Time Walking Through Memories

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Title: Time Walking Through Memories
Genre: Romance, Angst
Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica


I drove my Porsche Boxster in slow pace from Seoul to Jeonju where I passed through city lights reminiscing the memories where I used to share with someone dear to me but now we've been apart from each other but she always had my heart with her never seeing for a long time I decided to loosen up for awhile and went back home where I grew up together with her. I stopped over at the convenience store and buy some refreshments and some light snacks for myself so I could lasts for a long drive, I noticed something on one of the empty table nearby the store window, a sticky note saying "Follow you heart". I slipped out a small smile from my face before I proceed into the counter and felt how those words remember by my heart, I pay for my food and jumped on my Boxster so I could started to hit the road again.

After a few more minutes of endless driving, I rest for awhile at my favorite spot where I could clearly see stars at night, I inhaled the scent of the cold night breeze, more cars passing by and more memories flooded my mind as I suddenly the image of her face appeared when I could happily smile from the thoughts of us being together not just as a friend but lovers. She used to share her pencil with me in kindergarten days, I used to be her knight in shining armor when we stepped in middle school and used to secretly skipped our classes during our college days when we caught several times by the dean. I smiled at the memories all over again and then I noticed the time passed by so fast that I had to drive again so I could finally rest on my old bed where she had to sleep over at my place but before I could turn on the engine I noticed the same sticky notes from the store posted in the waiting shed saying "Just let your heart takes you where home was" after I read a simple message I climbed back on my car and revved up.

"Ah, I couldn't wait to get back home." I drive fast like a pro where I handle the steering wheel in one hand and the other leans on my head for support, I smile throughout my long journey when I remember memories of us driving along with her music played and blasted in my car. She dance gracefully in the beat of her favorite jam while I'm watching her waving her both hands up in the air, I felt my heart beats fast everytime she secretly glances at me with those beautiful brown eyes. She continue her random dancing until we arrived at the beach where we enjoyed our short vacation trip finally had freedom with ourselves, just the two of us enjoying semestral break. She clumsily thrown her sandals on the sand as she runs through the shore, I picked them up but soon followed by her white crop top was thrown on my face and her short jeans on my feet which I viewed her beautiful body and curves with her purple bikini on, thankfully, the beach wasn't crowded at all so we settled on the secluded part of the place. I only watched her from afar as I neatly placed our stuffs at a certain spot where my eyes could reached her, she waved her hand at me gesturing me to come over but I waved no at her because I don't want to left our things here and I remember how her lips formed in a cute pout from my rejection.

"Finally I'm only meters away from home." I mumble as I finally spotted the welcome arch of our small village.

The welcome arch serves our landmark when we lost in the forest as we camped at the age of 10. I remember her crying on our way because its already dark when we lost our way and our flashlight was running out of battery but thankfully I had a spare one, she clings into me throughout our little journey but she couldn't stopped her sobs and as a month older kid I comfort her and gave her my pack of gummies which I always carried around with me, well, my favorite. At the moment when I needed to be brave for her and becomes her knight in shining armor but the unfateful encounter we had with a wild boar, we run for our lives until our feet hurts from running fast and right then we spotted the same arch we used to remember means were safe. When we finally lost the boar and were already on the highway, she immediately jumped into me and whispered "thank you" before she placed a kiss on my redden cheeks as she let her feet touches the ground and walked ahead leaving a dumbfounded me. As I reached the arch I noticed a huge sign saying "Go straight ahead and you'll find love", what an odd day for me to read something unusual on my way but nonetheless I had to probably get home by now for someone was waiting for me.

"Finally I'm home!" I cheered before I turned off my car engine as I noticed how our home changed through the years I never visited. I stepped down from my car and walked ahead until I'm infront of our doorstep where I remember how we shared our first ever kiss. We were young back then and never thought we exprienced puppy love at early age. I smiled at the memories of being inlove with the same girl I dream of and right until now I'm still happily inlove with her, we promised to wait for each other. I turned the knob after a few times of hesitating, I saw nothing but darkness inside until I pressed the switch on and the lights finally open watching how the furnitures were still on the same place when I left them after I celebrated our anniversary alone almost a year ago.

"Its always the same pain I've felt everytime I pretend that you're still the one putting signs on my way home like how you did when you proposed to me 5 years ago but remembering how silly I am putting them alone so I could only thought you're still waiting for me at our lovely home it made me feel sad you arent here anymore, you're so unfair yet so selfish Sica-yah!" I felt my tears burned my eyes and felt my knees getting weak at the memories I used to had with you but now its only plain memories that I must forgotten through years you decided to left me. Those painful memories I had in my heart turned into deepest scars in my soul and once, I remember again the times how you fought alone with your severe stage cancer and kept it secretly from me, everything on my way home were all lies because I kept on pretending its always you waiting for me right here.

"You're still the sweetest girl I've ever met Sica-ah." I mumble in between my silent sobs as I tightly held our old photo together on the same old days you wear your beautiful white dress.

"I'm finally home sweetheart." I whispered as I remember how my dearest wife wanted me to called her the sweetest endearment from me.

"The place where my heart truly belongs." I added as I tearfully smiled at the beautiful white urn placed at the top of the chimney across me.

"Finally you're here with me Taeyeon." I finally grown accustomed with your sweet whispers yet cold presence inside our lovely home everytime my eyes were tightly shut closed.

"Thank you for coming home again."

The end.

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