Flower Power

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Title: Flower Power
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Characters: Taeyeon & Tiffany (main), Sooyoung & Jessica

SM Academy is one of the most prestigious all-girls school attended by wealthy and arrogant students and as a normal yet simple scholar, Tiffany Hwang never once affected by their bullying towards her, she distance herself from them and occupied herself through study instead having a straight A+, she's too satisified living by herself alone with only Jessica by her side. Jessica Jung is the only daughter of one of the most influential political figures of South Korea, she's been living with a silver spoon on her mouth and definitely inherited by a goddess like beauty, she's befriending Tiffany because she's true to herself not a fake one so she started to be with her instead. The students were awed when another famous kid in town entered the campus with her expensive black Ferrari sports car, she's none other than Kim Taeyeon, she's known to be Jessica's fiancee when media announces through internet as well as televisions even radio etc. but little did they know that they had relationship with someone else but pretended to be a happy couple infront of everybody. Everyone would freak out of they knew that their adorable Kim Taeyeon dated Hwang Tiffany while Jessica was with Choi Sooyoung, the campus badass but indeed richer than her.

"How's your day, Sica?" Taeyeon greeted as soon her eyes spotted her fake fiance alongside with her beloved secret girlfriend who stares at her shyly.

"Well, aside from ruining my mood, my day was far from what I expected to be, did you see Sooyoung? I haven't seen her since yesterday." Jessica clinged at Taeyeon's arm showing their fake affection but Tiffany dislike it so much even though they all agreed because of the public image given to them.

"Probably pick another nonsense fight, what else do you think?" Taeyeon said bluntly earning a slapped on her poor arm.

"Just dropped me by at our classroom since their suspicious eyes couldn't stop peeking on us." Taeyeon got the signal and walked fast but unfortunately Tiffany couldn't followed behind them.

"Tired?" Tiffany heard Sooyoung's voice behind as she was offered by a bottled water and almost emptied the bottle in one go.

"Yeah, lack of exercise." Tiffany answered while fixing her crumpled uniform.

"Are you tired being hidden? Because I'm too tired from seeing them together, you know sooner we might be surprise about their wedding." Sooyoung blurted out made Tiffany felt uncomfortable since the topic was involving their lovers which was partly true, she sometimes wanted to be freed herself from Taeyeon but knowing how she deeply falling inlove with her was inevitable that she chooses to stay by her side no matter how deeply hurt she was, she feel Sooyoung.

"Sometimes but when I'm thinking about Taetae leaving me behind makes me more devastated than I thought I wasn't." Tiffany heard her heavily sighed with her honest answer.

"Guess what?" Sooyoung said seriously caught Tiffany's immediate attention.


"I will breaking up with Jung today." Sooyoung announced with a hint of sadness from her voice.


A whole day went so passed after Jessica humiliated by Sooyoung's rudely behavior announcing their break up just like nothing happened but her image already ruined by her. The blonde sobbing hard at Taeyeon's arms knowing how painful day her bestfriend had, she wanted to punch Sooyoung but the latter not letting her for she didn't like her to be hurt, the most dumbest excuse Taeyeon have heard slipped from her mouth.

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