed with our mutual feelings.

"I'm sorry but I'm seeing someone right now." I said while avoiding her gaze where I could already see tears, I hate the feeling of separation but how my heart yearning for someone else when all this time she's all I needed.

"Take it back! Take your words back because I can't let you go Sica-yah! I will try to work this out and I'm willing to share you with him if that's what you need, I give you time to think of everything but please don't let go of me." She begged and begged until I got no strength to see her crying so I let my feet dragged me away from her and probably see him again for comfort so I carelessly did and I regret them all where I see her drowning with her love for me.

"Please come back to me Sica!" She yelled but I refused to turned my back and continue to walked in separate ways and throw all her love away. I didn't listen at her pleading but instead I learned to lived my life without her but I failed in a blink of an eye when in my heart there's always be her.

After all these years, I chose to be with the wrong guy and I blindly love someone who could hurt me more than she hurts me, I fell down but there's no one to catch me again, no one waiting for me to get up on my feet because there's no more Taeyeon to stay with me when I fell. The moment my world shuttered was when she finally moves on with her heartbreak from me, I see her genuine smile which I had before but now she's smiling with somebody that wasn't me and now she had a new one which was more beautiful than me. I felt worst with each passing day when I went home with no one else waiting for me, no one cooks for me and sleep with me at night, I felt much worsen when I received a white envelope which contained her wedding invitation because finally she moves on and I lose. I cried on my knees and held the envelope tightly in my hands, I'm a loser because until now I always wanted and need her all by myself but she belongs to someone else who will loved her forever.

"I was a fool for letting you go." I runy fingers through my messy blonde hair and decided to end my life here but a hand stopped me from doing so.

"Are you finally gone crazy Sica? What the hell are you doing in yourself? Committing suicide? You're sick! " At last after all these years I finally heard her voice again with concern and how much I misses them and before she let me go I pulled her into my embrace and cried on her stiffen shoulder.

"I'm really sorry Taeyeon-ah." I tightly held into her like my life was depending on her but the truth was my life was really depends on her of she didn't stop me right now.

"Please let me go now Sica. You made the both us feel worst if you don't, okay? I wanted you to be free and love someone again like what I did right now." I heard her soothing voice once again but her words I never wanted to heard because I know its slowly killing me inside knowing she had moving on from me.

"I'm late am I?" I said in between sobs.

"Sica don't be hard on yourself." She whispered as she backhugging me as we stood at the building veranda of my luxurious apartment.

"What's her name?" I asked curiously.

"Her name is Tiffany." I felt her smile at my back when she mention the name like how she spilled my name sweetly before.

"Does she taking care of you well?" I sound like a nagging mother by now and she's an obedient daughter who answered honestly.

"Yes she's taking good care of me like how you did before and I'm grateful towards you Jessica because you also treating me like a baby." Taeyeon said as she turned to finally face her amd met my gaze with concern.

"Please take care of yourself." She patted my head like I'm a kid, her habit but I really loved them before.

"I was honestly wrong of leaving you behind and I'm regretful of that matter because I was still fucking inlove with you so if I couldn't take you back then we will both die right here." I finally gone mad because of my love for her so I pulled her collar as I hugged her behind while my feet stepping aback and dragged her into my own death, we fell from the 22nd floor of the building.

We died together in hell but I die happy with her in my arms again.

The end.

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