Too Much

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Title: Too Much

Genre: Romance, Futanari

Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica


I stared once, twice, no thrice without blinking my eyes as I watched a gorgeous lady swaying her hips in the crowd and in the dance floor, I sipped my rum but never my eyes leaving the target of attraction, she's way too much for me, I'm the type of a person who couldn't even resist a pretty woman, that's totally my weakness especially her almond brown eyes, a long blonde wavy hair and an S-line curves of a hell of a body she possessed. I'm a well-known player in the house and even a certain goddess Hwang couldn't even resists my addicting touch much more a feathery touch on their exposed skin when they were a few piece of clothes that barely covered their assets that my eyes could savor.

"Oh, fucking shit!" I almost spilled my drink when the blonde do her killer waves with her hips and her eyes met mine halfway. I gawked at her when she throw a killer wink at me, I looked like a puppy waiting for her owner then her delicate finger gestured me to come over. OH MY FUCKING GOD!

"She's too much with teasing a hungry lion on her den." I wiped the corner of my lips before I fixed my leather jacket and followed the blonde out in the suffocating crowd.

We both heading in the dark and empty hallway on the way to a few private rooms of the club, I bet she already had a VVIP pass in one of the cabin, I guess because she knew where she goes and a sound of her clicking heels echoed the darkness while I'm a helpless puppy following her owner, oh how I hate myself for being a slave under the power of a beautiful woman, they all wrapping me around their delicate finger.

I felt the edge of my jacket was being tugged into a strong pull and my foot landed inside a room with only the light of a small lamp on the queen-size bed not too far from where I am. My lips was being captured by a stranger but I won't fight because I wrapped my arms around her slim waist, I knew it would happen again not once because since we done it last year, we often do it at least thrice a month in a row without stopping before I asked this woman to be my girlfriend after we are sure about the mutual feelings and shared the same goals in life I made her my wife and now here I am overpowered by Jessica Jung and now a proud Mrs. Kim of mine. She completely changed me from a player into a faithful human being and we made love under the blissful moments of our first night as a newly wed couple then after a year, she bear my child and gave birth to our beautiful daughter and handsome son.

"You're such a bad girl for teasing your husband like this." I bit her bottom lips in between our hot kisses as I looked at her lustfully in the eyes.

"You can't blame me if I had a fucking hot husband staring at me the whole time while I'm enjoying my plan of seducing you but I knew it would work on a pervert woman like you!" Jessica bite my neck before my hand roamed at her butt and squeezed them hard just to make the temperature raised.

"Then fucking show me what you've got darling, I can't wait for my birthday present!" I whispered into her ear before I carried her into the bed and helps her strip her clothes off to reveal what's underneath.

"Take off your clothes too I want to see your little buddy down there." Oh how much I loved her dirty talking during our love session.

"As much as I want, I wanted to tease you first and we get this more slowly but wild." I slipped off my jacket and throw them at the floor before I lift off my white Tommy Hilfiger muscle shirt joining her Versace dress.

I dove down into her neck proceeding into her collarbone leaving hickeys everywhere I wanted while she was helplessly moan my name. My finger make its way lower that she likes the most, I fucking horny that my buddy standing angrily in the sight of her wet pussy that I most loved.

"Ahhh, y-you're f-fucking f-finger makes me feel good d-down there darling!" She groan and whimper underneath me while I'm doing my best to satisfy my wife.

"You still gorgeous after you gave birth to our youngest child." I whispered when my lips found the twin valleys and sucked them hard.

"Ahhh, w-we ahhh, s-should t-thank ahh, Sooyoung for taking care of Jihoon and Jisoo tonight." Jessica moaned as she bite my shoulder in pleasure as I fasten the pace of my delicate finger inside her wet hole.

"But mostly I should thank you for preparing this party and planning my birthday very well so I will do you good all night darling." I fucking loved my wife for being such an understanding, loving and caring not only for me but to our little ones. She leave her dream job as a fashion designer for us and turned herself into a good and loving housewife of the powerful gangster boss in Gangnam district.

"I still loves your tattoo even if I seen them a countless times." She said while tracing the outline of my beautiful butterfly tattoo in my left arms and recently I asked for a new tattoo which written Jessica, Jihoon and Jisoo's initial in my right arms and turned into a wondeful artwork I had working as fearless gangster which I grown up since young.

"But the tattoo with all of your names was more beautiful than my butterfly one." I whispered back kissing her forehead before my huge buddy intrudes her sacred hole.

"Aaahhhh, you're huge." She groaned from a sudden intrusion inside her tight walls.

"I love the way you moan tonight." Her wife whimpers from too much pleasure given.

"Stop talking smoothly at me it doesn't work now as you always say them everytime we made love." She knows me very well and I fucking loved it.

"What's wrong? I'm just saying this only for my wife because you had my eyes, soul, heart and lips with you."

"You forgot your body its all mine too."

"Yeah, that one too because I knew how you loves my buddy that much!" She slapped my arms from embarrasent but I only chuckle in response before I fucked her hard to quickly released and reached her awaited climax.

"AHHHH!!!! I FUCKING LOVE YOU KIM TAEYEON!!!" She fucking cum hard on my buddy while it was twitching inside and still shooting the white semen in her womb.

"I love you Kim Jessica."

"I love you too fucking Kim!"

The end.

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