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Title: Whisper

Genre: Romance, Fluff

Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

I noticed how she looks me in a very unusual way like everybody, I felt something strange everytime she's around, she's odd I must say. I practiced my vocal alot during my spare time in the auditorium while she was on the basketball team despite of her not so average height, she's quite very impressive when she play seriously and act like the captain on her team, well, she's doing well as a scholar even her grades was too good to be true unlike me, I'm hopeless when it comes to academic, I'm just a pathetic average kid. Well, were talking about my senior, Kim Taeyeon who was the only one who gave nothing but a cold shoulder despite were not even close to give me such a rude attitude.

"Are you walking home by yourself?" Oh god, did I heard right? She's talking with me right now so I looked up to the owner of the voice and there was my senior who had an adorable expression, I want to seek for help but seeing no single soul was there to rescue me since its already past 7pm, I was stucked in the council meeting and my close friends already gone home by now.

"I'm not gonna eat you alive." She added by a cold tone in her voice, she must be disappointed through my actions.

"Its not like that sunbae, I was just surprise." Wrong move!

"Oh, I think I scared you by the way I gave you a silent treatment, right? Honestly, I was just being shy around you Miss Jung." She confessed with a blush on her face and avoided my gaze.

"S-Sorry? You're shy? But why?" What a dumb questions you've got Jung Sooyeon. Great!

"I like you." And my mind went black all of a sudden, how could someone like me? I'm not even gorgeous like Tiffany Hwang, our cheerleader captain, I possessed the most outdated fashion style in campus even wearing weird black frame glasses, I carried weird stuffs with me like voodoo dolls, creepy skull head, well I'm loving some creepy stuffs.

"Hello? Are you still there Miss Jung?" She waved her hand infront of my surprise face while I'm still spacing out.

"Well, I'm surprise with your confession senior Kim."

"Drop your honorifics Miss Jung were not even a stranger right now if I may add. I'm Kim Taeyeon from class 4-A majoring in Business." She offers her hand for a friendly handshake and I hesistates to take it but in the end I gladly accepted it.

"S-Senior... I mean Taeyeon..."

"Yes that's right because I love hearing your voice." She smile dorkily at me and carried my books with her pulling me up to stand.

"Thank you."

"I should walk you home its already dark in the way to your dormitory, I've got some eyes to watch me over." She gestured her personal bodyguards tailing behind us, well, she's the countey President's daughter. Yes, you read it right, she's the charming and elegant woman who always seen in TV, heard from the radio and the articles about her spread all over the newspaper and social medias because of her charisma.

"Sorry for bothering you Taeyeon." I still speak carefully at her but never got to the point I'm staring to her eyes because I hope she didn't looking at me like I was kind of a prey. I cleared my throat trying to be prank at her intention of approaching me.

"I know you're still wondering why I approach you when nobody was watching us because I like it that way." She said smoothly while running her finger into her short gray hair, she's very much attractive in my opinion.

"You're really something."

"I know you like watching me from afar well it made me off guard when I see how you carefully observing me." She's very creepy like she was stalking me alot these days, I must be careful around her from now on.

"I'm not stalking you, okay? I'm just---"

"Don't forget that I'm still your fiance so we need to know each other and now I'm being friendly towards you because now I realized something about you." She seems so shy right now because she scratch the back of her neck and not looking at me while she speak.

"And what did you realize?"

"That you're still beautiful from afar and even upclose." Now, she gripped my shoulder to make me face her before she leaned in for a simple kiss creating fireworks inside me.

"There, I stole your first kiss and no one could take away what's mine, I saw how Yuri latching into you like a leech so I must be cautious when she's around you." She wrapped her arms around me possessively and I couldn't protest because I'm liking it very much since the first day our parents decided to set us up into an arrange marriage, she caught my attention but she's very against with the setup because she had a girlfriend before who named Tiffany Hwang and it sadden me that I gave a huge distance between us starting then. After a year, they broke up because Tiffany was cheating behind her with Sooyoung but she was a very sports person so she let her go easily that I didn't even know she slowly falling into me, that's what Tiffany was telling me.

"Sleep tight and sweet dreams." She pushed me inside the dormitory entrance but before I could took another step I decided to turned around and gave her a soft whisper.

"Be careful in your way home sunbae." I kissed her cheek made her blushed madly.

"I told you not to call me sunbae anymore but a baby, darling or honey will do." She whisper but I still clearly heard them well as I was smiling from ear to ear while walking into my room.

I hastily run into the veranda that overlooking the view outside, I open the sliding door and decided to scream my hearts out due to happiness. I saw her walking away from my dormitory with her bodyguards before she dance dorkily.

"I like you too Kim sunbaenim!" I yelled outside the neighborhood before I quickly closed the door and get inside laughing like a mad woman, I know she'll looked at my window and definitely she knew it was me.

"Pabo." Taeyeon whisper to herself and smile before walking her way.

The end.

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