We Don't Talk Anymore

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Title: We Don't Talk Anymore
Genre: Romance, Angst
Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

Another slow days, Jessica almost spend her summer unproductive with her lying on her day locking herself inside her confinement while her little sister spend her vacation with her friends out of town, Mr. and Mrs. Jung were much worried over their eldest daughter's behavior since she arrived at home after college semester end and now two weeks had gone still no good progress from her. She usually fumbled over their home phone, hesitating to make a call to someone and lazily get herself to a deep sleep with a heavy heart most of the time, she had no appetite at night, her mind was too occupied with someone that she usually stare to nowhere with a deep thought.

"We're done!" Jessica yelled slamming door infont of her lovers' shocked face. She stormed inside her dormitory room making herself succumbed underneath the thick blanket and wetting the mattress with her own tears until she woke up forming a dark circles under her swollen eyes but she still attending her class nonetheless.

"Jessi, I don't want to meddle in your lovelife but I think you have to talk with him at least let Taeyeon explain himself furtherly, you haven't talked to him for almost half a month." Tiffany, her bestfriend coaxed while spending their leisure time into the campus garden while she's reading her favorite novel. She eyed the talking girl beside her and rolled her eyes, Jessica continued reading every lines that had effect on her after the break up with her 3 years boyfriend, Taeyeon, a typical playboy.

"I don't want to talk to him anymore." Words she's been repeatedly reasoned to Tiffany but her heart always betrayed because she hold the urge to let her ego down for once.

"He's walking towards our direction, Jessi!" Tiffany mumbled as she covered her face with a geometry book on her own hand while Jessica stay rooted without paying attention to his presence but to her dismay he only passed by without sparing a glance at her as well, he pisses her off.

"Ouch that hurts!" Tiffany teased once the guy was out of sight made Jessica glared at her, she walked out immediately not letting her loud bestfriend spare another words that will pain her.

Jessica stared blankly through her window outside holding her chin by her palm watching people passed by their streets, looking happy with their vacation while she's spending inside the room that used to be her newly found bestfriend. She rejected all calls from her friends even Tiffany who contact her for almost a hundred times a day but she don't want anyone else except for him to gave a call at least, she misses his voice, touch, kiss and smile that she's longing for. If she wasn't play stupid over her jealousy they both at least spending their summer together, naked in bed, strolling around Seoul or eating somewhere in downtown.

"Honey, you have a visitor downstairs, hurry up!" Jessica groaned as she forces herself to climbed off from her bed, she fix her hair into a bun and wears her appropriate clothes to meet the uninvited visitor that she had no idea who it was, she's sure it wasn't Tiffany since the girl fly to California last week for vacation even Sunny, her roommate, was out for summer as well.

"Oh, finally you're here you sloth child. Taeyeon is here to pick you up so wear something nice, honey." Mrs. Jung exclaimed happily since she finally saw Jessica outside her almost cave and gladly her boyfriend was here picked her up but unknown to her, they're already broke up two months ago.

"Mom we're out probably an hour!" Jessica informed as soon as the former couple walked outside the house.

"Oh, don't worry I'm fine even you spend a night with him." Mrs. Jung winked at her daughter who watched her mother in disbelief before turning around with Taeyeon walked first followed by her.

The former couple walked side by side without sparing a single words from their almost dried throat, Taeyeon put his both hands into his pocket jeans while Jessica mirrored his action. They silently checking each other from their peripheral vision once the other was busy staring to nowhere, the awkward silence killing them both but no one try their luck to with one another, it would be totally awkward because they we're now exes. She cleared her throat catching his attention finally but failed to take the first move, she's fidgetting and Taeyeon's tongue itching to talk with his ex.

"Frappe." Taeyeon mumbled while he bravely took her hand with him dragging her along into a nearby cafe at the park while the blonde almost tripped into her feet to his sudden action.

"How are you?" Jessica finally initiate an awkward conversation with him as soon she found the perfect timing after spending an hour sipping their coffee at the corner of the cafe.

"Seriously? You're asking me that question?" Taeyeon scoffed putting down his cup into the table but Jessica not moved by his action.

"I'm opening up a decent talk with you so at least answer me kindly." Jessica remarks a sarcastic one rolling her eyes before sipping their favorite frappe.

"I guess I'm not fine after our break up." Taeyeon sighed heavily as he sadly looked into her eyes.

"You guess?" Jessica huffed.

"I'm not fine, happy?" He snorted at his former lover who gave him a cold glare but he didn't care at all.

"S-Sorry." She swallowed her pride looking at him with sad eyes until their eyes meet halfway.

"I should be the one who's sorry, Sica." Taeyeon confessed and places his hand over Jessica's one.

"Let's take it slow, shall we?" Jessica smiled at him and he nodded happily.

"I'll wait, let me take you home." Taeyeon smiled while took her hand and place them inside his coat pocket.

"It's too early and I haven't walk outside since our semester end." Jessica shyly admitted made him chuckled abit.

"Okay, honestly I'm dying not to talk with you and we both spend our summer inside our room." He laughed followed by Jessica and walked outside the cafe with a smile on their faces.

The end.

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