She Wolf

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Title: She Wolf
Genre: Romance
Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

Taeyeon was a famous player of town whom spend nights with different woman and Jessica was a wolf in a human-form to be exact, they're secretly married under the full moon after they're having a sexual intercourse as a promise to bear another generation of Alpha where Jessica belongs. On the night when the player accidentally and obliviously having a one night stand with the wolf princess makes her involved into a huge trouble regarding what kind of a woman she's been spending her night with, Jessica's father threatened her if she didn't take responsibility over his daughter whom she take away the virginity on that unfateful day, she felt horrored by the mention of marriage as if she could do anything about it that she accepted the offer with a heavy broken heart knowing that she would be restrained in fucking woman unless it was Jessica, the sly wolf princess took the chances to savored her wife every night satisfying her after she arrived home not every seconds passed into her hands without having sex with Taeyeon. The player stopped coming into her usual place called nightclub, spending with a few shots with another woman was not on her list so far and usually spends her off haunting flesh inside the forest with her so-called wife since it's a haunting season for her kind. Taeyeon set-up the tent for them to stayed the night after Jessica finished her business throughout the lone forest leaving her alone, thankfully she had her phone and played when she felt bored, her wife came almost midnight with a satisfy look on her face knowing she ate a bunch of prey out there for God who knows how much. Jessica felt unsatisfied and craves for other way to satisfy her hunger so she decided to give it a shot to make love with her wife at least fought for her boredom, as much Taeyeon wants to she was sleepy but the stubborn princess jumped on her that she couldn't move a body underneath her wife's hunger for her body.


"I'm getting tired, Sica could we please stop for awhile I felt sore down there and my body as well." Taeyeon begged with a tiredness from her cracking voice but Jessica seems not hearing her plead and continue to attack her neck down to her collarbone.

"ENOUGH! I'M GETTING TIRED OF YOU LUSTY PERVERT WOMAN AND I DON'T FUCKING CARE IF YOUR KIND HAUNT TO KILL ME THEN JUST DO IT SO I COULD DIE PEACEFULLY WITHOUT TORTURING ME LIKE THIS, I WAS TOO FED UP WITH YOUR FUCKING ATTITUDE JESSICA I REGRET THIS MARRIAGE!" Taeyeon spatted her unbearable disappointment towards her wife that she reached her limits a few times, she picked up her scattered clothes leaving Jessica crying alone.


Another night spend at the club, Taeyeon went home unstable thanks to the alcohol kicking in inside her system, she walked wobbly letting her hands found the wall to support her body, she couldn't count how many bottles of beer she drunk for a night that nearly killed her head for too much pain, she's too surprisingly frustrated over her lack of satisfaction from her wife's touch that she replayed her intimate session with Jessica but her wife was nowhere to be found seeing her closet empty without a word or two before leaving her in agony. She misses the sex moreover her wife's beautiful face she oftenly seen every morning she woke up naked on their bed. She regret everything she have said before and now she's willing to chase her wife back knowing how she put her own life at stake facing the whole Alpha with only a piece of her little weak body due to lack of exercise nowadays. She was determined to bring Jessica with her at their home but maybe she should face the worse nightmare she'll be having soon after she dealt with the elder wolf whom she called father-in-law.

"You can do it, Taeyeon even if you have a slim chance to get home in one piece at least you've tried your very best." Taeyeon sighed heavily after she cheered for herself and also prayed for her life being spare by her father.

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